Travel camel poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Travel camel poster with frame

Camels are popular animals since ancient times. They are famous among desert travelers as camels can endure harsh environmental conditions. Camels are also known to symbolize prosperity, affluence, love, and success. A poster art that will create a vibrant room atmosphere and will likewise remind you to focus on your goals to be successful in life.

Giraffe Back side view poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Giraffe Back side view poster with frame

A magnificent poster that features one of the interesting animals. Giraffes are known for their unique appearance. With their long necks, they were able to survive the wild. The animal also symbolizes the ability to see the future and obtain unreachable things. Do not underestimate the giraffes as they can be swift and powerful when provoked.

Turtle ball poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Turtle ball animal poster

The turtle is one of the animals with endurance, longevity, persistence, and continuation of life. This is a beautiful poster art that will help create a statement to your home. Ideal to be added on the walls of the kids’ rooms, it will help your child in learning more about the interesting reptile.

A Touch Of Nature With Ohara Koson

Two Peacocks on Tree Branch poster in interior

Ohara Koson is one of the popular printmakers for kacho-e in the 20th century. Kacho-e is the Japanese term for prints of birds and flowers. A well-known painter and woodblock print designer, he was able to create around 500 prints. 

A brief biography of the artist

Ohara Koson was born in 1877 in Kanazawa in Ishikawa Prefecture in the North of Japan. He was originally called Ohara Matao and studied Japanese painting under Suzuki Koson. In 1904, he made Russo-Japanese war prints. However, during these times the popularity of the art of ukiyo-e is slowly dwindling. In contrast with the prints with scenes of the Sino-Japanese War, these were sold out within the day. 10 years, later, fans of the art became less and were eventually replaced by photography.

The art of Ohara Koson

Many viewers and fans of Ohara Koson would oftentimes compare the prints of birds and animals with those of watercolor art. The kacho-e of Ohara Koson was performed with expertise and a high degree of craftsmanship. This is observed through the details seen in the bird’s plumage. 

Over the years, the artist used different signatures and seals such that the exact dating of his prints is difficult to determine. Many experts believe that the prints were made after 1923, the year after the great earthquake in Japan. 

Shin Hanga artists

In addition to being a popular artist, Ohara Koson was also known for being a teacher at the Tokyo School of Fine Arts. One of his American colleagues, Ernest Fenellosa, convinced him to make woodblock prints in traditional style. As such, his first flower and bird prints in the tanzaku format were published by Matsuki Heikichi. 

In 1926, Ohara Koson continued the design of kacho-e prints and most of these were published by Watanabe Shozaburo. Watanabe was the one who initiated the Shin Hanga movement. Almost all of the prints of Ohara Koson were exported to the USA. This was the time that Japan had lost its sense of traditional values. 

Bring the art into your home

Giving your home a touch of nature is one of the best ways to make it look vibrant and refreshing. Framed posters of sceneries are one of the most common ways of achieving the goal. We all know that having a view of nature in our homes offers lots of benefits in terms of the ambiance and health. 

Sometimes, having a personalized wall art of nature could boost the overall appearance of the interior. Philippine sceneries are usually displayed to give the interior an ample amount of shades of green. On the other hand, some owners would like to be unique with other nature-inspired art. The art of Ohara Koson is old in terms of the age of the art. However, they evoke a modern touch that is perfect with any interior design style. In fact, your home does not need to have that Asian look so that you can display the art of Koson. 

The hues and shades seen in the images are rather subtle and will not overwhelm the style that your home has. Moreover, they can be displayed in any room, from the bedroom to the kitchen. If you are looking for a cool way to spruce up your room, then the art of Ohara Koson will give the look that will make your decorating project a success. 

Pops Of Colors As Inspired By Paul Klee

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Paul Klee was a German-Swiss artist born in 1879 who fell in love with colors and tones. You may have seen some of his works and they can be described as child-like, simple, and can be appreciated by all ages and levels. His paintings are also rich in geometric forms and shapes. Some of his works can even be used to help kids in their learnings, such as letters, animals, and numbers. Some are in abstract form and can be used to add colors and design to your walls. 

The use of warm and cool colors

Over the years, colors are used to make any space look attractive. There are different types of colors and you can check the color wheel for references. Colors can also be divided into two groups, cool and warm colors. Warm colors are fun and exciting and can make you think of sunlight and heat. These are orange, yellow, and red, and a combination makes the team of warm colors. 

On the other hand, cool colors are blue, green, and purples. These colors are calming and sooting. If your want your bedroom to have that ambiance that is perfect for resting and sleeping, then cool colors are a perfect choice.  

Tones what are they

Tones are created by adding neutral colors such as white, gray, or black. These colors, when added to primary or secondary colors alter their lightness. If you are on a decorating project, remember that darker colors help you to bring light color more in focus. 

Who inspired Paul Klee

Paul Klee was known as an avid reader and lover of music. With his paintings filled with shapes and colors, they are rich with rhythm motivated by the modulations of Mozart and Bach or even the cadence of poems by Apollinaire and Rilke. Klee was also inspired by the art of kids as well as those who are suffering from psychological disorders. Their art was regarded as a pure form of expression. In 1914, during a trip to Tunisia with Macke and Louis Moilliet, Klee was deeply inspired. As a result, his artworks were added with the rich color palette and distinctive language of mystical symbols.

One of the most important personalities who have inspired Klee was Kandinsky. He is considered to be the godfather of abstraction along with the other members of the Munich-based group, Macke, Marc, Alexej von Jawlensky. In addition to these, the lyrical patterns and transcendent color palette of Robert Delaunay also affected Paul Klee. 

What’s so special about Paul Klee

Paul Klee was one of the prominent artists in the 1900s. He is known for changing the course of modern art. As a passionate artist, he was also one of the artists who have influenced younger generations of artists. Remember the time when painting became less popular, it surged again because of the influences of Paul Klee. His works can be considered to be unconventional as it encompasses almost any style like the art created by disabled people and practitioners of the occult.

Bring The Scandinavian Tradition To Your Home With Christmas Gnomes

Cute gnome poster in interior

Just like Santa Claus and Rudolph the reindeer, there are other characters that complete the Christmas spirit. Though they are not that much mentioned in films, books, or comics, Christmas gnomes are popular among the Scandinavian countries. 

Gnomes are believed to be nature spirits that live underground. They are likewise fond of interacting with humans and can be both helpful and mischievous. In Scandinavia, gnomes are closely associated with Christmas and have the role just like the American Santa. In Norway, the gnomes are called Nisse. 

The Scandinavian gnomes

Scandinavian gnomes are similar to what we have read in any Western book. They are bearded creatures and are oftentimes considered to be mischievous domestic spirits. Gnomes are believed to be responsible for the welfare and protection of a farm.

Some Scandinavians also believe that gnomes came from the soul of the first person to own the farm. The spirit creature then continues to take care of the farm.

Scandinavian gnomes rose from the imaginations of the people who wanted to feel less lonely during the cold months of winter. As many know, fams in the region are isolated, and that people experience dark and long winters. Gnomes are then associated with pranks and mischiefs. However, there’s the other side of the story when gnomes are scary. They are known to have the capacity to kill livestock and destroy the fortune of the family. 

What do gnomes look like?

Most gnomes look like short and old men. They have long white or gray beards with bright red caps on their heads. Depending on where gnomes live, the outfits also differ. For instance, gnomes living in the stables usually wear gray clothes and those living in the house appear neater with blue and dark green attire. Gnomes also know magic and how to cast illusions or make themselves invisible. 

Gnomes in Sweden

Swedish gnomes are sometimes called Nisse but are more commonly called Tomte. Swedes also believe that gnomes take care of farmers and their homes. They are known for living in solitude and about 2 feet in height. They also possess incredible strength and hate people with a lack of respect or even lazy farmers. 

According to legends, Swedish gnomes are caring for children and help with fortune if you are good to them. They are also active at night especially when the homeowners are asleep. They also love to do various things around the house and hate it when people interfere with their tasks. During Christmas, it is recommended to leave a bowl of Christmas porridge so that they will reward you with gifts. 

Scandinavian Christmas gnomes

In Western countries, Santa Claus is one of the most important people. However, Scandinavians believe that gnomes do the majority of the work during the season. Norwegian Christmas gnomes help in safeguarding the animals throughout the year. It is also important to leave a bowl of Christmas porridge on Christmas eve for them to become your friend. Just like Santa, gnomes also bring gifts to children on Christmas eve. 

A Brief History Of Zodiac Signs – The Story Behind Your Stars

Personalized Zodiac Sagittarius poster in interior

By definition, zodiac signs are the imaginary belt of the heavens that contains the 12 constellations. These are called the signs of the zodiac. They usually contain pictures of animals, human figures, others, and are associated with the constellations and signs. Over the years, these signs have been used for some predictions that are based on the movement of the stars. The truth is that stars do not move, and it is our planet that rotates and revolves around the sun. But of course, this has been studied since ancient times and still kept us wondering about the mysteries of space. 

The use of the stars

Astrology has been used to search for answers, signs, and predictions and is based on the movements of the celestial bodies. Over the years, there have been debates about whether astrology is science itself. History has shown that humans have looked up at the stars to plan their lives. Since ancient times, different civilizations have used celestial bodies as a calendar. Stars are even used by travelers as a compass to know the direction where they need to go. 

The origins of the zodiac signs

People have turned to the stars for answers. This notion has been going on since we don’t know when. Nature has influenced humans in different ways. Archaeological excavations have revealed that cave paintings show that animals and things can be imbued as some kind of spirit form that influences humans. 

In Ancient China, people viewed eclipses and sunspots as harbingers of good or bad times for their emperor. Even the Sumerians and Babylonians also have divination practices. Their observations of the planets and stars were their way of keeping track of the whereabouts of their gods. It was the ancient Egyptians that gave the idea that patterns of stars make up constellations. 

The 12 signs of the zodiac

It was during the Ancient Greek period that the 12 zodiac signs became popular just like the ones we are familiar with these days. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces, These zodiac signs were named after constellations and matched with dates based on their placement in the sky. 

By 1500 BC, the Babylonians had divided the zodiac into 12 equal signs and are similar to the zodiac signs we know today. These were later on incorporated into Greek divination. It was the astronomer Ptolemy who helped popularize the 12 zodiac signs. 

The difference between astrology and astronomy

Over the years, people have considered astrology to be similar to astronomy. An example is Johannes Kepler who studied the movement of the planets, is also considered to be an astrologer. Sir Isaac Newton used mathematics in studying the motion of the planets. This was then the advent of the scientific approach to looking at the sky and the motion of the planets and the earth. This was the point when astronomy was known to be part of science and astrology was not a science.

The Role Of Posters In Education

Nursery Kiddie Alphabet Poster

According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” A good education will hone a child and the result can be astonishing. The key element to education is knowledge. Besides knowledge of certain subjects, education helps and trains us to build our opinions and have our own points of view on different matters. You don’t only learn the content of the books or the topics that the educators teach. Students also learn the most important lesson… the lesson of life. 

Over the years, educational institutions have created ways to help the learning of young minds. It is important for educators to have learning and teaching methodologies to properly instruct the students. Teachers also need materials to help them as well as the students in their classroom activities. The use of posters is one of the most commonly used visual aids in the classroom. It is an effective way to instill in the minds of students the lessons given by the teachers. Read on to learn more about the role of posters in the classroom. 

Influence student behavior with posters

Students are easily influenced by their surroundings. Studies also revealed that the appearance of the classroom has significant effects on the behavior of the learners. This is where the use of posters comes in. The display of attractive posters in the classroom will help create a pleasing environment that will be conducive to learning. In addition to these, the right posters can encourage good attendance and active participation in class. 

Active participation with interactive posters

One of the best ways to encourage student participation is to increase the activities in which they have to be involved. One of the ingenious ways to encourage active student participation is to use post-it notes. Posters can be modified by the addition of removable post-it notes. Invite students to write what they have learned on the post-it note and stick them on the poster. This activity helps reinforce the lesson for the day. 

Remind safety in the classroom with posters

The display of safety posters is one of the creative ways to enforce safe classroom practices. It is also a fact that teachers may benefit from the posters. A well-organized classroom carries little risk, thus making it safe for the kids and letting you teach more effectively. Display posters that remind about health and standard health protocols. These will be very effective especially during these times of pandemic.

Posters that show classroom rules

Rules are needed everywhere. These are to maintain everything in order. Posters that feature classroom rules will help both the teachers and learners with behavioral expectations. These are likewise effective visual aids if the need arises. 

Display these posters in a spot where students can easily see them. The posters may also be displayed on bulletin boards. Limit the text content so that kids will easily understand them. It is also recommended to use infographics to make the posters more appealing. 

More posters for learning

Over the years, posters have been used for different reasons. In the classroom, posters can totally help in the learning of kids. Young ones love colorful images that will remain in their minds. Images of animals, plants, flowers, and the alphabet are of great help in establishing the fundamentals of life for the students. 

Personalize Your Bedroom With Posters

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Bedroom is a special place for every household member. It is where you can have rest and relax from the daily routine and forget about your worries. Since it is your personal sanctuary, it needs interesting decor to make the atmosphere inviting and relaxing. There is a wide range of decors that will make the necessary transformation. While choosing the right bedroom decor, you need to consider several factors, such as room size, furniture pieces, and wall colors. 

The decors you choose can instantly change the beauty of your bedroom. This is the reason why you need to plan carefully before adding any poster. Themes may vary and are available in various designs. The most important aspect in choosing the right design is how they combine with the interior design style of the whole room. Choose the poster design that will stand out or will enhance the overall design of your bedroom. Here are some ideas that you can employ when decorating the bedroom with posters.

Floral prints

Floral prints are always safe to use. However, different flowers evoke different kinds of energy. Experts suggest not to have complete freedom when choosing the type of flower. There are flowers that are appropriate for the bedroom. Here are some examples:

  • The cherry blossom represents freshness and innocence and is ideal for newlywed couples. 
  • Peony Flowers are known to attract love, romance, and warmth. However, avoid this flower to couples. 
  • Roses help improve the relationships among the members of the family. 
  • Orchids symbolize love, beauty, and fertility. 
  • Narcissus is the flower that represents career and education as well as good luck and prosperity. 


Landscapes are fantastic poster designs that have been used in both homes and offices. If you are going to use this design in the bedroom, choose the poster the depicts good and calm weather. Images of typhoons, hurricanes, storms, and the likes bring bad vibes to the bedroom. 


The images of animals evoke positive emotions, and the urge to take care of your loved ones. Avoid posters of predators and other aggressive animals. Posters of animals with their partners are also great to display as they bring harmony and balance to your life. 

Abstract art

The good thing about abstract art is its versatility. They suit well in every room including the bedroom. Take into consideration the colors and significance of the art. We understand that sometimes it is difficult to interpret the meaning of abstract art. But that is what makes them amazing. Avoid too bright or too aggressive designs as these will not help you relax in the bedroom. 

Nature-inspired posters

If still not sure what poster to display, go with nature-inspired art. It is a universal theme and the safest design to display in any room. Just like in any theme, it is best to choose calm and placatory images. Posters with cool designs like greenery and botanical prints are proven to calm and relax the mind. On the other hand, posters of different landscapes like mountains and horizons give an impression that the room appears bigger. 

Travel posters

If you are a travel enthusiast, you can bring the adventure to your bedroom. There are many travel posters available in the market. These posters feature the different travel destinations and landmarks around the globe or the country. As such, your bedroom will have a style that will reflect your character and personality. 

Black and white prints

Black and white posters are perfect if you want your bedroom to have that classic and retro appearance. These posters never go out of style and they likewise evoke a minimalist effect. These prints are ideal if you want your bedroom to have that elegant and sophisticated vibe. 

The Colorful World Of Paul Klee

Southern Gardens poster

Paul Klee is a talented artist who has contributed a lot to the world of art. He is also a natural draftsman who experimented with and mastered the color theory and wrote extensively about it. His lectures, Writings on Form and Design Theory, that is published in English as the Paul Klee Notebooks, are considered to be of utmost importance to modern art. Read on to learn more about the life and works of Paul Klee.


Paul Klee (1879-1940) was born in Switzerland and considered to be both a German and Swiss painter. His works were greatly influenced by different movements in art, including expressionism, cubism, and surrealism. He is a natural draftsman whose artworks have shown that he has mastered color theory. 

During his younger years, Paul Klee focused on becoming a musician, but later on decided to concentrate more on the visual arts. As a musician, he played mostly the traditional works of the 18th and 19th centuries. As a visual artist, he enjoyed practicing freedom to explore radical ideas and styles. 

During his school years, he is fond of drawing caricatures and already displaying and already displaying skill with line and volume. He also studied art at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich wherein he excelled at drawing. After receiving his Fine Arts degree, he traveled to Italy along with his friend, Hermann Haller. While traveling, the two studied the master painters of the past centuries. 

For Paul Klee, color represented the optimism and nobility in art, and a hope for relief from the pessimistic nature he expressed in his black-and-white grotesques and satires. By 1905, he was developing some experimental techniques, including drawing with a needle on a blackened pane of glass resulting in 57 works including his Portrait of My Father (1906). He also completed a cycle of eleven zinc-plate etchings called Inventions. 

From 1931 to 1933, Klee taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Dusseldorf. He went back to his hometown when the National Socialists declared his art “degenerate” in 1933. His later works reflected the turmoil in Europe in which they have a somber tone. Lines turned into black bars, forms became broad and generalized, scales are larger, and colors are simpler. 

Methods and Styles

Paul Klee was associated with Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Surrealism, and Abstraction. He usually worked alone to interpret new art trends in how own way. He developed new techniques as he worked in different media including oil paint, watercolor, ink, pastel, etching, and others. He often combined these mediums in one artwork. He also used canvas, burlap, muslin, linen, gauze, cardboard, metal foils, fabric, wallpaper, and newsprint. He also used spray paint, knife application, stamping, glazing, and impasto and mixed media such as oil with watercolor, watercolor with pen and India ink, and oil with tempera. 

With his mastery of color and toes, many of his works combine these skills. Most works have a fragile childlike quality to them and are usually on a small scale. It is also common to see geometric forms and grid format compositions along with letters, numbers, animals, and people. Some of his works are abstract that may reflect dry humor and varying moods, as well as political convictions. His works often allude to poetry, music, and dreams. His later works are distinguished by spidery hieroglyph-like symbols.