Creating a Focal Point: The Heart of Your Design

August 15, 2024
Family Photo in canvas

A focal point is the star of your design, the element that captures attention and draws the eye.

Whether decorating a room, designing a website, or creating a piece of art, a strong focal point is essential for creating visual interest and guiding the viewer’s gaze. Here’s how to create one.  

Understanding Your Space Before you start, consider your space’s overall purpose and style. What mood are you trying to create? What is the function of the room or design? These factors will help you determine the best type of focal point.

Choosing Your Focal Point The focal point can be anything from a piece of art to a large window or architectural feature. Here are some common choices:  

  • Artwork: A striking painting, sculpture, or photograph can be a powerful focal point.
  • Furniture: A large piece of furniture, like a fireplace or built-in bookcase, can also be a focal point.  
  • Architectural Features: Unique architectural elements, such as a vaulted ceiling or exposed brick wall, can be highlighted.
  • View: If you have a beautiful view, maximize its impact by creating a focal point around it.

Balancing Your Design

Once you’ve chosen your focal point, it’s essential to balance the rest of your design around it. Use contrasting colors, textures, and shapes to emphasize the focal point. However, avoid overwhelming the space with too many competing elements.  

Using Scale and Proportion

The size of your focal point should be appropriate for the space. A small focal point in a large room can get lost, while a significant focal point in a small room can feel overwhelming. Pay attention to the scale and proportion of all elements in the room to create a harmonious look.


Proper lighting can dramatically enhance your focal point. Highlight the focal point with directed light, such as a spotlight or wall sconce. Dim the overall lighting in the room to create a more dramatic effect.

Negative Space

Surrounding your focal point with negative space can make it stand out even more. This means leaving space around it, allowing the eye to rest and appreciate the focal point.  

Experiment and Refine

Creating a focal point is an iterative process. Experiment with different arrangements and lighting until you achieve the desired effect. Feel free to make changes and refine your design as you go.

Following these tips can create a focal point that transforms your space and captivates your audience. Remember, balance, contrast, and a clear purpose are critical to a thriving focal point.