Diet meaning Canvas

Diet meaning Canvas

Simple yet funny fact about life. Beautiful Canvas art that features the word “diet”. A fun fact of what we always do. Who said that cutting down food intake is easy? However hard it is to diet, it still is one of the best solutions if you want to lose some weight.

Wine and bread Canvas

Wine and bread Canvas

Cool and fantastic canvas art that will stimulate your senses. An image of wine and bread is one of the unique and artistic ways to create impressive wall art. Along with the other art prints that feature food and beverages, the walls in your dining room or the kitchen will certainly appear charming.

Coffee Palette Canvas

Coffee Palette Canvas

Looking for the right canvas art for your dining room or kitchen? Do away with the traditional food and drink canvass and add this trendy art. With this art, you will surely have an amazing room that is worth flaunting to your friends and loved ones.

Abstract Mango canvas

Abstract Mango canvas

Mangoes are are the food of the gods. The tree represents love, wealth, fertility, and immortality. The leaves are even used in wedding ceremonies in India to ensure the couple that they can bear many children.

Aquavit Pub and Grill

Aquavit Pub



Many have been wondering what Scandinavian cuisine tastes like. Now you can get this delectable and sumptuous food at the heart of Makati City. Aquavit Pub & Grill is one of the newest restaurants, opened by Chef Robert Lilja.

Customized poster and prints in Aquavit Pub and Grill

Located at 8471 Kalayaan Ave. Poblacion Makati City, Chef Robert, together with Chef Tom Hines, give us a glimpse of what life is like in the Scandinavian region. Feast your eyes and tastebuds over some of his signature dishes such as Skagen Shrimp Cocktail, Fish ‘n Chips, and Schweizer Schnitzel.

Personalized wall arts in Aquavit Pub and Grill

That’s not all as customers can enjoy a welcoming and relaxing ambiance that is exactly what you are looking for when taking some quality time with your friends and loved ones.

With cool wall colors and satisfying lights, diners will have a fun conversation with their company. This interior appearance is common in many European restaurants wherein you will see a combination of both a bar and a restaurant so customers can maximize their dining experience.

Personalized posters in Aquavit Pub and Grill boasts as the brand of choice in enhancing the beauty of the walls of Aquavit Pub & Grill. Visitors will be thrilled to see some vintage-themed posters of famous personalities, including the country’s national hero. These prints give Aquavit Pub & Grill a classic touch, blended with the sophisticated and elegant European style.

All the posters used to beautify the walls of Aquavit is a customized poster.

If you want to know more about how we can help you with your walls, contact our Customer Service team.

Restaurant Collaborations

Azadore restaurant


Achieving the interior design is not as simple as it looks. With careful planning and visualizations, has helped complete the desired restaurant appearance.

Azadore Restaurant

Azadore restaurant is known for being resilient, even in the hype of the pandemic. With the help of interior designer Ivy Almario, Chef Tatung has placed Azadore restaurant as a “mid-century post-American-era family home.”
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Aquavit Pub and Grill banner

Many have been wondering what Scandinavian cuisine tastes like. Now you can get this delectable and sumptuous food at the heart of Makati City. Aquavit Pub & Grill is one of the newest restaurants, opened by Chef Robert Lilja.
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Saturday Coffee interior

Over the years, there has been a number of cafes that have given appeared in the Metro and even in the provinces. If you are planning a road trip to the north soon, stop by Valenzuela to treat your taste buds. Saturday Coffee is one of the newest and hottest cafes in the city that will satisfy your cravings.
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Why Do We Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Love wins lines Poster in interior

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and this is one of those days that people love or hate, probably. Whatever your relationship status may be, many still celebrate this day. See for yourself. Try going to restaurants and malls on the 14th of February and see how jam-packed they are. Of course, the pandemic may restrict some of the movements, thus preventing the formation of crowded areas. However, Valentine’s Day is still worth celebrating, whatever the situation is. Here are some of the reasons that you might find interesting and informative. 

A brief history of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is celebrated in both Christian and Roman traditions. We heard about St. Valentine’s story of spreading caring and care to others. It was said that Valentine performed forbidden marriages for young couples in Rome. Eventually, he was executed because of his practice.  

It was also believed that Valentine’s Day is the Christian counterpart of the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. This festival is dedicated to the fertility of Roman women and crops, along with a matchmaking event. 

There’s always a reason to celebrate

It’s not always that Valentine’s Day is for romantic couples only. Ask around, and you will learn that there are many instances when people go out with their friends. Dressing up, eating sumptuous meals, drinking delicious wine, and having amusing conversations can always be done with your buddies. 

Staying at home chillin’

It’s not always conclusive that you have to go out and spend lots of money on restaurants, hotels, and others. You can also celebrate Valentine’s Day at home. Order from your favorite restaurant and bring out the wine. Turn on your television for some romantic movie. If your friends can’t make it because of their scheduled dates, then there’s no shame in celebrating Valentine’s Day alone. Indulge yourself in your favorite food and drink, as this may be the only day you can open that bottle of wine.

Treat yourself to something special

Valentine’s Day is a perfect excuse to treat yourself. Whether you are thinking of buying yourself a designer bag or a day in the spa, the day will be the right day to spend a little for yourself. 

A date with your loved one

If you have a great partner, show how you appreciate them. Having fun and a healthy relationship is excellent. Valentine’s Day is the right day to reciprocate them. Treat your partner by buying a gift that you will love. You may also go to your favorite restaurant for dinner. 

Go out and take a break

Ask your partner to spend the day with you for a romantic getaway. If you are single, round up your friends and go for a well-deserved break on the beach or in a hotel. 

Family Posters For A Captivating Home

Family Photo no. 3

In the digital age, many individuals own smartphones and digital cameras. We take pictures of almost anything we see and experience. It is sometimes funny to know that there are times that even before eating, you take a photo of the food that you are about to devour and have it posted on social media. Family pictures are the ones we never learn to let go of. We cherish every moment with our family. Even the most specific activity or event is precious to us. This we do because sooner or later, we might be leaving due to work, studies, or even having our own family. 

Before leaving our family, why not create an out-of-the-box idea to create fun and exciting family posters that would be memorable for all the family members? After having the shots you like, you may display them in family prints.

How to create fun family posters

Here are some tips on how to have fantastic family posters that you will love: 

Use a tripod 

The tripod can have many advantages, especially if you are new to a photo shooting. There are times that when you shoot, you tend to focus on your handheld camera, which may be inconvenient to you at some point. The tendency of which is the lack of interaction with the subject. Sometimes we need to interact with them while doing the shoot. You want the subjects to feel comfortable with what they are doing. You can also simultaneously adjust your camera when needed in a relaxed manner.

Use manual exposure mode

You can use this setting if you are well acquainted with the environment. If you think that you are in control of all the elements in the surroundings that would affect the quality of the picture, then you can use this setting in your camera. A family portrait would be best if you have the right consistency. 

Staggered subjects

The most common style of taking photos is straight. Sometimes this can be boring. Arrange your subjects in diagonal lines, which may look more dynamic than the former. Position your subjects so that their heads would not appear directly on or beside each other. Use stools to set some of them while the others are standing up. In this way, the height of the subjects is staggered.

Lock on the focus

This is when you are using the tripod, assuming that the subjects will not be moving and you will be the only one moving (to get closer or farther from the subjects). You need to use the focus lock function of the camera. This way, the focus will not change for the different shots you will take for the family portrait.

Let the subjects act naturally

Kids would always look like they were playing. Let your subjects pose naturally. If they want props, let them do it. In those ways, the photos would look more natural. Let them have fun and be comfortable.

Bending the subjects

People tend to be stiff when their pictures are taken, which makes them look like statues. We do not want that to look at family portraits. We like them to look natural as possible, so ask some of them to bend so they would not look stiff or rigid.

Freedom of expression

As the photographer, you must communicate with your subjects to have the right and natural expressions on their faces. So sometimes you must be a comedian or a clown to make them smile naturally. 

Get some light in their eyes

Make sure that you let light into your subjects’ eyes. This can be done in various ways, like choosing the right time of the day and using a reflector and camera flash.

Pose them

Fix the stance of your subjects to hide some details in their body. For instance, pose people who are horizontally challenged sideways so that they may be able to hide some of their belly fat. They may also be posed in a prone position on the grass and kids piling on top of them with faces close to each other. This would hide tummies and double chins while kids are more relative to each other.

Have fun!

Traditional photos for a family portrait that the subjects look serious. The trend nowadays is to have subjects in wacky shots. Ask them to do anything, such as jumping, making funny faces, or anything just to break the ice.

Having your family portrait on posters

One innovative way to display your family portrait is through family posters. You can show your family portraits like a wall gallery. In that way, displaying family portraits is not just for relinquishing memories but also for designing your interior. 

The Color Red and Chinese New Year

Red Chinese Lantern II Poster

This year, the Chinese New Year will be celebrated on January 22, marking the start of the Year of the Rabbit. This festival is packed with fun activities and traditions with decorations that are primarily in color red. 

Colors play a significant role in Chinese culture. Various colors represent different qualities and ideas that started during ancient times. The Chinese have great ways of passing the traditions over generations. Red is essential in the celebration of the Lunar New Year and weddings. 

The Year of the Rabbit

Rabbits are known to represent hope, peace, prosperity, and longevity. The colors associated with Rabbits are red, pink, purple, and blue, which are considered the luckiest colors. Red is important in the Chinese zodiac as this symbolizes prosperity, good luck, and happiness. With the traits of the water rabbit of being witty and ambitious, it has an affinity towards the color red. 

Red and good luck

Did you know that the relationship between the color red and luck has an exciting story behind it? According to traditions, a beast named Nian would once come on New Year’s eve to devour the villagers, their crops, and livestock. As a result, people would leave food at their doorsteps, hoping that Nian would consume it instead of the villagers. One night, they saw Nian get scared of a child who was dressed in red. Since then, it has been their practice to hang and display red lanterns and spring scrolls to drive off the beast. The lion dance performed during New Year’s Eve is also for the same reason of scaring away Nian. 

Red represents fire, yellow for earth, and green for wood. Red represents fire, yellow for earth, and green for wood. Red signifies good fortune, luck, vitality, celebration, and prosperity. The Chinese adorn themselves with red apparel during the New Year and ward off evil spirits.        

Chinese New Year traditions and practices             

Since ancient times, the color red has been part of different traditions and practices of the Chinese, especially during the New Year. One example is the tradition of giving red envelopes filled with cash or gold coins to children, young adults, and employees. The red envelope symbolizes good luck and health in the coming new year. Another significance of the color red to the Chinese is during the Lantern Festival, which marks the 15th day of the Chinese New Year and the end of the Spring festival. The Chinese celebrate in the evening with red lanterns displayed across the streets, homes, and establishments. Additionally, red clothes are worn during the entire as this also symbolizes prosperity.

Trendy Prints For the Kitchen

Jars Poster in Black Frame

The kitchen is probably the busiest room in your home this holiday season. Equipped with appliances and equipment, the room may sometimes appear congested, especially if space is limited. Other activities can be done in the kitchen, such as entertaining guests. 

Upgrading the wall decor of the kitchen will create an impressive visual impact. Giving the room a little makeover can make food preparation and dining more fun and exciting. With trendy posters, you can quickly achieve a kitchen vibe and appearance worth showcasing to your family and guests.

Posters to add to the kitchen

A home is not complete with a kitchen. It is an essential room since food is prepared in the room. A compelling design, especially the walls, can make the space more exciting and attractive. 

Decorating the kitchen walls with posters will remind you of your younger years when you were decorating your bedroom walls. Poster prints are affordable, simple, and creative. Displaying them is one of the trendy and stylish ways to give the kitchen a makeover. It is also an excellent alternative for homeowners who are tight on the financial aspect but still want to upgrade the wall appearance. Poster prints can bring your room to a whole new level. 

We often see food posters displayed in the kitchen. There are more stylish and trendy poster prints available that can level up the room’s appearance. Examples of themes that you can apply are Contemporary, Tuscan, Country, Scandinavian, and others. 

In addition to these, posters can also help you create wall art that will blend with the kitchen’s interior design style. A gallery of scenic views can help you create a kitchen space that is roomy and comfortable. This is also true with nature-inspired prints. 

Colors and interior decoration

In color psychology, warm colors such as red and orange can help stimulate appetite. This is also why many restaurants surround their interior with warm colors to entice customers to dine. Vibrant poster prints can also give the same effects to dining individuals.

Final thoughts

Decorating the kitchen wall is as important as designing the bedroom or the living room. It is one of the essential rooms in the house, and there is a high chance that the traffic will be heavy, depending on the occasion. The display of poster prints is an easy way to create a compelling kitchen interior.

There are many poster designs available in the market or online. One can quickly get the design that one loves and display them. It is also recommended to have the posters in frames for a more attractive look.