Best Colors for Small Living Rooms

Choosing a paint color for small living rooms may be challenging but can be a fun activity. It may be confusing as well as there are a lot of shades and hues to choose from. Although those neutral shades are commonly used, there are still many hues in the color wheel that will look best in small living rooms. If you are having trouble deciding which color to use, worry no more as this article may help you with your interior decorating project. 


Pure white is excellent but not much used as many would think. Some whites reflect tones of blue, pink, and green. The color is ideal in a small living room as it reflects natural light, making it look more spacious and cozy. Having the color also creates a room that appears pure and clean. This is one of the reasons why hospitals and clinics prefer to use white. Moreover, white is seen in minimalist rooms and can be blended with many decors and styles. 


Many homeowners prefer the color and ideal in small living rooms as it makes them look open and bright. The color is best to be paired with hardwoods and other natural materials. The color cream is safe to use as it can be a perfect backdrop for other decors and colors. 


Bright yellow may be too bright for most people, but you can use a softer tone. This can instantly make any dull room look warm and bright. It is a versatile color that can easily blend with contrasting colors such as red. It is also an ideal substitute for white and cream. 


Use gray if you are confident enough to make a difference in a small living room. The color can add depth and create a visually cozy and trendy interior appearance. Just like white, you can easily blend the color with any hues and decors. Darker shades of gray can be partnered with patterns and pops of color mixes to achieve an eclectic look in the room. 


Just like gray, many homeowners choose this color in their small living rooms. It can help create a moody and sensual atmosphere. In addition to these, the small living room can have a cozy feel with a cool and relaxing feel. What makes the color more interesting is that it can easily be blended with other colors and decors. The dark indigo tone can likewise be a great backdrop for any wall decor and wall art. If you have this color on the walls then the ceiling should be in the color white. 

Try These Amazing Watercolor Techniques

Philippine map watercolor poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

Are you still wondering why many people are so engrossed with watercolor paintings? Then you just have to look at some of them to see how awesome they are. This painting may be intimidating for some, especially for beginners, but there are many techniques that you can try to see and experience the beauty and versatility of watercolor painting. Read on to learn more about these techniques and you can try some of them and have them displayed in your rooms.

Watercolor washes

Laying watercolor wash can be done on a wet surface or a dry one. Although mistakes can be committed, the secret is not to try fixing them. Just let them be since adding another layer once the original stroke has dried is more obvious. Washes are the backbone of watercolor painting. The wash can be differentiated by the size and swipe of the brush. Washes are used to fill in large background areas, or to create underlying forms that will have more detail and deeper tones. 

Wet-In-Wet painting

This is one of the basic techniques in watercolor painting. You may not realize it, but you have probably done this technique before. Start by brushing water onto the paper. Dip the brush in paint and spread it over the water wash. As such, the paint will weather and diffuse.


This technique is a monochrome wash that is used for the first layer of the painting. Add layers of transparent washes over the underpainting and these will provide a realistic and luminous effect. 

Gradients and color blending

In a simple watercolor wash, only a single color is used. However, depth can be added by using more hues in a gradient, You can start adding fresh watercolor to a wet paint surface. The second color can have a more intense version of the same hue of a different hue. With a wet surface, the colors will blend slightly and create a natural gradient in the tones. 

Layering watercolors

Dimensions can be created by adding layers of the watercolor once the color of the paint has dried. Be sure that the paper is also dried, or else the colors will unwantedly blend together and get messy. Do not add much water to the second color since this can dampen the initial color, thus blending the colors. 

Dry brush

This requires little paint and water to create a scratchy brushstroke. This can be used for an entire painting but is still perfect for creating texture. Mix your pigment, making sure that the paint mixture is not that wet. Dip the dry brush into the paint and remove excess moisture. Brush lightly across the surface and this can highlight the texture of the paper. 

Watercolor blooms

Blooms can be created when very wet paint spreads on a drier area of a painting. When you apply wet paint on a damp wash, the liquid forces the original pigment out and creates irregularly shaped splotches. Lay down a colorful wet wash and let it dry a little. Load the brush with water and touch it lightly to the paper. Blooms are created by drops of water. 

Lines, Hatching, and Crosshatching

Lines of any size and shape can be painted with the use of watercolor. Place lines beside each other or layer them perpendicular to each other for a hatching or cross-hatching effect. For clean lines, you can use a small, pointed brush and load it with pigment with the use of a dash of water. Paint a line on the paper and the shade can be determined by the amount of water used. 

Sponge painting

A textured sponge is also an unimportant tool to paint foliage on trees or sand on a beach. All you need to do is to dip it into the pigment and press it on the paper. 

The Beauty of Watercolor Painting

Turtle Poster in interior

We have seen various arts over the years, but watercolor paintings evoke an incomparable beauty. You may have your own descriptive words when you see one. For us, the words can be legendary, beautiful, WOW! Watercolor has an inner beauty that pulls anyone in. This medium offers rich, vivid soft, and soothing tones. It is also considered to be one of the accessible and versatile art forms that can turn any plain paper into remarkable artwork. 

Watercolor painting likewise has different characteristics that are good to know, especially if you want to try watercolor painting. Just like in any painting, these factors are important for you to turn any plain paper into something monumental.


The natural beauty of watercolor is based on its luminosity and transparency. When mixed with water, it gives the water-soluble pigments or palette its transparent with pastel-like properties. Once applied, it allows the whiteness of the paper to highlight and enhance the luminosity of the painting. 

Staining and non-staining paints

Applying watercolors immediately penetrates the fibers of the paper and stains it. On the other hand, non-staining watercolors stay on the surface of the paper and can be lifted when dry.

You can test watercolor before using them. Paint a patch of color and let it dry. Then try to scrape off some paint with a stiff, wet brush. The staining quality of the paint is determined by the amount of pigment that remains. 

Granulating quality

Depending on the pigment, the particles in the paint may be considered to be heavy or light. The particles of watercolor paints are heavier and tend to separate from the water. Granulating paint adds interest and texture to a painting. 

Fugitive and non-fugitive paints

Fugitive paint tends to fade quickly while non-fugitive paints will not fade over time. This element determines the longevity of the art. Thus, it is important to use good quality paint so that the art will last longer. 

Final thoughts

Watercolor paintings are among the popular art that has been created over the years. They have certain effects on the overall art that may be considered unique as compared with other forms. The colors they create with the blending easily distinguish watercolor painting over the others. The beauty is even enhanced with the stroke, depth, and subject. The art is even taught during primary years, in which kids are given the tools needed to create their art. Sometimes other tools are added in addition to the brush. Kids can create art based on their imagination, and how simple it may be, but one can easily distinguish that watercolor is used. Some of you may also be familiar that even vegetable cut-ups can be used to create art on plain paper. This is one of the amazing things about watercolor – its versatility. 

Philippine Map Watercolor Poster

Philippine map watercolor poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

No, it’s not today’s weather forecast. Still, it’s cool, right? A map of the Philippines with a touch of nature is what you need for an awesome wall display. This is another inspiring art in watercolor by Siara Gogh.

Colorful art wall


Colorful and modern styles that’ll brighten up your space. Shop your art wall here  Artdesign!

Number of posters: 4

Sleep Soundly With These Bedroom Color Ideas

Art wall 231

Insomnia is one of the biggest dilemmas of many individuals. It has been observed that there are different reasons why this is experienced by many people. One of the reasons is the ambiance of the bedroom which is influenced by certain factors. The color of the room greatly affects the mood and contributes to the sleepless nights of many people. This can easily be remedied by choosing and incorporating the right color for the room. Read on to learn more about choosing the right bedroom color and decor to help people have a deep and relaxing night. 

What color to choose?

Many experts believe that there are ways to help an individual have a deep sleep. One of these is the design of the interior, particularly the colors. Choosing the right bedroom color can be one of the solutions for people to have a proper sleep pattern. Cool colors such as blue and green are proven to help create a room that is calming and relaxing.

The colors and sleep

It is a proven fact that the colors of the bedroom influence sleeping patterns. Studies have been continuously conducted to find the association between room colors and sleeping habits. 

Rooms that are dominated by cool colors, particularly the color blue help people enjoy longer sleep as compared to those in a room with different colors. Hues of blue are associated with calmness and can help in lowering blood pressure and heart rate. People who are staying in a room with hues of blue can sleep for an average of 7 hours and 52 minutes. 

Other colors may also contribute to sleeping patterns, yet the average length of hours of sleep is shorter than those of people in a bedroom with shades of blue. Yellow, for instance, promotes sleep for around 7 hours and 40 minutes, green for 7 hours and 36 minutes, orange for 7 hours and 28 minutes, purple for 5 hours and 56 minutes, gray for 6 hours and 12 minutes, and brown for 6 hours and 5 minutes. 

The reason why the color blue promotes good sleep is because of the receptor cells in the retina of the eyes. These cells are called ganglion cells and are highly sensitive to the color blue. Ganglions are likewise responsible for sending information directly to the brain. As a result, body activities are regulated and controlled. 

If blue is not your preference, you can still use other colors and hues that can promote deep sleep. Neutral colors such as gray and silver are also known to promote good sleeping habits. In addition to these, pale yellow can have the same effects as that neutral colors. 

Wall decor and sleep

The display of posters is one of the easiest and fastest ways to set the mood and atmosphere of the bedroom. The designs and images featured in posters come in a wide variety. They also come in colors that can help promote sleep. With the creation of wall art in the bedroom that is dominated by hues of blue, individuals will be able to have a good sleeping pattern. 

Mix Colors Like A Pro

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Color mixing may be challenging but can be a fun and exciting aspect of interior decorating. If properly done, the output can be satisfying. Knowing the basics of mixing colors is important to be successful in the decorating project. Read on to learn more about mixing colors and how to do it like the pros.

Mixing colors and your room

Mixing colors is one of the activities that you cannot do without when it comes to decorating your room. This activity can unleash your creativity and resourcefulness. It can be challenging as well because of some rules to consider. However, this can easily be done with the help of some experts and various references. 

The color wheel and how to use it

We often tend to be a bit complicated when it comes to thinking and handling things. Sometimes we forget that there are easy ways to deal with them. When it comes to home decorating projects, we usually take a difficult path. However, if things go haywire, we seek the help of professionals that costs us extra cash.

The good news is mixing colors can be learned and done with the help of various references. The truth with mixing colors is that you have absolute freedom in choosing the colors for your room. It is also vital that some key tips are followed and observed for a more remarkable interior.

Over the years, color wheels have been used in different fields. It is an abstract organization of colors in a concentric arrangement. The color wheel represents the science behind color and the relationship among the colors. Just like what we have learned in our early years in school, the wheel has three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow; three secondary colors: green, violet, and yellow; and six tertiary colors: red-orange, yellow-orange, blue-green, blue-purple, red-purple.

There are two types of color mixing: additive mixing and subtractive mixing. Additive mixing is a type of mixing when you add colors to create white light. This mixing usually makes use of primary colors. The subtractive mixing, on the other hand, makes use of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. 

Tips on mixing colors

Now that you know what color wheel and color mixing are, you can use them to transform your room. Color mapping is one of the techniques you can use. This is a method where you can pull all the colors throughout the space. This is to guarantee that all the primary colors are employed proportionally in the space to make the whole room look more cohesive. Black and white can likewise be added to make an accent.

Black and white create design variety. White makes a tint when added to a particular color, while black adds shade. Understanding how colors relate to each other will give you a color scheme that can be used in any room or living space. 

Warm Colors For A Happier Ambiance

Memphis art blue snake like in orange poster

Experts believe that colors affect the mood of people. In general, colors are divided into whether they are cool or warm. Warm colors can evoke fun and exciting atmosphere in any room, and they can bring out the positive aspects of life. Examples are red, orange, and yellow.

Colors and mood

Science describes colors as visual perception and that they are categorized in different categories. It was observed that when eyes connect with colors, various chemicals are released from the brain. These chemicals have particular effects on the physical and emotional levels.

These are the reasons why in the advertising and marketing industries, certain colors are used to highlight the brand. Different color palettes have been used by companies in the packaging of their products and also in designing their promotional materials. The color orange, for instance, is usually seen in restaurants since it stimulates appetite. Red, on the other hand, brings out masculinity.

Colors are also important in interior design. The use of colors is one of the important factors in creating the right atmosphere in a room. In many instances, home interiors are seen in neutral colors like black, blue, gray, and white. Unfortunately, these colors do not provide any health benefits as compared to warm colors.

Why use warm colors

Warm colors are those that are in the red area of the color spectrum. In human health, warm colors are known to have positive effects. These colors evoke emotions that range from warmth and comfort to anger and hostility. These colors stimulate the body that creates a happy emotion.

On the other hand, cool colors are those that are on the blue side of the color spectrum. Examples are blue, purple, and green. These colors are calming and relaxing. However, they also evoke a feeling of sadness. 


The color with the longest wavelength and considered to be powerful. It can catch attention as compared with other colors. These are some of the reasons why red is used in traffic lights as it evokes physical and psychological responses. 

The positive traits of red are courage, strength, warmth, energy, stimulation, and excitement. It was also observed that the color can stimulate circulation, thus increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen.


The color with a relatively long and stimulating wavelength. In color psychology, yellow is considered to be a strong color. The right shade of yellow can uplift the spirit and boost self-esteem as well as self-confidence and optimism. On the contrary, yellow can promote feelings of irrationality, fear, depression, and anxiety.


The color that results from the combination of red and yellow. This is another stimulating color that has effects on the mind. Orange also represents human needs, such as food, warmth, shelter, and sensuality. 

Final thoughts

Warm colors are considered to be stimulating colors as they help activate the mind and body. As such, blood circulation is increased to help the cells receive more oxygen. This in effect promotes cell growth and organ function. In addition to these, the immune system is also stimulated to fight disease-causing microorganisms. The brain is also well-oxygenated making the mind sharp and focused.