Decorate Your Space With Posters

During our teenage years, we have loved decorating our rooms with posters. Whether they are the posters of your favorite band or most-loved films, posters have transformed how our rooms appear. Posters are for everyone, regardless of your age or status. Decorating with posters is a wonderful way to display any artwork on your walls without paying a large amount of cash. When displayed properly, they can make any simple-looking wall into something remarkable. 

Motivate yourself with a poster on your workstation

Work for home is one of the trends these days. Display motivational prints to inspire yourself to be productive. Not only that the poster will look great on your desk, but it can be a wonderful reminder for your to accomplish your goal. 

Create a focal point

Your poster can be the statement of your room as long as they are displayed properly. Choose a large poster for a more impressive look on your wall. This can already be the focal point as long as the other decorative items are simple and muted. 

Movie posters

Still not decided what poster design to add to the walls of your entertainment room? Make it look and feel like a real movie theater with posters of your favorite movies. Look for posters of the same size and arrange them in a layout of your choice. These posters can create interesting wall art and can likewise be a cool topic when your friends visit you. 

Frame your prints

Want to make your posters look elegant? Add a frame as this can transform the appearance of your poster. There are different frames available and you can go with black or white-colored frames. 

Collage them

If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to boost your wall appearance, then create a poster collage. Simply collect all the posters that you love and arrange them in a layout that will cover a part of your wall or even the entire wall. 

Be creative in displaying your prints

There are many ways to display posters aside from using frames or just by sticking them on the walls. Be creative and use different materials such as wooden hangers. These hangers make the posters look more polished and easy to hang. 

Create an Eclectic wall gallery

Since there are different sizes of posters, they are great for making a wall gallery. You can start with your favorite poster design and then layer in more posters with similar colors but different sizes. 

Minimalist look

The trend these days is to go minimal. This interior design style evokes a comfortable and cozy feel. You can still decorate the walls with posters and still evoke the simplicity you love. 

Give your home a touch of nature

Bring the outdoor in with nature-themed posters. Time to bring green into your home even if you do not have indoor plants. Nature-themed prints will easily add a touch of nature and will help create a cool and refreshing vibe. 

Final Thoughts

Decorating with posters is simply amazing. There is no question about what they can do to your walls. There are tons of designs and themes to choose from and they can easily make your wall look appealing and interesting.

Claude Monet – The French Impressionist

The Four Trees poster

Claude Monet is a famous French painter and was also known for the birth of the art movement Impressionism. This is due to his works that have captured light and natural forms. He was born in 1840 in France and studied in Academie Suisse. He suffered from depression, poverty, and illness. Monet died in 1926. 

Early life

Claude Monet was one of the most famous painters in the history of art. He was also known to be the key person in the development of the Impressionist movement. He spent most of his childhood in Normandy where his family moved when he was only five years old. He then developed his passion for art where he started with caricature. He was then encouraged by his father to do painting, which he enrolled in Academie Suisse. After several years of experimenting with different art forms, he met with the Swiss painter, Charles Gleyre and worked with Alfred Sisley, Auguste Renoir, and Frederic Basille. 

Life as an artist

It was known that Claude Monet loved to work outdoors and often with the company of Sisley, Renoir, and Basille. He was also accepted at the Salon of 1865, which was an annual juried art show in Paris. Two of his world were chosen for this event. However, even with the spotlight on him, he still experienced financial struggles. 

Just like many artists, Claude Monet sometimes was not satisfied with his works and has destroyed a number of his paintings. One of his notable works, “Impression, Sunrise” (1873), featured Le Havre’s harbor in the morning fog. The goal of his works was to capture the essence of the natural world with the use of strong colors and bold, short brushstrokes. He also adopted some elements of industry into his landscapes making his works look more contemporary. With this signature in his works, he started to exhibit with the other Impressionists until the 1880s. 

Claude Monet’s personal life

Even his personal life was filled with struggles. During the second pregnancy of his wife, Camille, she succumbed to a deteriorating illness. Claude Monet even painted a portrait of her on her death bed. After the death of Camille, Claude Monet painted a set of paintings, the Ice Drift series. Claude then became romantically involved with Alice Hoschede and got married in 1892 after the death of her husband.

It was in the late 1880s and 1890s that Monet gained financial success as his paintings became well-known. While in Giverny, he loved to paint in the gardens that he helped create. A series of paintings about water lilies in the pond were some of his notable works. The Japanese-style bridge over the pond became the subject of several works as well. 

Claude Monet traveled to find more inspiration. Once, he rented a room across the Rouen Cathedral in northern France and painted a series of paintings of the building. These works clearly showed his interest in the different effects of light. 

He helped in changing the world of art by introducing new things in the field and doing away with the traditional. He was also the key person in influencing later artists such as Jackson Pollack, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning. 

Later years

Unfortunately, Claude Monet suffered depression in his later years. He felt that his life was a failure and that he intends to destroy his paintings before he disappears. Still, he continued to paint until his last days. He died on December 5, 1926, in Giverny. 

The Life and Works of Vincent van Gogh

Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat poster

“Starry starry nights. Paint your palette blue and gray…” You have heard the song, and have hummed it. This song by Don McLean has immortalized one of the greatest artists in the history of Western art, Vincent van Gogh. Many of us have loved his works, yet not all are familiar with his story. Read on to learn more about life and some of the works of Vincent van Gogh. 

Who is Vincent?

Vincent van Gogh was born on the 30th of March 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. His family was quite known as his father, Theodorus van Gogh was a country minister and Anna Cornelia Carbentus, his mother, was an artist who loved to draw and paint in watercolors different scenes of nature. 

As a child, Vincent was serious and thoughtful. He had homeschooling and was taught by his mother and a governess. Later on, he was sent to the village school and eventually attended a boarding school at Zevenbergen where he felt alone and abandoned. His parents sent him to the middle school in Tilburg where his sadness got worse. 

His interest in art started at a young age when he was encouraged to draw by his mother. Unfortunately, his sadness overshadowed the lessons, and later on, Vincent wrote that his youth was “austere and cold, and sterile”. 

In 1873, Vincent went to the Groupil Gallery in London where he fell in love with the culture of the English. There he spent time visiting galleries and became a fan of the works of Charles Dickens and George Eliot. 

He fell in love with Eugenie Loyer, the daughter of his landlady. However, his marriage proposal was rejected and as a result, Vincent suffered a breakdown. To compensate for this, he devoted his life to God and taught in a Methodist boys’ school. 

His love for art

In 1880, van Gogh decided to move to Brussels and become an artist. During this time, his brother, Theo, offered to support him financially. He taught himself by reading and studying books. 

It was in art that he maintained his emotional stability. It was in 1885 that he started to work on his first masterpiece, “Potato Eaters”. It was when he moved to Paris when Vincent first saw Impressionist art in which he was moved by the color and light. He then started studying with Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Camille Pissarro, and others. 

Vincent’s love life

Believe it or not, his love life is considered to be disastrous. He even fell in love with his cousin, Kate. But Kate was repulsed and fled to her home in Amsterdam. He then moved to The Hague and met Clasina Maria Hoornik, who later on became his companion, mistress, and model. 

Unfortunately, he left Hoornik and The Hague as this was also the wish of his family. Vincent then lived a nomadic life in The Netherlands and focused on drawing and painting the landscape and its people. 

Life as an artist

Vincent was also influenced by Japanese art and began studying eastern philosophy to further expand his knowledge and skills in art and life. He then went to France and moved into what we now know as “yellow house” where he spent most of his money on paint instead of food.

He completed more than 2100 works including 860 oil paintings and more than 1300 watercolors, drawings, and sketches. His painting “The Starry Night” was done in the asylum where he was staying in Sait-Remy, France in 1889. Inspired by this view, he wrote to his brother Theo and said, “This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big.”

Over 10 years, he created more than 43 self-portraits which are now displayed in museums around the world, such as in Washington, DC, Paris, New York, and Amsterdam. 

He died on July 29, 1890, at the age of 37.

Why People Decorate Their Homes?

Home decorations reveal so much about you. Your lifestyle, personality, passion, and others. This is also true with the other people living in your home. The decors that you choose for your home are a reflection of so many things about you. It may be optional, yet many people still opt to decorate the interior as well as the exterior of their homes. But the real question is: “Why do people decorate their homes?” Here you will know why as well as when it all began. 

As a start, home decorating helps you to personalize your space, in which they leave their imprint on that space. In addition to these, home decorating helps in making it inviting, comfortable, and cozy. 

When did home decorating start?

There are different reasons why people decorate their homes and you may wonder when it all started. In fact, you would not believe that it all started during the prehistoric period. If we are going to discuss everything that happened, then this article would not be enough. Archaeologic excavations have been done to gain more knowledge about our past. It was also revealed that caves during that period already have paintings on the walls. This was the first wall art ever recorded. Cavemen draw all of their activities and experiences. From hunting for food and the accidental discovery of fire, cave paintings have given us vast knowledge of prehistoric life and civilization.

Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Chinese also have decorated their interiors. Ancient pyramids in Egypt are filled with hieroglyphs and other symbols to tell the story of their civilization as well as to record history. Decors were also used to symbolize their culture and beliefs.

The modern home decoration was done by the selected few. Wealthy people and noble people were the ones who can afford the materials needed to decorate their interiors. Tapestries and expensive trinkets were displayed as a status symbol. Eventually, these all turned around as decors were mass-produced and became more affordable to the masses. As such, more homes are able to have interior decorations making them more inviting and cozy. This continued up to these days as more homes have decorations, both in interior and exterior. Thanks to the availability of modern technology and materials. 

Personalizing their homes

Identity is vital to all humans and the home is a perfect venue to showcase your personality. You have the freedom and flexibility in choosing the color, design, and features you like. There are many ways on how to personalize your homes. The display of particular decorative items, like posters and other wall decors showcases who and what you are. Teenagers often display posters of their favorite artists. Sometimes to the point of covering the entire wall of their room with images of their favorite band, singers, actors, or actresses. 

Making their homes look more comfortable

Personalizing your home makes it more comfortable and inviting. As a result, you will have a calmer mind that will let you be more focused on the things that you need to accomplish. People decorate because they have tons of choices available these days. From the display of figurines and antiques to the hanging of trendy art, your home will have the look that you wanted over the years.  

Increase the value

Planning to sell your house for a good price? The interior of the house is as important as the exterior. Nobody wants an ugly house, both the inside and the outside. Decorating the house as well as a few renovations will surely increase the resale value of your home. Make sure to decorate it from time to time so that by the time you decide to sell it, there will be little things to do. 

For special events

Birthdays, weddings, Christmas, New Year, Valentine’s Day. There are so many events to celebrate throughout the year. Decorating your home for these special events will make the celebrations extra special. Moreover, your family will surely have a memorable celebration with you and their loved ones. 

Budget-friendly Ways To Frame Your Posters

Many of us love posters as they can easily make any wall look fantastic. Sometimes they remind us of our teenage years when we were decorating our rooms with posters of our favorite bands. These days, there are thousands of designs and themes available. From abstract art to personalized designs, these posters can help you achieve the desired effects in your rooms. What makes it more interesting is that the addition of posters can add beauty to the poster design. If you are worried that frames will be an added cost, then there are budget-friendly ways to frame your prints. Read on to learn more about cost-efficient ways to frame posters.

Decide if you will mat your poster

We will assume that you already have your poster collection and are now planning to frame them. But before buying posters, decide first if you are going to add a mat. This is one of the factors that will determine the size of the frame you need. 

There are posters that are not of standard size. As such, they will not fit any generic-sized frame without a mat. Others would tend to cut the poster to fit the frame which is not supposed to be the case. Of course, matting would add to the cost therefore it is better if you buy a poster that will fit a generic-sized frame. 

Where to buy frames

For a more impressive result, buy your frames at craft shops. Many shops offer discounts that will help save enough cash you can use in other projects. Local stores also have different choices to offer that will best fit your prints. Some are sold in kits with included instructions on how to install them on your posters. That would be cheaper than having a professional do it for you. Although, professionals do framing the right way. 

Keep it simple

Choose frames that are simple to highlight the poster design. Extravagant-looking posters may tend to mask the beauty of the poster. Keep it simple by using a neutral-colored frame such as black or white. The white mat also highlights the art. 

Simple steps to frame a poster

Now that you already have a frame and mat, it is time to put them together. In fact, this is the easy part, and that the challenge is with the decision-making process. In Artdesign, we offer a complete set to complete your decorating experience. Here are the basic steps of framing your posters.

  1. Upon unboxing, carefully remove the frame and artwork from the box.
  2. Bend all the frame fittings.
  3. Remove the cover of the frame located at the back.
  4. Lift the acrylic glass from the frame.
  5. Pel the acrylic protective paper on both sides of the glass. Do this carefully so as not to accidentally break the glass. 
  6. Return the acrylic glass carefully to the frame. 
  7. Place the artwork on the frame and smoothen out any wrinkles. 
  8. Replace the back cover of the frame.
  9. Secure the back cover by bending all the fittings.
  10. Screw the hook on the frame and you are all set up to mount it on your wall.

Hanging your poster

There are various ways to display a framed poster. Moreover, there are some factors to consider for you to be able to hang them properly. Examples are the size and weight of the picture as well as the type of wall and hanger on the frame.

The size and weight are important factors as these will determine the right hook to use. Small art needs only a small hook, nail, or stick-on hook. Large and heavy art may require an anchor hook or more than one hook or nail.

Drywalls only need a nail. However, for heavier pictures or posters, you could use a Monkey Hook. Plaster walls, on the other hand, need a hook that is made for plaster. Another option is to use a stick-on hook or nail. Another factor to consider is the back of your frame. The hook should match the type of hanger that is attached.  

Interior Decoration And Posters

Baby Watercolor silhouette personal poster in interior

Over the years, posters have been used to decorate the interior of any living space. Decorating your rooms with posters can have different effects in terms of the atmosphere and beauty they create. The use of posters can also add a theme to your interior that will surely be adored by the viewers. If you are looking for fun and exciting ways to add life to your home, posters are of great help in achieving your goals. 

Choosing the right poster

Decorating spaces with posters is probably one of the most cost-efficient ways to make them appealing and inviting. There are different styles, sizes, and themes available and they can personalize any room with style. Decorative posters can easily add life to any dull and boring walls. 

In general, there are three types of posters: text, graphic, and photographic. Each type has its respective impact on the overall appearance of the interior. Typography posters are even more fantastic since many of them are motivational. They can be placed in the office, living room, or even the kitchen

Color and style

Color and style are two important elements that will complete the appearance of your interior. Not only that they add beauty to your home, but they also can set the mood and ambiance. As such, you need to select the right image and color scheme of the poster that will blend well with the overall mood of the room. 

For instance, a classic interior with wooden furniture pieces needs posters with warm colors to create a comfortable and cozy look. Nature-inspired or animal posters are also great for classic or retro interiors. The Scandinavian design style is also enhanced with the display of abstract art. In addition to these, the lighting of the room is also important if you are going to add style and color scheme. You can always add artificial light to highlight certain parts or areas of your home. 

Where to hang posters

Before hanging the posters, it is vital to consider the size of the image. For example, large posters can be hung on a flat, empty wall with no other paintings or posters displayed. However, these days, large posters can be displayed along with several small prints. They can be arranged in a random layout or place in a large-sized poster at the center. Graphic posters are usually placed next to black and white prints making them the highlight of the room. 

Final thoughts

Wall decoration with posters has been done over the years. It is not a new idea. Even college students decorate the walls of their dorm room with posters of their favorite films or band! However, these days, posters in interior design are important to add to life to any dull and boring wall. Homeowners these days are practicing democracy when choosing the poster design they want to display. Yet, not all designs are appropriate. Your home may already have an existing design style and the art to be displayed should be carefully chosen.

Clutter Free Homes With This Easy Tips

Paper cutout art collection no. 5 poster in interior

Every home faces a dilemma every day. The accumulation of clutter is one of the biggest problems that we encounter. A simple obstruction to the traffic can be annoying. What more if they pile up and become an eyesore. Read on to know some simple ways on how to make your home clutter free to make it comfortable and relaxing.  

Start a clutter free home by moving around

There are times that homeowners are not able to check their homes. Especially the storage areas. There may be some areas that are neglected and as such dirt and other items tend to accumulate. It is best that you move around your home and pick up things that are misplaced. Either you place them in their respective places or dispose of them.

Check your storage areas like shelves, bags, side tables, and cabinets. In many instances, we tend to keep rubbish like receipts, small notes, and candy wrappers. It is recommended to throw them away as these small items add to the clutter. It is also recommended to place trash bins in strategic places so that you may be able to throw your trash immediately. 

Small item collection can add to the clutter

Pens, coins, sticky notes, and other small items can be seen everywhere. While moving around your home, collect them and place them near your work or study area. You may also see misplaced paper clips, rubber bands, and other office or school materials. Provide a box where you can place them as you may still need them in the future. Ignoring them will surely be an eyesore in the future. Do this habit or return them immediately in their proper places to make your home clutter free.

Pick up your clothes for clutter free rooms

Remember. Your home is not a dressing room. Sometimes we tend to just leave them on the floor after we change our outfits. This is true especially when you are in a hurry. Used clothes should be placed in the laundry basket and the clean ones in the cabinet or shelves. Fold washed clothes immediately and place them in the storage areas. You will be surprised that you need not iron them, thus saving more on electricity. 

Coins can cause clutter

There are times that we just leave the coins anywhere. You see them in the jacket pocket, bedside table, on top of the refrigerator, or even in front of your computer. Provide a jar for them so that when you see a scattered coin, you can immediately place them in the jar. Who knows, you might be able to collect and save some amount to buy a few things. 

Final Thoughts

Cleaning and clearing up your homes are a tedious process. Plan ahead of time and it is best to clear your home area by area. For example, clean the living room today, the bedroom tomorrow, and the kitchen the day after tomorrow. In this way, you will be able to know which room has been finished and move forward with the rest of the house. Inform your family about this activity so that they may be able to help you. 

Famous People Posters For A Legendary Room

Monroe lines poster

Create the right wall design with trendy posters of famous people. As legendary as these people are, they can also transform plain-looking rooms to appear extraordinary. Rooms that will make an impression on your family and guests. Display the poster of your most loved personality and immortalize their contributions to the music industry, art, or politics.

Cool walls with famous people posters

The display of posters of famous people is common in many homes, offices, and other establishments. Try to visit some shops and there is a high chance that you will see an image of your favorite artist displayed on the walls. In many instances, posters of music artists make wonderful transformations. Teens are also fond of displaying their “idols” in their rooms. The rise of KPop groups and other teen idols also have been observed with the display of their posters.

Many people decorate the walls of their rooms with famous people. Why? To flaunt those people and their contributions in different fields. Artdesign has a cool collection of Famous People posters that will not only remind you of your favorite person. The poster designs will likewise add beauty to your walls and create an ambiance that you and your family will love. 

The King or Rock and Roll 

The iconic walk, the legendary songs, the unforgettable films. Get the chance to display The King of Rock and Roll in your rooms with our trendy Elvis Poster. As colorful as the life of the artist was, so will your room be. 

Most of us have known Elvis Presley as an iconic music artist. He rose to fame in the mid 1950s and has become one of the biggest names in the history of rock and roll. Before his fame, Elvis came from humble beginnings. Raised by loving and hard-working parents, the family had a hard time trying to meet both ends. 

Elvis received his first guitar at the age of 11 as a gift from his mother. He then had a taste of success in music when he won a talent show at Humes High School in Memphis a few years later. After graduating, Elvis had different jobs but still pursued his dream in the music industry. In 1954, he released his first single, “That’s All Right”. Since then, Elvis has become an icon in the music and film industries. 

The King of Pop

Michael Jackson was a multi-awarded entertainer who became popular as part of the Jackson 5 and as a solo artist. His album, “Thriller”, was released in 1982 and became one of the best-selling albums in music industry history. The King of Pop was also known for his signature moves and heart-touching songs. He started at an early age and was known for being the lead singer of the Jackson 5. His solo career made him even more popular as his concerts and albums became successful worldwide. He died in 2009, at the age of 50.

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was one of the world’s biggest and most enduring sex symbols. People loved her for her alluring beauty and her talent in acting. She also became one of America’s favorite images as her pictures were used to endorse different products. Pop Art also became popular because of prints that feature the actress. 

The Beatles

The Beatles was an English rock group that was formed in 1960 in Liverpool. The band was composed of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr, They were known for being the most influential act of the rock era. Their popularity gave birth to “Beatlemania” in the early 1960s. Beatlemania refers to the intense fan frenzy that was directed towards the band. In 1970, the group disbanded in which the members pursued their career as solo artists. 

Final Thoughts

World will never be the same without these famous people. Posters of them can serve as an inspiration for us to be successful in life. We can also have our own contribution to our respective fields. With these trendy posters, you can have a room that is packed with fun memories. A room that will surely be worth flaunting to your family and friends. 

The Beatles Poster For A Legendary Room

The Beatles Minimal Pop Art Pose poster

Are you a fan of one of the legendary bands of all time? The Beatles is probably the most loved British band. Meet John, Paul, George, and Ringo as they create a captivating room with The Beatles poster. Personalize your room and immortalize their songs. 

Rock your home with The Beatles poster

Decorating your rooms with posters is one of the convenient ways to make them attractive. Do not limit yourselves with furniture pieces, fabric, throws, or paint. With creativity and a little inspiration, you will be able to design any room with ease and convenience. 

These days, posters can easily do the trick of boosting the overall appearance of your rooms. In Artdesign, we have a wide range of trendy art that will complete the overall appearance of your home. The Beatles poster, for one, can easily upgrade the wall appearance. It features the iconic legends in the music industry, John, Paul, George, and Ringo. 

Let the quartet do the trick in adding life to your rooms. The rock and roll icon of the 60s can also help you create a nostalgic room atmosphere. Take out the vinyls from your storage and relive the past along with the image of The Beatles in your room. What makes it more fun and interesting is the opportunity to add a focal point that will capture the attention of your family and friends. The poster n black and white can instantly give the classic appearance that suits the music legends. 

The timeless Beatles Band

The Beatles was an English rock band formed in Liverpool in 1960. The band is composed of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They were considered to be the foremost and most influential music band in history. Their style is a combination of skiffle, beat and 1950s rock and roll. They later on experimented with various music styles. This ranged from pop ballads and Indian music to psychedelia and hard rock. Oftentimes, they mix them with classical elements and unconventional recording techniques in innovative ways. 

Their popularity started by playing in clubs in Liverpool and Hamburg. Throughout the years of being in the limelight, they became international stars and led the “British Invasion” in the United States. With amazing albums, The Beatles was able to lead the market and became the best-selling band in history. 

The band eventually broke-up in 1970, and then the members enjoyed being successful as solo artists. John Lennon was shot and killed in December 1980, George Harrison in November 2001 due to lung cancer. Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr are still both active in the music industry. 

Final Thoughts

The Beatles have taken the music industry like a storm. With their innovative style in music and entertaining the public, they have captivated the hearts of millions. As a tribute to the legend in rock and roll, posters have been created to immortalize the band. The Beatles Minimal Pop Art Pose Poster can easily create a room that is relaxing and calming. With the image of the four members, this art will add a nostalgic vibe that will bring back fun and exciting memories.