The Role Of Posters In Education

Nursery Kiddie Alphabet Poster

According to Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” A good education will hone a child and the result can be astonishing. The key element to education is knowledge. Besides knowledge of certain subjects, education helps and trains us to build our opinions and have our own points of view on different matters. You don’t only learn the content of the books or the topics that the educators teach. Students also learn the most important lesson… the lesson of life. 

Over the years, educational institutions have created ways to help the learning of young minds. It is important for educators to have learning and teaching methodologies to properly instruct the students. Teachers also need materials to help them as well as the students in their classroom activities. The use of posters is one of the most commonly used visual aids in the classroom. It is an effective way to instill in the minds of students the lessons given by the teachers. Read on to learn more about the role of posters in the classroom. 

Influence student behavior with posters

Students are easily influenced by their surroundings. Studies also revealed that the appearance of the classroom has significant effects on the behavior of the learners. This is where the use of posters comes in. The display of attractive posters in the classroom will help create a pleasing environment that will be conducive to learning. In addition to these, the right posters can encourage good attendance and active participation in class. 

Active participation with interactive posters

One of the best ways to encourage student participation is to increase the activities in which they have to be involved. One of the ingenious ways to encourage active student participation is to use post-it notes. Posters can be modified by the addition of removable post-it notes. Invite students to write what they have learned on the post-it note and stick them on the poster. This activity helps reinforce the lesson for the day. 

Remind safety in the classroom with posters

The display of safety posters is one of the creative ways to enforce safe classroom practices. It is also a fact that teachers may benefit from the posters. A well-organized classroom carries little risk, thus making it safe for the kids and letting you teach more effectively. Display posters that remind about health and standard health protocols. These will be very effective especially during these times of pandemic.

Posters that show classroom rules

Rules are needed everywhere. These are to maintain everything in order. Posters that feature classroom rules will help both the teachers and learners with behavioral expectations. These are likewise effective visual aids if the need arises. 

Display these posters in a spot where students can easily see them. The posters may also be displayed on bulletin boards. Limit the text content so that kids will easily understand them. It is also recommended to use infographics to make the posters more appealing. 

More posters for learning

Over the years, posters have been used for different reasons. In the classroom, posters can totally help in the learning of kids. Young ones love colorful images that will remain in their minds. Images of animals, plants, flowers, and the alphabet are of great help in establishing the fundamentals of life for the students. 

falalala poster

falalala poster

‘Tis the season to be jolly. FA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!. Spruce up your rooms with colorful posters from the Holiday collection of Artdesign. This poster design will be the game-changer for your wall art design this year.

Personalize Your Bedroom With Posters

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Bedroom is a special place for every household member. It is where you can have rest and relax from the daily routine and forget about your worries. Since it is your personal sanctuary, it needs interesting decor to make the atmosphere inviting and relaxing. There is a wide range of decors that will make the necessary transformation. While choosing the right bedroom decor, you need to consider several factors, such as room size, furniture pieces, and wall colors. 

The decors you choose can instantly change the beauty of your bedroom. This is the reason why you need to plan carefully before adding any poster. Themes may vary and are available in various designs. The most important aspect in choosing the right design is how they combine with the interior design style of the whole room. Choose the poster design that will stand out or will enhance the overall design of your bedroom. Here are some ideas that you can employ when decorating the bedroom with posters.

Floral prints

Floral prints are always safe to use. However, different flowers evoke different kinds of energy. Experts suggest not to have complete freedom when choosing the type of flower. There are flowers that are appropriate for the bedroom. Here are some examples:

  • The cherry blossom represents freshness and innocence and is ideal for newlywed couples. 
  • Peony Flowers are known to attract love, romance, and warmth. However, avoid this flower to couples. 
  • Roses help improve the relationships among the members of the family. 
  • Orchids symbolize love, beauty, and fertility. 
  • Narcissus is the flower that represents career and education as well as good luck and prosperity. 


Landscapes are fantastic poster designs that have been used in both homes and offices. If you are going to use this design in the bedroom, choose the poster the depicts good and calm weather. Images of typhoons, hurricanes, storms, and the likes bring bad vibes to the bedroom. 


The images of animals evoke positive emotions, and the urge to take care of your loved ones. Avoid posters of predators and other aggressive animals. Posters of animals with their partners are also great to display as they bring harmony and balance to your life. 

Abstract art

The good thing about abstract art is its versatility. They suit well in every room including the bedroom. Take into consideration the colors and significance of the art. We understand that sometimes it is difficult to interpret the meaning of abstract art. But that is what makes them amazing. Avoid too bright or too aggressive designs as these will not help you relax in the bedroom. 

Nature-inspired posters

If still not sure what poster to display, go with nature-inspired art. It is a universal theme and the safest design to display in any room. Just like in any theme, it is best to choose calm and placatory images. Posters with cool designs like greenery and botanical prints are proven to calm and relax the mind. On the other hand, posters of different landscapes like mountains and horizons give an impression that the room appears bigger. 

Travel posters

If you are a travel enthusiast, you can bring the adventure to your bedroom. There are many travel posters available in the market. These posters feature the different travel destinations and landmarks around the globe or the country. As such, your bedroom will have a style that will reflect your character and personality. 

Black and white prints

Black and white posters are perfect if you want your bedroom to have that classic and retro appearance. These posters never go out of style and they likewise evoke a minimalist effect. These prints are ideal if you want your bedroom to have that elegant and sophisticated vibe. 

Decorating Your Walls For the Holidays

Naughty or nice poster in interior

Christmas is fast approaching! In the Philippines, you can already feel the spirit of the holidays when you hear Christmas songs being played everywhere and dazzling decors that will make your home stand out in the neighborhood. If you are still looking for the right decor to spice up your home, start with the walls as there are a lot of creative inspirations that will make your home look appealing and inviting.

Christmas wall decorations

Christmas is one of the most-awaited seasons of the year. This is also the time to transform your home into a fairytale-like abode. You actually have the freedom how to make it wonderful with interesting ideas you have. With a little creativity and the right decorations, you will be able to have an appearance that is inviting and festive. 

These days, it is common to decorate the home with a theme in mind. Themes may be different at times as long as they coincide with the colors or subject. For instance, Winter-themed Christmas is usually decorated with the colors white and silver. Thus, your home will have a stylish and trendy look that will take you and your home to the North Pole. You may also add modern art with silver elements and textured ornaments. What makes it more interesting is the addition of snowflakes that will make your home look cooler. 

You may have an idea and just add the necessary elements to successfully achieve it. Sometimes, we think that transforming your home will be costly, but there are certain ways to still achieve it without breaking the bank. The most important thing is you put your heart into this project and everything will look lovely. 

Christmas posters

Posters are one of the most commonly used wall decors that are used in homes and offices. There is a wide range of choices and are available in different designs, sizes, and finishes. Posters are easy to use and you do not need extra effort to display them on your walls. In Artdesign, we offer different holiday poster designs that will suit your taste and theme. You can also order them online which will make things easy and convenient for you. 

Over the years, Christmas poster designs are usually that of Santa, Christmas tree, garlands, reindeer, snowmen, and wrapped presents. These poster designs are cool as they are and all you have to do is pick a spot in your home where you can display them. Christmas posters have colors of their own that will complete the festive theme. It is common to see the colors red, green, gold, silver, and white. As such, with proper color coordination, your home will be perfect before the Christmas party begins. 

Other cool Christmas decors

Posters are not only the decors that will transform your home or office. There are other choices to upgrade your walls this season. Examples are canvases, wreaths, garlands, snowflakes, lights, and wall stickers. You can always visit shops to look for the right decor. Just remember that the spirit of Christmas is not only about decorations. It’s about celebrating the coming of our Saviour to our lives. 

Southern Gardens poster

Southern Gardens poster

A fun way to make your home look vibrant. This impressive art by Paul Klee is will surely create a fun and exciting atmosphere that is perfect for all occasions. Make your home inviting with wall art comprised of colorful prints.

Movement of Vaulted Chambers

Movement of Vaulted Chambers poster

Colors and colors everywhere. This poster will easily add fun and excitement to your rooms. What makes it more interesting is the art being in an abstract form that will also add mystery and wonders to your interior.

Tips To Personalize The Baby Room

Baby Watercolor reverse personal poster in interior

The birth of your baby is one of the greatest gifts in the world. You have waited for several months and now that your baby has finally arrived, there are a lot of changes that may happen to your life and to the whole family. However, before that, there are some preparations that need to be done. The baby room will soon be the sanctuary of your little. Preparing it before the arrival is crucial so that it becomes comfortable and relaxing. Moreover, the baby room also needs to be multi-functional. Read on to learn a few tips about decorating the baby room.

Choose the right wall color

Choosing the color for the baby room is probably the first thing that comes to your mind. Why not? This is the very first thing that you will see upon entering the room. It is therefore right to prepare the room before the birth of your little one. You may already have an idea about gender so there are different colors to choose from that will personalize the whole baby room. Check out the list below to see if they fit your needs for the baby room:

  • Red is usually associated with passion and aggression. Be careful with using this color when using it in the nursery. Do not paint the entire wall red and do not even make it the principal color of the room. Use it only to accent the wall or use decorative items of this color. 
  • Orange is another warm color. It stimulates communication and friendship. Be careful as well with the use of orange as too much may be too stimulating. 
  • Yellow is a cheerful and sunny color. It provides more energy and contributes to better memory with the lighter hues help in concentrating. Too much yellow may likewise be too agitating for the baby.
  • Green is a neutral color that can be used in any room. It is the color of health and well-being. It is a good choice for the nursery especially if you decide to use lighter and softer shades. 
  • Blue is a cool color that is calming and relaxing. It is a good choice for the nursery and can be used whether you have a boy or a girl. Choose the lighter hues since the dark shades can be too depressing. 
  • White is one of the common choices of parents. It is the color of purity and innocence. It offers calmness but it is recommended to use it in combination with other colors and decors. 
  • Brown is also a good choice for the baby room. It is warm and pleasant and it’s better to combine it with other colors such as blue, beige, and green.

Personalized Baby Posters and Pictures

In many instances, the first thing that comes into your mind when decorating your room is the use of posters. It is one of the easiest ways to decorate the walls and make the room look warm and bright. Before choosing the poster design, you need to take into consideration the theme of the room first. Also, the color scheme is important so that you will be able to pick the right poster design that will blend. Personalized posters of babies come in different appearances and themes. And the choice depends on your existing interior design style.

A neutral theme for the posters is the safest to use as they can easily blend with any design style that the room has. The image can be anything, from animals to the baby’s first photos. Once displayed on the walls, these posters will make wonderful wall art that your family and friends will surely adore. Other themes that you can create in the nursery with the use of posters are nautical, safari, medieval, and cartoons/ 

These days, parents even make the nursery look lovely with family photos arranged in a random layout. A large-sized customized poster of the baby will even make the wall art more interesting and personalized. 

The History of Art Nouveau

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Art Nouveau is a design style that is commonly used in architecture, applied art, and fine art. Its popularity rose in the 1890s until the beginning of World War I. The goal of the design style was to modernize the design and move away from the eclectic historical styles that were popular during that period. In fact, the concept of Art Nouveau originated from the stems and blossoms of plants. Read on to learn more about Art Nouveau and how it all began. 

A brief history of Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau was based on the name of an art gallery in Paris, “Maison de l’Art Nouveau”. The gallery was owned by an art collector, Siegfried Bing. The gallery featured artworks that were created in the Art Nouveau style. Along with modern furniture pieces, tapestries, and other decorative items during the 1900 Exposition Universelle made the place popular that the name of the place was used to denote the design style. 

Simultaneously, Les Vingt and La Libre Esthetique promoted the design style in Belgium. While the magazine, Youth, promoted the design style in Germany. It was an illustrated magazine on art and lifestyle in Munich. 

Though the exact origin of Art Nouveau is not really determined. Many art historians agree that the origin is linked with the English Arts and Crafts Movement. It also has influences from Celtic art to Japonism. The beauty of Art Nouveau is that it can be applied to other disciplines like architecture, interior design, fine arts, glassware, and illustrations

Its worldwide popularity is short-lived, however, because of the rise of the Art Deco movement. It made its comeback in the 1960s. The emergence of Art Nouveau is the response to the traditional design style. The goal was to do away with the traditional ones and modernize the concepts and ideas in the decorative arts. The design style is inspired by the organic and geometric forms, evolving elegant designs that mimic the stems and blossoms of plants. The beauty of Art Nouveau features lines and curves as well as colors and hues. 

Traits of Art Nouveau

Here are some of the traits of Art Nouveau that will make a difference to your homes:

  • The design of the furniture pieces is styled with flowers, leaves, buds, and roots. 
  • Designers have the freedom and flexibility to choose the color as long as they are light.
  • The floor is usually made from hardwood that is stained and varnished with the addition of an oriental or colorful rug. 
  • Tiffany lamps and stained glass windows create the atmosphere. 

Achieve the design style in your home

For homes that employ the design style, it is common to see elongated curves and linear shapes. The style is influenced by nature such as flowers, spider webs, and feathers. Here are some ideas and tips to achieve Art Nouveau interior to your home. 

  • Wall colors – usually the colors of the wall are soft and muted mixed with palettes of gray, mustard, brown, olive, and lilac.
  • Floors – parquet floor or wood finish will achieve the classic appearance, whitewash the floor, or mid-toned wood. 
  • Lighting – Tiffany lamps were the popular ones during the period.
  • Decors – add curved or straight lines which are geared upwards from the ground. Stained glasses can be used with the same design which resembles blossoms of plants. 

A Brief History Of Posters As An Art

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Poster art is one of the most common forms of art and probably the most straightforward when it comes to sending messages and information. Posters use graphical and textual elements and are designed to attract attention. It also aims to give information as brief yet accurate as possible. However, popular posters are, they are still underestimated by many people. Many do not accept it as a form of art since posters are now mass-produced. Read on to learn why posters are still considered art. Hopefully, at the end of this article, you will have a different perspective about posters and be able to fully appreciate them.

The ancient times

Modern posters or the posters that we know these days emerged between the 1840s and 1850s. However, if you are going to study it further, poster as a medium dates back to the prehistoric period. Cave paintings from the Ancient Middle East and Egypt are the earliest examples of what we call posters. 

Production of posters then was limited due to the availability of technology. It was in the 1860s when Jules Cheret developed a new lithographic process. The three-stone lithography was more affordable yet with richer and more expressive colors. This was also influenced by Ukiyo-e woodblock prints in Japan. With these developments in poster technology, he was known as “The Father of the Fine Art Poster.”

Pioneers of Posters

Jules Cheret was not the only one who developed poster printing. The golden age of the poster saw the spread of poster art beyond Paris and throughout Europe. Posters were used in circuses, sporting events, cabarets, and others. Name like Theophile Steinlen’s advertisements for the Parisian cabaret Le Chat Noir is one of the iconic poster art from the Golden Age movement. The end of the 19th century marked the growth of posters as art. This period is what they call the Belle Epoque.

Many art movements can be traced and influenced by other periods such as Art Nouveau, Art Deco, and Modern Contemporary Art Movement. Among the names that are associated with the development of modern posters are T. Privat-Livemont, Dudley hardy, Eugene Grasset, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, and Jules Cheret. In the United States, posters were used in advertisements such as Ringing Bros. 

Posters in the United States were more subtle and realistic. They had subdued colors and simpler compositions. It was Edward Penfield who started these kinds of posters and they were even welcomed warmly in Europe. 

Propaganda posters

Posters became popular as a medium for rallying cry and calling to arms. The most iconic poster during the propaganda era was Lord Kitchener Want You by Alfred Leete. It practically captured the true essence of the poster as a medium that speaks directly to its viewers. Post World War I, the Art Noveau was considered to be old-fashioned and obsolete. The rise of Art Deco and the modern art movements in Europe caused the resurgence in the popularity of posters. It showcased new aesthetics but still, posters never became prevalent as compared during the Golden Age. 

Posters in the present day

Today, poster art is becoming popular, They are ubiquitous in homes and many public areas. Typography posters with inspirational and personalized text are used to motivate people while graphic posters were influenced by past and contemporary art movements. Posters also had new purposes such as reproducing popular paintings and advertising. 

A Nostalgic Atmosphere With Retro Poster

Vintage red volks Poster in interior

Travel back in time with the beauty of retro posters. These posters will not only make a wonderful accent to your walls but will also set a nostalgic vibe. Would it be great to bring back your childhood memories and reminisce the times when you were still doing fun and exciting activities? Retro style covers several decades of styles and it often describes an interior decoration of mixed styles and objects that are influenced by trends and styles from the past. 

The beauty of retro-themed posters

Creating a retro design style in your own home or space is a unique way to bring back the old times. The retro design style has been inspired by the events and activities after World War 2. A time when a lot of people try to spread love, peace, and freedom in any way possible. 

The designs depicting the retro style are usually fun and lively. It is common to see images in bright colors, wild designs, and an overall sense of talent. Retro posters also depict the same ambiance when added to the room. The images featured are loud and funky. 

Retro posters will definitely help you achieve a nostalgic atmosphere. The colors are truly captivating. You will often see images in popular retro colors such as mustard yellow and combinations of brown, black and white, orange and red. Pink and purple are also obvious in retro posters. 

With the addition of these posters on your walls, you will be able to create a cozy and cheering vibe. Remarkably, the room will have a nostalgic and elegant feeling that cannot be matched by other posters. Retro posters are perfect if you want to cherish memories and reminisce the days you spent in your grandma’s home. 

Achieve a retro design style

The retro interior design style is one of the epic styles in the history of design. It marks the end of World War 2 and the beginning of an amazing era in the world of construction and design. Retro design style aims to be nostalgic and elegant. It is a way for people to reminisce their past and embrace their youth with the addition of old and vintage pieces of furniture, cushions, wall art, and fabric. 

Retro posters feature images from different times that can create a wonderful and remarkable timeline throughout history. The objective of retro posters is to create a space that evokes pleasant memories to create a familiar and comfortable environment. 

Feeling psychedelic? The colors and designs of retro posters evoke a special beauty that depicts the lifestyle and activities of many people during the era. Retro posters are simply stimulating and tantalizing. Having these posters in your room will definitely make you travel back in time. A time when fun and excitement never ends. 

Final thoughts

Decorating your home is a great project to do with your loved ones. In fact, there are various styles to choose from. If you are looking for an interesting way to combine the past with the present, a retro design style will surely do the trick. This style can easily be achieved with posters along with other decorative items the represents both the past and the present.