Shapes and minimal leaf poster with Black Frame

Shapes and minimal leaf Poster

Simple yet stunning poster design with neutral and earthy colors. A poster art in abstract form is a cool design that can help achieve a lovely and remarkable interior. With this in the bedroom or living room, you will surely have a wall that can serve as the focal point of your room.

Why Personalized Wall Art Matters

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In every home, blank walls may be considered to be a sign of emptiness and loneliness. Though some people may disagree with this. However, it is an eyesore having to stare at blank walls and it may leave a bad impression on your visitors. These days, wall arts are becoming a necessity in every home. Many designers would often agree that a wall without a nice and personalized wall art is like an artist without creativity. 

Valuable wall art makes any wall look fun and exciting. Say goodbye to boredom as every home with personalized wall art will have a vibrant and dynamic room atmosphere. Styling your wall with paint is a thing of the past. With carefully selected pieces, you will have the interior appearance of your dreams. Though sometimes choosing the right pieces may be quite a challenge since they need to blend well with the overall style of your home. Read on to know about the advantages of having good personalized wall art. 

A lovely focal point of your room

Every room requires a focal point that captures the attention of your family and guests. A fine and valuable wall art reflects everything of who and what you are. Take for instance a framed poster of a landscape or seascape. Scenes like these can boost the appearance of the room and can be called your very own. 

It gives life to your walls

If you get the chance to visit classrooms these days, you will notice that the walls are covered with posters. This is so that students may not feel lazy or sleepy. They will have something to look at and can somehow stimulate their mind and interests. The right wall art can set the mood in the room where you can relax, dream, and imagine. Wall art also helps in transforming any depressing environment into a lively place. 

Wall art reflects your personality

The wall arts on your walls are all about your interests. For instance, your interests are in sport or any outdoor escapades. The wall art that you create somehow tells your story uniquely and interestingly. As such, you must choose the pieces carefully and according to your preferences. 

Stimulates conversation

Tired of the routine and boring conversations? Experts believe that if you share the same interest with someone, you will be able to initiate a conversation that may last long. As such, it should be fun and engaging. Personalized wall art is a great conversation starter. 

Choose the right color palette

Wall art decorations help you to pick the colors of the paint to complete the beauty of your place. With wall art, you will now have the complete picture of what colors to add to your room. With the wall art in place, the process of choosing the right color palette will be easier than usual. With the use of framed personalized art, the color palette of your room can be chosen according to the colors that are seen in the art. For instance, art that has cool colors mean that the palette may be in blue, green, or any other cool hues. The bedroom for instance can be dominated with cool colors for a more relaxing and comfortable ambiance. 

Twinning poster with Black Frame

Twinnings art print poster

A lovely and trendy art that will give your wall a statement. This is a beautiful poster print that can be displayed in the bedroom, bathroom, or living room. Created in muted colors, the art is perfect for any interior design style that your home has. Easily transform the appearance of your room with this stylish print and flaunt it to your friends.

Chubby sad lady poster with Black Frame

Chubby sad lady art print poster

A minimalist image of a woman in a pose. This is a poster that can be used to start a wall gallery. Simple and impressive the art appears, it is a perfect decor to add to your homes. Display this in the bedroom, bathroom, or office and you will have a unique and trendy room appearance.

Curly ebony poster with Black Frame

Curly ebony art print poster

Trendy poster art of fashion. Create a stylish room interior with a unique and interesting print of a dashing woman. Created in neutral colors, this art will be a wonderful accent to your walls. Simply artistic! These are the words that best describe the art. Make your home stylish with this in the bedroom, living room, or the bathroom.

Combine Design Styles But Don’t Let Them Clash

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If you think mixing interior design styles is hard, think again! Mixing styles is easy than you might think. Most styles that you are familiar with are in fact blends of different eras and periods. Styles emerge depending on the designers or homeowners. In many instances, they incorporate different ideas from various periods and incorporate them in their homes. Sometimes it is even better if you create your own design and make use of the materials that you already have. Read on to learn more about different ways to incorporate or blend different styles without causing any disaster. 

Choose a color palette

The use of too many colors can be an eyesore. Remember that with a limited color palette, you will be able to cohere the rooms together. The use of the same colors throughout the space can bring items together. With a few chosen colors, they will be able to unify the whole house. 

Unifying pattern

Use a shape or motif that can bring a room together. This helps in achieving a unified space. One good example to bring consistency to the style is to pick up on the lines of a sofa or favorite chair and repeat that curve or line throughout the space. 

Create a distinct focal point

Look around your room and think of any item or group of items that can be used as a focal point. In interior design, the focal point is one of the fundamental elements in interior design. Think of it as the start of the room… a head-turner. It is the first place that captures the attention of the viewers when they enter a room. A focal point can give emphasis on which you can build the rest of the design. This can be a piece of furniture, painting, or a decorative item like a vase or an antique jar. 

Go with a theme

The theme does not need to be exaggerated. For instance, if you plan on creating a sporty theme, you need not have to add pictures of patterns of balls, caps, or anything to the whole room. Choosing a particular theme such as a particular seascape or landscape can really bring a room’s elements together. Do this in the kids’ bedroom and you will have a compelling room interior.

Final Thoughts

There are no specific rules when it comes to decorating and designing. In many instances, you work with what you think is best and most suitable to your taste. You can always be versatile and create a home that is comfortable and appealing. 

When it comes to the styles, there are a lot that you may have seen or read about. It is also a trend to combine certain styles to achieve the right home interior. New design styles even emerged because of the mixing of styles. The eclectic design style is actually a blend of different styles to create a unique look that will be loved by the homeowner.

Pops Of Colors As Inspired By Paul Klee

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Paul Klee was a German-Swiss artist born in 1879 who fell in love with colors and tones. You may have seen some of his works and they can be described as child-like, simple, and can be appreciated by all ages and levels. His paintings are also rich in geometric forms and shapes. Some of his works can even be used to help kids in their learnings, such as letters, animals, and numbers. Some are in abstract form and can be used to add colors and design to your walls. 

The use of warm and cool colors

Over the years, colors are used to make any space look attractive. There are different types of colors and you can check the color wheel for references. Colors can also be divided into two groups, cool and warm colors. Warm colors are fun and exciting and can make you think of sunlight and heat. These are orange, yellow, and red, and a combination makes the team of warm colors. 

On the other hand, cool colors are blue, green, and purples. These colors are calming and sooting. If your want your bedroom to have that ambiance that is perfect for resting and sleeping, then cool colors are a perfect choice.  

Tones what are they

Tones are created by adding neutral colors such as white, gray, or black. These colors, when added to primary or secondary colors alter their lightness. If you are on a decorating project, remember that darker colors help you to bring light color more in focus. 

Who inspired Paul Klee

Paul Klee was known as an avid reader and lover of music. With his paintings filled with shapes and colors, they are rich with rhythm motivated by the modulations of Mozart and Bach or even the cadence of poems by Apollinaire and Rilke. Klee was also inspired by the art of kids as well as those who are suffering from psychological disorders. Their art was regarded as a pure form of expression. In 1914, during a trip to Tunisia with Macke and Louis Moilliet, Klee was deeply inspired. As a result, his artworks were added with the rich color palette and distinctive language of mystical symbols.

One of the most important personalities who have inspired Klee was Kandinsky. He is considered to be the godfather of abstraction along with the other members of the Munich-based group, Macke, Marc, Alexej von Jawlensky. In addition to these, the lyrical patterns and transcendent color palette of Robert Delaunay also affected Paul Klee. 

What’s so special about Paul Klee

Paul Klee was one of the prominent artists in the 1900s. He is known for changing the course of modern art. As a passionate artist, he was also one of the artists who have influenced younger generations of artists. Remember the time when painting became less popular, it surged again because of the influences of Paul Klee. His works can be considered to be unconventional as it encompasses almost any style like the art created by disabled people and practitioners of the occult.

God is greater than highs and lows poster

God is greater than highs and lows poster

Motivate yourself and your family with an inspirational poster displayed in the bedroom, kitchen, or living room. Strengthen your faith in God and free yourself of your worries. Beautify your walls with this trendy and inspiring art. Get it only from Artdesign.

Add A Romantic Vibe With Rose Prints

As language is important to communicate with your family and friends, so are roses as they represent many beautiful things. Time to create a romantic ambiance in your rooms with rose posters and fall in love again. These posters add color and life to your homes. With these posters displayed in the living room or bedroom, you will have a vibrant and lovely room interior that you are truly impressive.

Lonely homes with rose prints

Over the years, homeowners and designers have been continuously searching and creating ways to decorate the rooms. The right decor can surely make any living space look appealing and interesting. In the past, walls were simply colored with paint. However, these days, different wall decors are used to create compelling wall art. 

Posters can easily create a theme and make the room attractive. In artdesign, we offer the right poster design that will boost the wall design. One of the themes that will make the necessary transformation is floral prints. Rose posters, in particular, are not only attractive. They also have meanings that are appropriate for special occasions or even during ordinary days.

Rose posters that are printed in natural colors give a refreshing look to any room. Black and white prints, on the other hand, can give a classic appeal that will be loved by all ages. Rose posters displayed in the dining room can likewise add a romantic ambiance. A perfect view for a candlelight dinner with your loved ones.

Make your home look more attractive and interesting with rose posters. Maybe this is the look you want if you are planning to propose to your fiance. Light candles and prepare a special meal for your loved one and pop up the question anytime. 

Prepare your home for Mother’s Day with rose posters. Get a bouquet of roses for your mother and prepare her favorite dish.  A simple yet extraordinary celebration for one of the special persons in the world. 

Roses and their meanings

Roses are some of the most fragrant flowers on earth. They also come in different colors that correspond to meanings as well. The “language of roses”, as they call it. Giving a bouquet of roses is not just about giving flowers. Every color of roses symbolizes something. 

Over the years, red roses have been known to be an expression of love and deep emotions. The color is also used to convey respect, admiration, and devotion. A dozen red roses also send messages of “Be mine” and “I love you”. White roses, on the other hand, express new beginnings, sympathy, and humility. Yellow roses mean exuberance, joy, warmth, welcome, friendship, and caring. Pink roses express gentle emotions, admiration, joy, gratitude. Lastly, blue roses may express “I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Final thoughts

The next time you give somebody roses, think about the message you want to deliver. The different colors represent feelings and emotions. You do not want to give the wrong message, of course. Rose posters are fun to use. They do not only convey the correct message, but they can also do wonders to the overall appearance of your home. Decorate your walls to your heart’s content and the outcome of your project will surely be admired by your family and friends. 

Choose The Right Color Scheme For Your Home

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Adding colors to your home make it look more personal. Choosing the right color scheme is vital when decorating your home. Of course, at first, choosing and adding colors to your home may be a difficult task. But with some help from experts, and even inspiration from various websites or magazines, you will be able to achieve the appearance that you love. Read on to learn more about colors and how they can personalize your space. 

The colors we know

Many of us have been taught that colors come in different varieties. This includes primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. These colors are considered to be pure. Secondary colors are orange, green, and violet, and these are created by mixing two primary colors. For instance, blue and yellow give green. While tertiary colors are combinations of primary and secondary colors in different proportions. 

Create your color scheme

To create the right color scheme for your interior, it is recommended to use the color wheel. There are four types of colors schemes:

  • Monochrome – this color scheme uses the hues of the same color with the application of black and white to lighten or darken the tinge. 
  • Analogous – the color scheme makes use of neighboring colors from the color wheel. Yellow is used in combination with green or orange while blue will go with green or violet. As a result, you will be able to create a color scheme that can be soothing and dynamic.
  • Contrasting – this color scheme is brighter and a triad of contrasting colors may be applied: yellow-orange, yellow-blue, red-violet. These color combinations make any space look bright and exciting. 
  • Complementary – this color scheme makes use of two opposite colors such as orange and blue to create a bold palette. 

Expats recommend not to add colors to the wall immediately. Colors of paint can easily be found while matching furniture can be difficult. It is best to choose and add the furniture pieces and decorative items, then proceed with adding colors to the walls. It is common for homeowners to add neutral colors to the walls as they are the safest to use to whatever colors the furniture and decorative items have.

The impact of colors on your home

Colors are known to have significant effects on the interior of any space. In general, colors are categorized into two: cool and warm colors. Warm colors are known to be stimulating while cool colors are relaxing and calming. Check out the colors below and the effects they evoke in your home interior. 

  • White – the color is usually associated with pureness and hygiene. It is known to reflect sunlight making any room appear lighter and expanding the space. Small rooms are recommended to use white, especially where light is scarce. 
  • Black – never use this color in a dark room as things may get gloomy. Use the color only in well-lit areas.
  • Gray – it is calm and neutral but can be dull and boring. Do not use gray as the main color of your room. If you want, you can use lighter shades of gray and they can be a good color for a background. 
  • Red – this is a stimulating color and promotes activity. It is recommended to use the color for entryways, living rooms, dining rooms, and kitchens. However, avoid using the color in the bedroom as well as the nursery.
  • Yellow – this color is known to stimulate the learning process and develop intellect. This is the reason why yellow is highly recommended in the nursery.
  • Orange – though less stimulating than red, orange contributes to better communication and harmonization of relationships. Use this color in the living room, dining room, or kitchen.
  • Brown – a neutral color and preferred to be used for furniture. It works best when paired with beige and peach colors.
  • Light blue – this shade of blue is calming and comforting. Use this color in the bedroom as it promotes a better quality of sleep. However, avoid shades of blue in the kitchen or dining room as it reduces appetite.
  • Violet – considered to be the most mysterious color. It has different hues and influences us in various ways. 
  • Green – this color has both warm and cold hues. Both hues are known to evoke different moods. Shades of green help people to concentrate and are ideal to be used in the kids’ room or study area. 

Wall decors to add colors to your space

Once you have decided on the color scheme to use, you can start planning what wall decor to add. Walls can be decorated with paintings, posters, photos, and others. They can be art installations or DIY decors. You can be creative and unleash your artistic side to create wall art that will take the center stage in your home.