Making Your Rooms Trendy With Posters

Contemporary Art Wall

Using posters is a cost-efficient way to make the walls of any room look vibrant and lively. Posters are fun and exciting. Not only are they attractive, but they are also helpful in conveying messages. For instance, you can add motivational posters in the kitchen or dining room to have something inspiring to look at while having breakfast before going to school or work. Whatever is printed on the poster they will surely be captivating and exciting.

Posters for your rooms

We all know that your home’s rooms have their respective functions. The bedroom, for instance, is a place for sleeping, working, and relaxing. As such, some posters are perfect for these functions. Another example is the living room, which may be considered one of the house’s busiest rooms. It is a place for socialization with family and friends.  It is therefore recommended to add posters to break the ice or initiate a conversation among the group.

Consider decorating your space with posters that are original and fascinating. There is something nostalgic about it that will remind you of your teenage years. These days, it is wise to choose more neutral and artistic posters. These would look lovely on your walls. To make the right choice, think first of the theme you want to project to your room. Once you have made up your mind and can decide on a suitable theme, then finding and picking the appropriate poster design will not be a problem. 

Choose the suitable posters for your rooms

The first step is to decide which room you want to redecorate. Also, assess how many posters would fit in the space. You may opt to use a large poster or several small ones. Look at the colors that are already in the room so that you can find the posters that will blend well with them. 

You will find these captivating if you pick the modern type of posters. Posters can help you create extraordinary and original interior decor. They can also be good accents that your home or space needs. 

Poster designs can now be found online, in gift shops, museums, and cinemas. Of course, this depends on the theme you plan to add to your room. Once you have chosen the proper poster, frame them to make them more attractive and functional. The frames should be as simple as possible to highlight the image printed on the poster. 

Let’s look at the possibilities that you can do for the living room. As mentioned, the room is perfect for socializing with friends and family. Sometimes, adding the right decor can help you initiate a conversation. A large poster with an artistic design can sometimes be a topic to start with when entertaining your guests.

Add posters featuring food and drinks on the kitchen or dining room walls, and you will have perfect interior decoration. 

Another good thing about posters is that you can change them when the time comes that you want some change to the interior appearance. 

Clever Ways to Prepare for the Holidays

Tis the season Christmas Truck Canvas

While many of us enjoy the calm winds of the season, malls are already overcrowded with items for the Christmas rush. Christmas is one of the most awaited days of the year, and it is just intelligent to prepare early. Preparation is a process that takes time; you will surely regret it when things are half-baked. Early preparation means that when Christmas day arrives, all you have to do is sit and relax. 

Prepare early for Christmas

It is a fact that the Philippines has one of the most extended Christmas in the world. When the cool months set in, you will surely hear Christmas songs played in malls, on the radio, and public transportation. Early preparation is the best way to save money, refrain from stress, and avoid headaches. 

Have you coordinated with your family members on how to celebrate Christmas this year? Of course, we understand that families have traditions they want to keep in terms of the annual celebration of Christmas. It is still recommended to plan to make sure to include all crucial details. Preparing a few days before Christmas will leave you stressed, unsatisfied, and panicky. All you want to happen is for the day to be finished. That’s what we want to avoid. 

Plan properly

Many of us love Christmas; preparing for it is natural and innate. Each individual or family has their prepping style, and the most straightforward, uncomplicated way to start is to make a list. Once you have a list, everything else will be easy and smooth. Proper planning, coordination, distribution of job assignments, and budgeting can help prevent untoward events or incidents. 

Don’t overspend

Celebrating Christmas means that you have to spend cash. You need to work out your budget so that you can prepare smartly. Remember everything you need, including food, decorations, gifts, attire, greeting cards, and the fare to and from the malls or supermarkets. Work out what you will need to spend and write them all down. This will give you a better idea of managing your funds without wasting cash on unnecessary items. 

Use your calendar

December is a busy month for many of us. Make sure to start filling your diary or calendar with the various activities you need to do. Examples are parties, school events, company lunches or dinners. This practice will ensure you get everything. Remember all your kids’ school activities. If you plan to order food, note when to call and pick it up. The more organized you are, the better you will feel for the celebrations. 

Create a guest list

Preparing for the Christmas celebration takes work. Therefore, it is just right to keep track of the people who will attend. Knowing the number of attendees will help you get organized. Make your list and check it twice. Go and find out who will come or not. Start planning for the items that will be needed, such as toiletries, extra plates, utensils, food, and drinks. Remember the relatives and friends who will stay; you will need additional bedding, beds, pillows, and blankets. 

Send the invites

Send out the invites to tell your loved ones that you will be hosting the celebration for Christmas. Be sure to note that they will give you their response a few days or a week before the most anticipated day. This will allow you to prepare enough food and drinks so everybody will be satisfied and contented. 

Don’t forget the Christmas meal

Certain foods such as gravy, stuffing, and others can be prepared early and frozen. Doing this will save you time and effort to attend to other essential things for the celebration. If you can order online, do so to give yourself more time to prep. 

Plan and prepare with your loved ones 

You can do some things with others. Give your family members their respective tasks and monitor them occasionally. With their help, everything will be smooth and organized. Merry Christmas!


Decorate your homes with Holiday posters. Choose from the wide range of designs from our shop. Visit for more information. 

Pepperoni Canvas

Pepperoni Canvas

Indulge yourselves in comfort food loved by millions around the globe. Make this Canvas part of your space and have a mouthwatering sight you will adore every day.

Tasty Macaron Canvas

Tasty Macaron Canvas

Macaron is one of the popular French desserts. It is a sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond meal, and food coloring.

Charcuterie Board Canvas

Charcuterie Board Canvas

A charcuterie board is filled with cured meats, cheese, veggies, nuts, olives, dried fruits, and crackers. A mixture of food on a platter that stimulates all of your taste buds.

Amsterdam B&W Typo Canvas

Amsterdam B&W Typo Canvas

Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands. It is the country’s largest city and the center for finance, culture, and art. The city is known for its lovely canals, awesome architecture, bridges, multicultural food offerings, and impressive culture and history.

Make Your Homes Cheerful With Vibrant Colors

Illustration abstract shape and lines Canvas in interior

Through the years, experts have believed that colors significantly affect many individuals’ behavior. Generally, warm colors evoke a fun and exciting atmosphere in any room. Moreover, colors like red, orange, and yellow were known for bringing out the positive aspects of life. 

How do colors affect us?

Science describes colors as visual perception and categorizes them into different categories. Studies have shown that various chemicals are released from the brain when eyes connect with colors. These chemicals have particular effects on the physical and emotional levels of humans. 

These are the reasons why, in the world of advertising and marketing, specific colors are used to highlight the different products. Companies have used different color palettes in their packaging and promotional materials. For instance, orange is usually seen in restaurants since the color stimulates appetite. Red, on the other hand, brings out masculinity. Many products for men use the color to encourage men to purchase them.

Colors are also important in interior design. The use of colors is one of the critical factors in creating the right atmosphere in a room. Home interiors are often seen in neutral colors like black, blue, gray, and white. Unfortunately, these colors do not provide any health benefits compared to warm colors.

Why add warm colors this year?

Warm colors are in the red area of the color spectrum. In human health, warm colors are known to have positive effects. These colors evoke emotions that range from warmth and comfort to anger and hostility. These colors stimulate the body and create a happy feeling.

Cool colors are on the blue side of the color spectrum. Examples are blue, purple, and green. These colors are calming and relaxing. However, they also evoke a feeling of sadness. 


The color has the longest wavelength and is considered to be powerful. It can catch attention as compared with other colors. This is why red is used in traffic lights, as it evokes physical and psychological responses. 

The positive traits of red are courage, strength, warmth, energy, stimulation, and excitement. It was also observed that the color can stimulate circulation, thus increasing blood and oxygen circulation.


The color has a relatively long and stimulating wavelength. In color psychology, yellow is considered to be an intense color. The right shade of yellow can uplift the spirit and boost self-esteem, self-confidence, and optimism. On the contrary, yellow can promote the feeling of irrationality, fear, depression, and anxiety.


The color that results from the combination of red and yellow. This is another stimulating color that has effects on the mind. Orange also represents human needs, such as food, warmth, shelter, and sensuality. 

Check out our Abstract art collection and add vibrant colors to your rooms. 

Smart Ways To Prepare for the Holidays

Underneath Heaven's Poster in interior

Believe it or not, holidays are just around the corner. Surprisingly, the days went by swiftly, and many things happened this year. With the good and bad things that occurred, many of us are anticipating the joy and celebration of Christmas. Many Filipinos take preparing for the holiday season seriously, as it is considered the longest season in our country. Some of us may get stressed, and to prevent this, it is important to be organized and plan before the day arrives.

Here are some ways to prepare for the season:

Make a list

Creating a checklist helps to organize your activities and will show which ones to prioritize. The list will let you remember every person, event, and place to visit during the season. You may also include the meals you must prepare for Christmas Eve dinner, reunions, groceries to buy, and things to pack if you are traveling. 

Plan a reasonable budget

It is a fact that prices of commodities are increasing these days. It is best that you set a reasonable budget for Christmas. Set the money aside and do your best to stick to the allotted budget. This planning will lessen your burden during the holiday season. 

Don’t forget to send Holiday Cards

Some people may prefer giving gifts instead of Christmas cards, but it depends greatly on you. If you find this enjoyable, then go ahead. There are many Christmas cards available online and in stores. You can also check for trendy and personalized greeting cards that suit the occasion. Don’t forget to get the addresses of the recipients and send them before Christmas day. Virtual cards are also trendy these days, and you can do so without spending that much. 

Start buying gifts

If you are shopping and see something for a gift idea for someone on your list, buy it then. This will help you lessen your stress during the holidays. You can see various gift ideas online if you do not have time to go to the malls. Try to be creative and give your loved ones something they will never forget. Some examples are personalized posters or canvas prints that beautify the walls and create lasting memories. 

Buy food you can store

If you have planned the meals you will have, start buying items you need, especially when they are on sale. Don’t forget to check the expiry date so you will not waste anything. Remember that this strategy will help you get some shopping out of the way and prevent it from being out of stock later. 

Start wrapping your gifts

Lessen your workload, start wrapping gifts you bought, and place them under the Christmas tree. It is another way to cross out the to-do-things on our list.

For more gift ideas this season, check out our gallery and see some of our newest designs:

Heaven Peralejo Posters and Canvas

Lovi Poe Posters and Canvas

Customize Your Homes For The Holidays

Family Photo no. 1 poster in interior

Everyone loves to have the perfect Christmas photo. It is the season for parties, reunions, and photo ops with your loved ones. With the number of pictures you have collected, there may be no more place for new ones in your albums. Be creative and use family photos to personalize your home for Christmas. An extraordinary way to display your family’s adventures is during the holidays. Christmas is all about families and the love you’ve shared. Here are some exciting ideas on how to take Instagrammable family photos for the holidays. 

Display traditional Christmas decor

Spruce up your home by displaying Christmas decorations all around and in the backyard. Any holiday decor will do and indeed spread cheer and represent the family’s personality. It may take time to display them, so it is better to take them from the storage as early as when the -ber months start. This will also give you time to test all the lights and replace the ones that are not working anymore. 


Once the Christmas decorations are up, you can take photos with your friends and family. The decors can be great props or backdrops, so you need not worry about it. These will also give you an instant theme. Simply frame the shot and establish the proper lighting. Try to experiment with zoom lenses to get the right angle and shot. 

Beautiful photos with your loved ones

It is common for us to take candid shots with our loved ones. Most of them are hilarious and show the real you. Make it more relaxed with formal photos. These photos are staged and professional-looking. You get to wear your best outfit and be in your model-like pose.


Displaying your formal pictures is the most classic way of personalizing your home for the holidays. These will likewise gather all eyes together and make them the attraction of your rooms. Formal photos can also be used to send greetings to your friends, just like Christmas cards. Standard images may sometimes be challenging, especially with toddlers at home. The pictures can be extra special, with all members wearing clothes in Christmas colors. Make it easy for you and use good quality cellphone cameras to take the pictures. 

Photos during Christmas celebrations

Food photos can be a great display during the holidays. Having a feast with your family is extra special. Especially when it is documented with photos, capturing the dining table or kitchen full of people preparing the dinner. Grab all these events and try to tell stories to create a nostalgic atmosphere when you display them.

Believe It Or Not – Vibrant Posters Can Boost Your Mood

benefit of nature-inspired arts article by ardesign

There are various mood boosters that you can use to brighten your emotions. In a wall makeover, adding items to display on the walls can help boost your mood. As such, it is vital to properly plan the decorative elements and things that will be added to the walls. 

Good mood, good health

The mood is an emotional state, and there are only two types: positive and negative, sometimes called good and bad moods. Long-term negative states of emotion can likewise lead to pathological conditions needing professional help. Examples are clinical depression and bipolar disorders.

Therefore, an individual’s mood must be boosted to avoid cases like the ones mentioned. Mood boosters can stimulate the mind and body to promote good health. As such, many physiological and psychological functions of the body work properly. For instance, people in a good mood are rational and can solve problems logically. In addition to these, the creativity and artistic side are also boosted.

On the other hand, a negative mood can impair judgment and logical reasoning. A person in a bad mood may also experience depression, anxiety, aggression, and low self-esteem. 

Don’t be sad, boost your mood

Boosting one’s mood is not that difficult. Although there are times that this may be challenging, there are always means to promote it. Laughter is the best medicine as this is the most popular natural way to boost mood. Other methods exist, such as light exercise, meditation, good food, bright colors, and acupressure.

How to decorate your room?

It is a fact that the appearance of the room significantly impacts an individual’s mood. As mentioned above, the colors of the surroundings and the clothes you wear can help in having a good attitude. The colors of the wall also have a significant effect on one’s state of emotion. Here are some of the colors that you need to consider to uplift the spirit of someone, especially yourself:


As one of the warm colors, red can help boost the energy level. As such, adrenaline is released to increase heart rate and blood circulation. Thus, oxygen spreads faster through the body, and more cells are healed and repaired. 

Green and yellow

The colors of the sun and planets. Studies have shown that people who are surrounded by these colors feel happier. Adding shades to the interior, such as on walls, can help create a positive mood. Nature-inspired posters can quickly achieve the atmosphere that you need.


The color of the sky. Blue is known to be soothing and the color of the ocean. This is also the color preferred for you to have good sleeping habits. 

In a nutshell

Many homeowners and designers also add wall decor to set the right mood or atmosphere in the room. The display of poster prints is the easiest and fastest way to add beauty to any living space. Trendy posters have colors and designs that will help boost the mood. You may create a wall gallery of nature-inspired posters to add a touch of nature.

Bohemian-styled prints are also recommended, as these posters are packed with fun and exciting colors. In addition to these, posters are more affordable than other wall coverings. Framed posters, especially those with cool colors and durable materials, are likewise recommended.