Creative Ways To Display Your Photos

Special poster inspired by Randy Santiago pop art poster

In the old days, people are satisfied with displaying their photos on picture frames. Although this is still the trend these days, you can still make it look amazing with some creative and fun ideas. As such, your home will have a cool statement that may serve as an inspiration for others. Read on to learn more about how to be more ingenious in displaying your photos. Who knows, you can be one of the trendsetters in wall decoration

Create a photo wall

Creating photo walls or gallery walls is one of the great ways to display your family photos. With this method, you will be able to capture and preserve memories in your home. Many homeowners prefer having the gallery wall in the living room. The truth is, it can be done in any room. Whether in the bedroom for a more private appeal or the dining room so that you’ll have a conversation starter before you dine with your guests. Photo walls do their job in making the wall look fantastic and likewise in creating a nostalgic room atmosphere. 

Use standing frames

Who says that photos can be displayed only on walls? Standing frames are made from different materials such as wood, bamboo, and metals, such as copper. With these, your photos will have a completely different and interesting way of displaying. 

Magnetize them

Photos are not just exclusive to be displayed on social media. You can easily turn those photos into magnets to display in your kitchen. Choose the photos, install magnets, and display them however you like on your refrigerator. 

Mix photos and art

Your photos are not the only ones that need to be displayed for exceptional wall art. Other decors can be added such as art. And when we say art, it does not have to be those expensive ones. You can display the art of your kids to have a more personalized wall design. It is recommended to have framed personalized art so that the wall can represent who and what you are. 

Arrange the photos 

The arrangement of your photos can be in different ways. Be creative and have the family photos arranged in various shapes. You can display them in a heart-shape arrangement or even in a collage-type appearance. 

Numerous photos in a print

Gather dozens of your favorite photos and arrange them in block-style in one print. It is better to have the photos in the same size. Display it over the sofa or in a bare hallway for instant wall art.

Nature-inspired display

Bring the outdoors inside with a rustic display. Get a piece of wood or a stick, attach pieces of rope and fasten mini clothespin for the pictures. Decorate it with ornaments and other items. The photos must be of the same size to make the wall art look cohesive and cool.

Poster prints

Have your photos in print. This is one way to personalize the walls and many experts recommend having the posters in frames

Create a gallery vibe

If you want to have that gallery look then use floating frames. These are acrylic displays with screws in brass finish for an elevated look. With these, you can have a modern appeal with your photos on the display. 

Decorate Your Space With Posters

During our teenage years, we have loved decorating our rooms with posters. Whether they are the posters of your favorite band or most-loved films, posters have transformed how our rooms appear. Posters are for everyone, regardless of your age or status. Decorating with posters is a wonderful way to display any artwork on your walls without paying a large amount of cash. When displayed properly, they can make any simple-looking wall into something remarkable. 

Motivate yourself with a poster on your workstation

Work for home is one of the trends these days. Display motivational prints to inspire yourself to be productive. Not only that the poster will look great on your desk, but it can be a wonderful reminder for your to accomplish your goal. 

Create a focal point

Your poster can be the statement of your room as long as they are displayed properly. Choose a large poster for a more impressive look on your wall. This can already be the focal point as long as the other decorative items are simple and muted. 

Movie posters

Still not decided what poster design to add to the walls of your entertainment room? Make it look and feel like a real movie theater with posters of your favorite movies. Look for posters of the same size and arrange them in a layout of your choice. These posters can create interesting wall art and can likewise be a cool topic when your friends visit you. 

Frame your prints

Want to make your posters look elegant? Add a frame as this can transform the appearance of your poster. There are different frames available and you can go with black or white-colored frames. 

Collage them

If you are looking for a fun and exciting way to boost your wall appearance, then create a poster collage. Simply collect all the posters that you love and arrange them in a layout that will cover a part of your wall or even the entire wall. 

Be creative in displaying your prints

There are many ways to display posters aside from using frames or just by sticking them on the walls. Be creative and use different materials such as wooden hangers. These hangers make the posters look more polished and easy to hang. 

Create an Eclectic wall gallery

Since there are different sizes of posters, they are great for making a wall gallery. You can start with your favorite poster design and then layer in more posters with similar colors but different sizes. 

Minimalist look

The trend these days is to go minimal. This interior design style evokes a comfortable and cozy feel. You can still decorate the walls with posters and still evoke the simplicity you love. 

Give your home a touch of nature

Bring the outdoor in with nature-themed posters. Time to bring green into your home even if you do not have indoor plants. Nature-themed prints will easily add a touch of nature and will help create a cool and refreshing vibe. 

Final Thoughts

Decorating with posters is simply amazing. There is no question about what they can do to your walls. There are tons of designs and themes to choose from and they can easily make your wall look appealing and interesting.

Tips To Find The Perfect Gift This Christmas

Christmas socks boho color poster in interior

A few weeks before Christmas and many of us are still scrambling around trying to choose the perfect gift for our loved ones. In many instances, looking for the right gift may be challenging and we sometimes spend hours in malls deciding what to buy. Why not be unique and think out-of-the-box this year. There are different ways to choose the perfect gift but they require you to be creative and resourceful. Remember that gift-giving is a way to communicate with your family or friends. Here are some tips that you can use to make the Christmas celebration extra special.

An event for a present

One way to make Christmas gifts special is to be creative with the packaging. Rather than giving them gifts in ordinary gift wrappers, think of the gift-giving experience as an event that will make it more memorable. Try to hide the gift and send your loved ones on a scavenger hunt to find it. Hide the secret message in places and give them clues until they find their gifts. Kids love this game and can be a memorable experience for them. What makes this even more interesting? You will have something to do and keep your loved ones busy on Christmas day. 

Give them an unforgettable experience

There may be books or novels that they love. Why not be unique and buy them the movie or the movie poster. You can also treat the family to a fun and exciting day at the arcade or movie. 

Know the interests of your loved ones

Each one of us has our own passion or interests. Choose a present that they will truly love and define who they are. Take time to list down as many things as you can. This will give you some cool ideas on the presents that are personal and thoughtful. If one of them is suffering from an ailment, give a present that will help alleviate his/her condition. This may be a book, a movie, or an addition to his/her collections. Hurrah! These will be a life-changing experience for them. 

Remember the past

Maybe one of your loved ones has graduated recently. Isn’t it great if you can borrow the diploma so you can have it framed? This can be displayed in their homes along with the family photos for a wonderful wall gallery. You can also create a photo collage that features childhood photos. Whatever the gifts may be, the most important thing is to have a nostalgic Christmas celebration. 

Personally ask what they need

This is probably the easiest way to choose the perfect gift. Ask the person what they still need and get it yourself. You may have a younger sister who is in nursing school. Why not give her a nurse student survival kit that you have put together. The key here is to think broadly when it comes to the presents that you will give. A fur parent may need something for their babies. Get their pets something and wrap it creatively to make the opening of gifts more fun and interesting. 

Stalk them

If all else fails, you can practice your spying skills and stalk them in your social media accounts or friends. As such, you will have a clear idea of what they want as gifts.

Pop Art And How It All Began

Monroe Lines Iconic poster

Pop Art or popular art started in Britain and the United States in the mid-1950s. It was actually a movement that challenged the traditions of fine art that includes images from advertising and news. The term Pop Art was first used during the discussions among artists, known as the Independent Group. The movement embraced popular culture or what is also called the “material culture”. The artists during that period responded to the need for clever advertising and building more forms of mass communication. 

The movement

The movement was established by the British art critic, Lawrence Alloway in an article, “The Arts and Mass Media”, that was published in 1958. Some textbooks also point to the collage of Richard Hamilton, “Just What Is It Makes Today’s Home So Different and So Appealing?” in 1956 signaled the arrival of Pop Art. The collage was shown in the show, This Is Tomorrow at Whitechapel Art Gallery in 1956. This marks the official beginning of the movement. 

Pop Art completed the Modernism movement in the early 1970s. I also ended the said movement with its investment in anything contemporary. 

Characteristics of Pop Art

Here are the key characteristics of Pop Art that you will find in many arts these days:

  • Familiar images and many are drawn from popular media and products.
  • Images have very bright colors
  • Flat imagery is influenced by comic books and newspaper photographs.
  • The presence of images of celebrities or fictional characters in comic books, advertisements, and fan magazines.
  • The innovative use of media in sculptures. 

The development

Long before the establishment of the movement, there already has been an integration between fine art and popular culture. In 1855, French realist painter Gustave Courbet symbolically pandered to popular taste by including a pose taken from the print series, Imagerie d’Epinal. It featured brightly painted scenes that were invented by Jean Charles Pellerin, a French illustrator. This strategy was also employed by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso. 

Marcel Duchamp, the pioneer of Dada pushed Picasso’s consumerism by introducing the actual mass-produced object into the exhibition. These were the bottle rack, a snow shovel, an upside-down urinal, and these were called the Ready-Mades. 

The American Pop Art

One of the key personalities in American Pop Art was Andy Warhol. He understood shopping as well as the allure of celebrity. Along with Post-World War 2 obsessions drove the economy of the country. He has captured the authentic beauty of America and is known as one of the best-known artists associated with the movement. Some of his popular works were the images of Mick Jagger, Marilyn Monroe, and Campbell’s Soup cans. These images have been popular household images and they were reprinted on shirts, posters, and mugs. 

American Pop Art evolved to try reversing the elitist and abstract trend. This was achieved with the introduction of images as a structural device in painting. Some of the popular names in American Pop Art are Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol, Robert Indiana, George Brecht, Billy al Bengston, John Wesley, Jess Collins, and Richard Pettibone. 

Creative Ways To Make A Wall Art With Posters

The wall is an important structure in every home as it brings a room together. With the addition of decors, the room will eventually have its magical transformation. The incorporation of wall art is one of the creative ways to make the room look fun and exciting. Sad to say, wall art is usually planned after everything else has been finished in the room. 

Wall art adds spice to every room and with the addition of impressive wall art, your rooms will transform into something extraordinary. Many homeowners are usually satisfied with what their home has. Colors, furnishings, fabric, wall decor, and others are common to see in every home or living space. However, you can make things better by creating wall art that can boost the appearance of your interior. 

Here are some inspirations on how to improve your home with wall art:


Poster collages within the home are one of the trendy decors these days. This can be achieved with the style of poster designs and the layout that you will use. Instead of displaying a couple of prints on your walls, try to create a whole feature wall of posters with abstract art, black and white prints, or graphic art. The layout can be in grids or a randomly scattered pattern. You can also experiment with posters of various sizes to make things look wild.

Colorful and vibrant posters

If you are looking for ways to decorate your walls without going bankrupt, go with colorful prints. Colorful and vibrant posters are perfect for creating a fun and joyful vibe. The good thing about colorful prints is that they can blend well with each other. Just do not overdo it so that your interior will not look overwhelming. 

Go crazy with frames and hangers

Frames add beauty to the poster art. Frames in neutral colors can highlight the art. You may also opt to suspend your posters from retro hangers or put them on a clipboard for a more unique and fun experience. Hanging your prints with the use of strings is another artistic way to create your wall art. This is commonly known as string art.

Quotes and messages

As posters are used to convey messages, it is also fantastic to see large prints of quotes and inspirational messages. These posters can help inspire you and start the day right. There are limitless possibilities to display these posters. They can be arranged in various layouts as well as the use of frames to highlight the art.

Classic and timeless beauty

The use of black and white prints can easily create a nostalgic and retro vibe to your rooms. Wall art with a collection of black and white prints can evoke a sophisticated and elegant feel that you will enjoy for a long time. 

Final thoughts

Wall art can finish the appearance of any wall. It gives a sense of completion as they are considered to be a finishing element that can bind every room. It is, therefore, a mistake to disregard wall art as it can make your home look more vibrant and interesting. Wall art with posters can easily create the right ambiance and appearance that will be adored by your family and friends.

Creating a Cozy Room with Wall Art

artnews blog image from artdesign

Think of wall art as the life of any room. Beautifully designed wall art adds attraction to any room and likewise creates a fun and cozy vibe that will be enjoyed by its audience. A wonderfully designed wall gallery of photos or trendy poster art can transform the interior appearance of any room or space. 

The importance of wall art in every home

Walls are important in every home. They can function in both the aesthetics and structure of any building. Walls bring a room together and make everything look more cohesive with the added design elements. Designing and creating wall art is one way to make the room look more exciting and fun. 

In many instances, wall art is thought of and planned last, usually after all the other decorations have been placed. Many homeowners do not even consider adding wall art as they are already satisfied with the color and appearance of a plain wall. On the contrary, a blank wall is like a canvas on which art should be painted.

The empty wall

Staring at an empty wall has never been fun. Blank walls give you an opportunity for limitless design ideas. Properly planned and designed wall art can make any room look unique and interesting. As such, many designers and homeowners consider adding wall art to their rooms or spaces.

One interesting way to add wall art to your design is by creating a wall gallery of photos. This can evoke a nostalgic atmosphere that is perfect for the family. An attractive collage using different paintings and photographs can also create compelling wall art. Frames used in photos and posters greatly help design and decorate the wall. You can feature a similar color palette or consider using different colors.

How to create a wall art

Choosing the right color for the rooms is among the ordeals of many homeowners and designers. Sometimes, choosing the color you love and applying it to the walls is enough for many individuals. However, this is not always the case as you still stare at a dull wall. 

Wall art can instantly create a focal point that will be enjoyed by its audience. Think of the wall art as a magnet that can draw the attention of anyone who sees it. Wall art can eventually be the center of attraction in any room, such as the living room or the bedroom.

Moreover, wall art can add texture to any room with 3D art, like sculptures. These artworks can give depth to the room by creating an illusion that there are more layers to unleash. Many experts believe that to create an intimate-looking interior, rough textures must be added. On the other hand, decors with smooth textures can create a sophisticated and classy-looking interior. 

Final thoughts

Wall art can complete the appearance of the wall and room, giving any room a sense of completeness. Your creativity can give the walls their function and appeal. Adding wall art is the best way to give any wall a makeover.

Wall Art: What is it and why it is important

an image of the What is wall art article by artdesign

Wall art makes any room look vibrant and more appealing. With a creative and compelling wall gallery or a simple tapestry, wall art can transform any room into something interesting. The use of trendy poster art is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create a wall that will become the room’s focal point. Read on to learn more about wall art and how it can completely transform your home interior.

Wall art – what every home needs

Wall space is important for bringing a room together. The decorative items and furnishings that are incorporated into the room are necessary to complete the overall appearance. One way to make the room look more exciting is the incorporation of wall art. In many instances, wall art is thought of after completing everything else. This includes after the paint on the wall has completely dried or the furnishings have been placed properly. 

Wall art should never be neglected, as it provides many benefits that homeowners do not notice immediately. Think of a blank wall as a canvas and an opportunity to showcase your creativity and talent. The right wall art design can fill the emptiness of a room and will likewise reflect the homeowner’s personality.

The blank wall

Was there a time when you were at home and just stared at your walls? A blank wall allows you to create a more fun and exciting room interior. This is where the fun begins, and attractive wall art comes into play and helps transform any room. One idea is to create a wall photo gallery with a collection of photos that can create a nostalgic vibe. 

Various paintings and photographs can also make cool wall collages. Another way is to use frames of various sizes and shapes with photographs and poster designs that feature similar color palettes or a variety of colors. This can add excitement to the room. The color and material of the frames can also add to the beauty of the wall art. 

Different uses of wall art

One of the common problems that homeowners encounter is choosing the right color for the room. Since many colors are available, selecting the best color can actually get the room’s vibe. If color selection can be overwhelming, add wall art to make the dull wall look lively.

Wonderfully designed wall art can also create a fantastic focal point. This can act like a magnet that draws the eye into it. Wall art can eventually be the center of attraction of the room. For example, designers or homeowners can hang wall artwork above the mantle of a fireplace in the living room or above the bed. 

Wall art can likewise add texture to a room. Three-dimensional artworks such as sculptures can add some depth to the room and create the illusion that there are more layers to uncover. It has also been observed that rough textures are more likely to make space feel more intimate. 

Decorative items with smooth textures can create a more sophisticated and aloof room. Wall art can finish the appearance of the wall and give the sense that the room is finished. It is considered a finishing element that can help pull a space together and make it feel complete. The extra touch can take your space from simply looking functional to appearing as if it should be featured in an interior design magazine.