Why Volunteer in an Animal Shelter?

Stylized Pom Poster by Siara Gogh

For many pet lovers, we are aware that one of the problems in the country is the growing number of stray animals like dogs and cats. In 2019 alone, the Philippine Animal Welfare Society was able to record at least 12 million stray animals. Many of them are afflicted with diseases and pose danger to the public. Animal shelters are becoming crowded as more animals are being rescued every day. Many of the shelters that we know are privately owned and facing some problems in terms of resources, whether financial or human. This is one of the main reasons why people are encouraged to help to save more animals in distress. But why volunteer? Here are some benefits that you can get when you volunteer in an animal shelter.

Good feeling

Being an animal shelter volunteer makes you feel like you are doing the right thing. You become part of the solution to the problem. Part of the job of being a volunteer is that you work with the animals so they can be healthy for foster care. Most of the animals that are sent to shelters are stray and have little to no human interaction. Being with them on a regular basis will develop their trust with humans. This strongly helps them get prepared for future foster parents.

The fruits of your labor

You can instantly the results of your hardships as you begin to work with a fur baby. Remember that many of the animals rescued have minimal human interactions and by showing them some love, their personalities start to come out. Whether you are giving them a bath, taking them for a walk, or simply cuddling them makes a big difference in their lives. 

Volunteers are needed

As more shelters take in more animals, your love and care for the animals are very much needed. There will always be a dog to walk or a cat to groom. It has been observed that giving this care to the animals relieves them of kennel stress. Animals respond differently when they are stressed. Some may become aggressive, others may lose their appetite, and many may increase their frequency of barking or vocalization. Engaging in activities with rescued animals will make them happy and healthy.

Being a volunteer is a good therapy

Being an animal shelter volunteer is good for your total well-being. Studies have shown that spending time with animals helps lower your stress levels and blood pressure. They also help you become physically active as you engage them in various activities. Playing with them has been proven scientifically to increase your levels of serotonin and dopamine. These body chemicals are known to help you become calm and relaxed. 

Memorable professional experience

Being a volunteer is a great way to try a new career. This may be an opportunity to explore a new interest. By volunteering, you will gain new experiences and skills as well as build your own strengths. If you want your resume to be colorful, then the experience you had with the animal shelter is great to add. 

Being a volunteer helps you become responsible in life

Being a volunteer helps you develop yourselves professionally. This includes being on time and managing your time. Moreover, being a volunteer makes you feel like you are part of something that will make a difference in the community

It’s Not Too Late to Save Them

My pet in renaissance clothes no. 2 poster

Rescuing animals is a much-needed effort to protect animals that are in dangerous situations. In the Philippines alone, there are millions of dogs and cats roaming around the streets. In fact, many of them are seen limping and in not-so-good condition. Sad to say, this is a common sight in the country and many of them are euthanized or die of hunger, wounds, or diseases. Many animals are turned into shelters due to abandonment by owners, expensive health concerns, and others. 

Animal rescue vs. Animal shelter

The difference between the two is quite difficult to describe as their objectives coincide with each other’s goals. There tends to be flexibility surrounding the two terms. In general, “animal rescue” may even cover animal shelters as a subset of animal rescues. If you are talking about their difference, animal shelters tend to have facilities that house animals while animal rescues are typically foster-based organizations. Both types of organizations exist to help animals. 

Stray animals in the Philippines

According to the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), having stray animals is caused by irresponsible pet ownership, owners not neutering their pets, and people still buying and breeding instead of adopting or fostering shelter and rescue animals. Commonly, stray animals are once domesticated and thrown out into the streets when the owners cannot afford to take care of them. In 2019, PAWS has reported about twelve million stray dogs and cats in the country. 

Dangers of having stray animals

It is a public health concern for having a large population of stray dogs and cats. Among the problems faced by many are dog bites, rabies, leptospirosis, cat scratch fever, and others. Stray animals may also cause disruption to the flow of traffic and the noise they cause because of territorial fights. Children may also die of rabies since they are more likely to conceal their bite wounds from their parents. According to the World Health Organization, often it is too late to save the lives of rabies victims. Patients usually die soon after the symptoms appear. 

The situation of animal shelters in the country

In other countries, COVID 19 pandemic has led people to adopt pets since they have more time to take care of them. However, the situation is different here in the Philippines. Many families have been forced to give up their pets due to the lack of funds. Animal shelters have been receiving rescue calls even though their resources are problematic. There were more animals in need of care since the pandemic struck the country. Various organizations also have mentioned that since the animal rescue rate is increasing, most shelters have become unsustainable and overpopulated. This is the main reason why animal protection organizations highly recommend adopting pets from shelters rather than buying from pet shops. You may have heard of these: “Adopt, Don’t Shop” and “Kapon, Hindi Tapon” advocacies. Hopefully, with these, the number of homeless cats and dogs will be decreased. 

Nowadays, many animal shelters are in peril because of the lack of resources that are needed to sustain their operations. Employees of private-owned shelters often shell some cash from their pockets to keep the organization afloat. Unfortunately, this is not sustainable and they are in dire need of our help. A little help goes a long way…

PAWtrait for a Cause

Photo competition for pets

For the second time in a row, Artdesign is holding another photo contest for our friends. Just as much as we enjoyed last year’s photo competition, we will surely have a great time with this year’s event! Artdesign’s photo contest this year will make you and your fur baby shine. With the theme, “Beautify Your Walls with PAWtrait of your Pets”, you will have the opportunity to feature the most loved photo of your pet in our collections. 

We know that there are thousands of pet lovers in the country who are more than willing to make their PAWtrait viral. It is easy to join! All you need to do is submit your entry and let your family and friends vote for it by sharing the link to your photo. 

In cooperation with Happy Pet, exciting prizes await the winners! The entry with the highest votes will get a large-framed print of their PAWtrait, a voucher worth Php 10,000 from Artdesign, and 5 packs of kibbles from Happy Pet. How about that?! Of course, just like in any contest, we also have some rules and restrictions to follow. As much as we want to accommodate all animals, exotic ones are not allowed. This is in accordance with the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act of 2001 (R.A. No. 9147). 

What makes this year’s contest even more exciting is that we will be able to support a local animal shelter. Cez Yor and Rolf Temme’s Animal Shelter/Foundation is a privately owned organization whose sole objective is to save animals in peril. The group started only saving a few cats and dogs, and now they have over 100 rescued fur babies. The sad part is, that funds are a bit dwindling. We don’t want their initiative to cease because of this problem. As such, we want to be part of their mission. Your help is very much appreciated as we all try to make this world a better place to live. 

By joining this contest, not only that you will have the chance to win cool prizes. You will also be part of the history of Artdesign as we embark on another journey of helping Cez Yor and Rolf Temme’s Animal Foundation. 

Check out https://www.artdesign.ph/photo-competition/ for the contest details. 

Why Filipinos Love American Foods

Vintage Cafe Poster

As Filipinos, we have been exposed to various foods. Different provinces and cities in the country have their respective dishes that stimulate the palate of every Filipino. Though not all are preferred, they still enhance the identity of every Filipino. Throughout the history of the country, we also have been introduced to various foods as we have been visited and colonized in the past. 

Admit it or not, you may have tasted and eaten American dishes. Visiting some of the popular fast food chains in the country, you will be greeted by the aroma of fried or grilled meat with, deep-fried potatoes, bread, and heavily sweetened desserts or snacks. The question is, how come many Filipinos are so in love with American foods? Hopefully, this article will be able to answer this question. Although this does not speak for all, read on to search for the answers to the question. 

The influences of Filipino taste

Our culture is influenced by other cultures and traditions, such as Malay, Spanish, Chinese, and American. Each of these has its own stories and the influence of the Americans is one of the most recent. This influence is mainly due to their occupation in the early 1900s. They brought their food supplies, as these were the necessities during the war period. In addition to these, Filipinos were also exposed to food rations and the convenience of cooking. 

Uniqueness of flavors

American foods are unique in terms of taste and content. You will notice that they are high in fat, salt, and other flavorings. As such, our taste buds have been stimulated to learn to love the taste and make them part of our daily lives. Of course, not all Pinoys come to love the original American taste. This is when we tried to transform them and create something that is more acceptable to our palate. For instance, the traditional American hamburger was adjusted in terms of the dressing, thickness of the patty, and garnishings. American spaghetti was also adjusted by making the sauce sweeter and the addition of sliced hotdogs and hams.

Original American taste in the Philippines

With the adjustment of the flavor to satisfy the cravings of many Filipinos, there are still fast food restaurants that serve dishes with the original American taste. These restaurants offer a nostalgic experience as you enjoy traditional American Diner foods. Go to malls or walk around your neighborhood and check out various fast food chains like Wendy’s, Mcdonald’s, Burger King, or KFC. You will be amazed that their menu still offers the traditional ones. However, as a response to the demand of the market, some dishes were added that somehow deviate from the original taste. 

The global dominance of American foods is monumental. If you are a traveler and not into local foods, most probably, you will see a restaurant that serves American dishes. Even in many streets of the Philippines, you will see stalls that serve hamburgers, fries, mojos, pancakes, and others. 

Why Choose Cats as Pets?

Galaxy Persian Poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

Cats have been part of human lives from 10,000 to 12,000 years ago in Fertile Crescent. A place where some of the earliest civilizations started. Since then cats have served humans in various ways. When choosing a pet, not all of us are into dogs. Some people prefer cats to accompany them in their daily lives. Just like dogs, cats too offer great benefits to humans. Here are some fun reasons why owning a cat is important for us.

Cats are quiet most of the time

If you are concerned with the noise level in your home or apartment, then cats are a great choice of pet. As such, there will be no complaints from your neighbors. Of course, there will be times that cats will be able to knock down some items in your home, but overall, their silence is beyond comparable. 

Cats can be house-trained

When getting a pet, one of the dilemmas of owners is the process of house training. This is usually experienced when getting a new puppy. On the other hand, kittens usually know how to use the litter box. The only thing you need to do is to introduce it to them and they will use it when the need arises. 

Cats are usually independent

Cats will be there when you need them. However, they do not need your attention in many instances. They are capable of entertaining themselves and doing something when they get bored. Constant attention is for dogs, while you don’t need to do this with cats. 

Pest-free home with cats

Cartoons and other story books have taught us that cats like to hunt rodents. Little did we know that cats can also kill insects. It’s their instinct! Most cats enjoy catching bugs such as flies, spiders, and others. 

Cats live long

Pet owners, especially kids know that losing any pet is heartbreaking. The good news is, that cats have a long life expectancy. On average, they live up to 12 years. However, it is common for them to live beyond the average years. 

Felines offer great health benefits

It has been observed that cats provide a calming effect to their owners. Petting then and the sound of purring help people fall asleep. Studies have also shown that owning a cat can help lower blood pressure and the risk of a heart attack. 

Cats can lower the risk of having allergies

Several studies have shown that kids who are exposed to cats under the age of one were less likely to develop allergies. Being exposed to cats not only protects the kids from pet allergies but other forms as well, such as dust mites and grass allergies. 

Cats give psychological and emotional support

Cats are great companions. They give unconditional love, just like dogs. People who are in need of support significantly lower the risk of having depression and anxiety with cats by their side. Petting them can have soothing effects that calm the mind and body. 

Stylized Pug Poster

Stylized Pug Poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

Who let the dogs out!? Want this pug to be part of your home? Own it now and give it a permanent place to stay. Another cute and adorable art by Siara Gogh.

Galaxy Maltese Poster

Galaxy Maltese Poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

How about that? A smart dog with the stars in the background. In watercolor, it is even more impressive. Display this extraordinary art by Siara Gogh and have an adorable wall design.

CMYK Shih Tzu Poster

CMYK Shih Tzu Poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

Relaxing colors, tantalizing eyes, adorable dog. Never leave your walls empty. Let this cute Shih Tzu be part of your home and let it make your room look unique. A captivating art by Siara Gogh.