Sleep is important to all of us. Every age has their respective sleep requirements per day. However, there are those who find sleep as a luxury due to certain reasons. Experts believe that there are design flaws that greatly affect the quality of sleep. Read on to learn more about interior design and its effects on sleep pattern.
Home design and sleep
Each one of us has our own required number of hours of sleep every day. Unfortunately, there are different factors that can ruin sleep. Examples are the food and drinks you have, presence and use of gadgets, watching television, and others. It has also been observed that the design of your home can likewise affect the quality of sleep. For instance, the arrangement of your furniture pieces and the interior design style can have a significant impact on sleep quality. As such, many homeowners consult Feng Shui experts.
The art of Feng Shui
Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy of harmonizing the environment and humans. It is one of the Five Arts of Metaphysics that is classified as physiognomy. Feng Shui is concerned with architecture, design, and the forces that bind the universe together.
Feng Shui has been used over the centuries in construction and design. It has helped on how buildings are oriented and linked with the spiritual world. During the Cultural Revolution in the 60s, the practice of the Art was temporarily ceased due to the claim that it is purely based on superstitions and the absence of any supporting principles and theories.
These days, Feng Shui is widely used in construction and design. Even landscape artists and scientists use Feng Shui in their research and projects. For example, Feng Shui experts are considered to know and understand more the proper ways of preserving the environment.
Designing the bedroom with Feng Shui
Needless to say, the bedroom should be comfortable and relaxing. Feng Shui experts believe that there are common mistakes in designing the bedroom. The position of the bed, for instance, is important. Experts recommend that the position of the bed should leave equal spaces on both sides. As such, the bed must not be pushed up against the wall. This arrangement represents an equal space between you and your partner. This can be balanced with the addition of two side tables with lamps.
Another example is the layout of the bedroom. The door should be aligned with the bed. This layout allows the feeling of good opportunities to come to their lives. This also allows the entry of positive energy into the room. These arrangements can help revitalize your life through the bedroom.
The accumulation of clutter should also be avoided as this can cause intimacy and health issues. Make sure that the bedroom is free of any debris. Place your stuff in their proper places. In addition to these, take the television out of the bedroom as this may disrupt sleep. Plants and flowers must also be kept outside the bedroom or keep them out of the line of sight of your bed.
You also need to have a comfortable and supportive mattress. Choose the mattress that will not cause any discomfort in your back. The bed should also be high enough to allow the flow of energy in the room.