Botanical Boho Trio Poster Bundle

Botanical Boho Trio Poster Bundle

The display of these posters is another unique way to add a touch of nature to your rooms. In earthy colors, your space will have that tranquil feel. Get them now!

Zen-Inspired Home

Flaming Tree poster in interior

The Zen interior design style is one of the popular interior decorating styles. It evokes a calming and relaxing ambiance that is perfect in any home or space. Though little is known of the origins of the design style, many homeowners and designers prefer it in their homes. Various decorative elements have been created to help achieve the Zen design style. Posters were also designed as inspired by Zen. These prints feature plants, landscapes, and other earthy elements that will help in achieving the style in your homes. 

What is Zen?

Experts believe that the Zen design style is inspired by Buddhist principles. The principles are focused primarily on loving-kindness, calmness, and meditative and open attitudes. Based on the Japanese term for meditation, Zazen, the key elements of the style feature minimalism with a focus on harmony and balance. 

How to achieve Zen design style

Achieving the Zen interior design style may be challenging and four elements need to be considered to be successful with the decorating project. Creating interior design style is exciting especially when all the elements are added. 

The first element is the flow of energy. This means that all the other obstacles such as clutter should be removed to allow the energy to flow freely within the room. Having an open space is important and can be compared to a smooth flow of clear water. As such the rooms dissolve easily with each other. 

It is also of utmost importance to allow daylight to enter and artificial light that mimics the light from the sun. With these, the harmonious colors of the room will be revealed making the interior look more inviting and cozy. Think of adding colors that are close to the elements of nature such as bamboo green, stone gray, matte white, and other soft neutral colors. With the addition of poster art and fabric that have the said colors, you can easily get the job done correctly.

A simple mind is a clear mind. Creating a minimalist room interior can help you live a calm and restful life. Add storage areas to stock your belongings to avoid the accumulation of clutter. Hidden built-in cabinets, for instance, are perfect to store books, kitchenware, clothes, and others.

Lastly, the interior should also evoke versatility wherein every part of the room can be multifunctional to avoid it from being cramped and congested. One good example is a bed that can be transformed into a sofa during the daytime. 

Zen-inspired posters

Think of the walls as a blank canvas to design your wall art. The display of posters is one of the easiest and fastest ways to achieve the Zen interior design style. Many poster prints feature elements of nature and have captured the essence of Zen principles. These prints, when properly arranged on the walls can give an ambiance that is relaxing and comfortable. 

Posters that feature plants, mountains, and the sea are not only attractive. They also evoke a feeling of being at one with the surroundings. Displaying them in the living room can help in setting the mood, especially after coming from a stressful environment. 

Yoga and other light exercise enthusiasts will surely have a great time while enjoying the view displayed on their walls. Not only that these prints evoke beauty, but they will also keep the mind and body calm for better health. 

Interior Design Trends in 2022

Limestone and Crystal Seas poster in interior

Over the years, interior design trends have been used to help designers and homeowners in upgrading their homes. Once the interior appearance has been achieved then people find some sort of inner peace. Think about the ancient Chinese art of feng shui where the arrangement and positioning of furniture pieces and even the whole house correspond with energy flow. The use of colors and geometric patterns, for instance, helps in mimicking the harmony of nature. There are even several studies conducted that show the significance of interior appearance to the total well-being of the homeowners.

This year, experts have predicted some of the design trends. For example, many have seen the rise of earthy colors, such as brown, as well as nature-inspired accents and surfaces. While others long for a cozy and warm room interior. Whatever, the trends are this year, the most important thing is that homeowners are able to enjoy staying in their homes. 

Shades of brown

If you will check the color wheel or other color references, you will notice that there are different shades of brown. But what shade is the most appropriate to use? Many experts say that chocolate browns, camels, and caramels are back. We have seen them in the 70s and this time there won’t be any mixing with orange. These shades of brown were chosen as they are close to the hues found in nature. Try to experiment with neutral colors so that your home will have that look that is close to the environment. 

Nature-inspired objects and surfaces

Since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic, most people preferred staying indoors. Being exposed to nature eventually diminished. Unless you have your own garden or nature-inspired rooms. Think stoneware, marble, terracotta, and travertine to be used in furniture pieces and decorative objects. 

Sculptures and Curved furniture pieces

Many experts believe that a curved form is safe, friendly, and welcoming. As such, furniture pieces with softer shapes and angles are still in this year. This is also true when it comes to architecture. 

Elevated outdoor furniture

With the COVID 19 alert level lowering in the whole Metro and even the whole country, many are now going out of their sanctuaries to enjoy the outdoors. The best way to enjoy this opportunity is to decorate the patio, backyard, or garage with sophisticated and refined furniture pieces. 

Multi-purpose rooms

While many have received COVID 19 vaccines, we should not be too complacent as the threat is still at large. Our living spaces continue to be used for various reasons. Many are still working at home and certain rooms may need to be transformed as the need arises. For instance, the dining room can be used as a conference room, the living room as the home office, and the bedroom as a private meeting room. Decorate them in such a way that they will be conducive to whatever purpose they may serve. Personalize them if you can with wall decors like personalized framed posters

Vintage-themed rooms

Just hearing the word vintage means a lot of things. It may mean something classic, old, nostalgic, and others. From the point of view of design, vintage items influence the direction of the room. You can choose any decorative item that will bring back memories. Classic art, for instance, can tell stories of the past and of the artist. Black and white photos arranged on the walls in any layout can tell stories about yourself, family, or friends. 

Neutral Boho 5 poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Neutral Boho 5 Poster

Bohemian-styled poster art that will add beauty to your rooms. The display of this poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your room attractive and interesting. The earthy colors help create a room atmosphere that is comfortable and relaxing. This art is also one of the ways to boost the wall design to add value to your home.

Neutral Boho 4 poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Neutral Boho 4 Poster

Bohemian-styled poster art that will add beauty to your rooms. The display of this poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your room attractive and interesting. The earthy colors help create a room atmosphere that is comfortable and relaxing. This art is also one of the ways to boost the wall design to add value to your home.

Neutral Boho Illustration 2 poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Neutral Boho Illustration 2 Poster

Bohemian-styled poster art that will add beauty to your rooms. The display of this poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your room attractive and interesting. The earthy colors help create a room atmosphere that is comfortable and relaxing. This art is also one of the ways to give your home a touch of nature.

Shapes and minimal leaf poster with Black Frame

Shapes and minimal leaf Poster

Simple yet stunning poster design with neutral and earthy colors. A poster art in abstract form is a cool design that can help achieve a lovely and remarkable interior. With this in the bedroom or living room, you will surely have a wall that can serve as the focal point of your room.

Why Framing Matters

Art wall 238

There are different ways of pulling off the interior of a room. From the walls, windows, flooring, household items, and decorative items, you tend to choose the ones that will suit your taste. The display of art and photos also come into mind, however, the use of frames comes as an afterthought, just like designing a wall art. Many experts believe that the use of frames in any art or photos is significant in adding beauty to the interior. Here are a few tips that will help you in making your interior look fantastic with the use of frames. 

Boost the room appearance

If you want to upgrade the appearance of your room, then framing artworks is the key to achieving it. Framed artworks will also level up a minimalist room. These will add vibrancy to any room interior. An appealing wall piece can help accentuate the earthy colors used with the minimalist design style. Creating wall art composed of framed posters will instantly make any room look extraordinary. 

Can act as the focal point of the room

Every room needs a captivating view. A focal point refers to that one thing that will capture the attention of anybody as soon as they enter the room. There are many items that can be used as the room focal point. For instance, a large vase, an intriguing poster design, or classic art. People may have a hard time choosing the right room focal point. If this is the case, then it is much easier to go with a framed wall piece. As such, you can draw the attention of your guests with lovely art or by the frame used.  In addition to these, you will likewise be able to personalize your room.

Framing can bring a sense of texture

Frames come in different varieties of textures and finishes. Choose a frame that will blend well with the atmosphere of the room. It is recommended that the surface of the frame should be able to complement the theme of the room.

Color palette to the room

The right picture frame adds to the color palette of the entire room. No need to worry about this as there are tons of frame designs and colors to choose from. Sometimes if you are unsure, it is best to use neutral colored frames such as black or white

How to frame your artwork

Whether you are framing a painting or a poster, you need to keep in mind a few things so that they will look absolutely stunning. First, you need to be sure that the frame does not overshadow the artwork. Choose a style and color that will complement the artwork. 

It is also advised to use mats as these can prevent the work from touching the glass, allowing airflow around the art. This is important so that the artwork will not stick to the glass over time. Choose a mat that is lighter than the work of art but somehow darker than the wall. 

Be conscious of size and proportion such that the mat and frame should never be equal widths. The matting should be wider than the frame. As a rule of thumb, the larger the painting or poster, the wider the frame must be. 

Personalizing Your Home Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Personalized Zodiac Pisces poster in interior

Still looking for the right design for your home? Searching for the right decor and design for your rooms may be quite confusing at times. Designing and decorating it may also be quite a challenge as there are many factors to consider. Think about the budget, size of your family, and the availability of resources. However, unique and interesting ideas can give your home the boost it needs. How about decorating your rooms based on your zodiac sign. This inspiration can surely help you create a perfect space that will be adored even by your guests. 

Be eclectic and eco-friendly with Aquarius

You may want to be free and be close to nature. Try to incorporate eco-friendly materials as possible. Like installing solar panels and rain-catching systems. These ideas will let you plan for better ways to help the environment. You will also love the idea of having a lot of space with extra rooms to help others. 

Serene rooms by Pisces

As a symbol of fish, you are drawn to designing your home to be calm and relaxing. Choose colors that will make your space cool and serene. Shades of blue or teal will do the trick and are surely great colors to incorporate in your rooms. Make the furniture pieces comfy as well with soft throws on the couch and plush pillows and blankets on the bed. Also, try to make the room design open as possible to allow the flow of air. 

Lively room appearance with Aries

Born under Aries have a big personality and they tend to chase after life and experience it to the fullest. Homes would most likely have bold colors and patterns, especially in the furniture pieces. Homes need to have extra rooms to create a more active space. You also need recreation rooms to fight boredom especially during these times of quarantine periods. 

Timeless and classy Taurus

The sigh of the bull wherein you enjoy beautiful things as well as a comfortable and stable environment. A large and comfortable couch is your best friend. The appearance of your kitchen will surely be the focal point of your home. As an earthy sign, add understated tones and neutral colors to bring balance to the entire house. 

Luxurious Gemini

As a social individual and with the drive to bring the whole world at your fingertips, you would do everything to make your space look large. The addition of large glass panels and wide windows would allow the entry of natural light. This will make the whole room look more open and comfortable. 

Be traditional with Cancer sign

Try designing your home to make it look vintage or traditional. As such, you will need furniture pieces and other items that will fall under these categories. Make all areas of your home comfortable and cozy at all costs. Your home will eventually be your sanctuary especially with lighter colors on the walls.

Vibrant rooms with Leo

Bright and bold colors and eye-catching furniture pieces are needed to make your space vibrant. Accessorize your walls with personal keepsakes and vibrant art. These will help you create a home that is perfect for parties and entertaining guests. 

Simple and stylish Virgo

Your home would likely feature neutral colors as they can easily blend with anything. Whether the theme of your room or decorative items, they will surely create a simple and trendy room appearance. Organize your stuff with storage items and areas as clutter will ruin everything. 

Harmonious Libra

You love to make all things balanced, especially the appearance and feel of your room. Add lighter and pastel colors as these will create an inviting space. There should also be a balance with the furniture, wall furnishings, and accent pieces as possible. Incorporate curtains, throws, and decorative mirrors to make the room look vibrant. 

Chic and stylish Scorpio

Personalize your rooms with a design that will reflect your personality. However, keeping your life private, introspective, and mysterious. Add darker colors such as furniture pieces and the colors of your walls. As a result, you will have a private and quiet home.

Creative and compact Sagittarius

Be artistic in decorating your walls such as creating your own wall gallery. The display of photos of your family and friends in frames will do the trick. So the next time you take pictures, think twice before keeping them in albums. Display them in a creative layout so that you will have a wall that will create a nostalgic vibe. 

Stylish and smart room with Capricorn

Add things to your home that you value most. You tend to lean towards a sleeker decor style with a minimalist room appearance. Keep your home organized and easily manageable. In addition to these, the addition of a large desk with sturdy shelves and drawers are needed to keep things in their rightful places.