Things To Know When Visiting Manila

Taft Poster in Black Frame

Whether you are from another country or from provinces and other cities of the Philippines, Manila is surely a place worth going to. You may have heard the song, “Manila”, which topped the chart in the 80s. Surely, there are tons to see and experience in the city during those days, as well as today. So what is so special about the city that made it so popular with foreign and local tourists? Here are the things you need to know if visiting Manila is on your bucket list.

No need to fill your pockets with cash

In contrast with other tourist destinations in the country, you do not need to break your bank when going around the city. There are a lot of affordable places to visit and still enjoy the experience. Different landmarks, parks, museums, and other places do not cost that much. In fact, some of them are even free of charge. Take Rizal Park or Luneta for example. This is a historic place where the national hero, Jose Rizal, was executed during the Spanish regime. This event sparked the hearts of many Filipinos in fighting for their freedom. 

Shopping for essentials and souvenirs is likewise affordable. You can find your favorite brands in typical malls, but the highlight of the city is thrift shopping. Try going to Divisoria or Carriedo and feast your eyes on numerous stalls and shops that offer items at much lower prices as compared to those sold in famous malls. You just have to prepare yourself for the crowd, especially during the holiday season.

If you love food, then Manila is known for restaurants and food stalls that offer sumptuous and affordable dishes. Binondo, for example, has restaurants that offer authentic Chinese dishes and you will be surprised with the little amount that you will spend. Want to be adventurous? Visit some sidestreets and more likely than not, you will find food stalls that sell exotic Filipino street foods. Ever tried balut, isaw (IUD), samalamig, grilled chicken feet (adidas), or chicken blood (betamax)? These are something worth trying. 

Adventure with the public transportation

Jeepney is the main mode of transportation in  Manila. Of course, there are also the LRT, tricycles, pedicabs, and taxis. But your stay in Manila is never complete without riding these king of the roads. For many Pinoys, riding the jeepney and going to various destinations is common. Some would even say that this is like experiencing an extreme sport. Imagine those colorful rides, with ear-splitting sound systems, and roller coaster riding adventures. Fare is likewise affordable, even though the global oil price hike has affected the minimum fare of jeepneys.

Tricycles and pedicabs are also not to miss, especially if you are going to the outskirts and several streets of the city. The fare, though is quite higher than the jeepneys, they will definitely take you to places. However, if you do not feel these modes of transportation, you can always get a taxi cab or book a Grab.

Enjoy the tropical climate

Yes. Manila is not like Boracay or El Nido, but you still experience the warm weather of the country. Sometimes a bit too warm than what was announced in the news. When traveling the city, you should complete your gear, like umbrella, caps, handkerchief, and other means to battle the heat. Depending on the months of visit, you might also experience some rainy days that might progress to flooding. 

Prepare for Filipino hospitality

Filipinos are known for their caring and hospitable attitude. Try visiting a friend’s place and you are up for some surprise. You will immediately be offered drinks, and snacks, and might even be asked to stay for dinner. Prepare to meet the family as well as friends and even though you do not remember their names, you will be greeted with a smile. Many of them enjoy a little chit-chat, whether in your personal experience of the city or your personal life. Admit it, we Filipinos enjoy hearing stories and gossip from time to time. 

Also do remember that many people are helpful. Whether you are asking for directions or just any inquiry. Many Manilenos will try their best to answer your questions. 

Now that you have enough knowledge about Manila, then you are prepared to have the adventure of your life. Kudos!

Interesting Fact about Mount Fuji

Oishi Park Mount Fuji Japan Poster in Black Frame

Mount Fuji is a volcano in Japan and is in fact the highest in the country. It is a popular icon in Japan because of its symmetrical form and perfect shape. The volcano has been depicted in many art and poetries because of its attractive appearance, especially with the snow-capped view. 

If you think that people only marveled at it, then you are wrong. Hundreds, if not thousands, of mountain climbers have attempted to reach the summit during the months of July and August. People tried this feat for religious reasons. Read on to learn more about Mount Fuji and why it is one of the popular travel destinations in Japan.

About the volcano

The volcano has been commended for its overall appearance. It has a perfect circular shape and snow covering the top. Looking at it evokes a peaceful and tranquil feel that can surely give its viewers goosebumps. It is an active volcano and the last eruption was recorded in 1707. During this time, the Hoeizan crater formed. 

Climbing Mount Fuji

Climbers who want to reach the summit may take around 8 hours. The best time to climb it is in July and August when the number of climbers can be overwhelming. There are 4 routes going up and each has 10 stages of different lengths. Yoshida Trail is the most popular trail and climbers can see paved roads to the 5th station with mountain huts between the 7th and 8th stations. In these huts, travelers are offered food, drinks, and a place to stay for the night. Once the summit has been reached, climbers can take a rest, and walk around the Naiin or shrine or summit Crater. Viewing the sunset at the summit is probably one of the most rewarding scenes. 


Fujiyoshida is a city situated on the foot of Mount Fuji. If you are not planning to climb the mountain and just want to enjoy the view, then this is the perfect place to visit. The city can likewise offer a peaceful environment for travelers.

The Fuji Five Lakes

Fuji Five Lakes is the area located on the northern side of the volcano. This is composed of the five lakes of Yamanaka, Motosuko, Saiko, Kawaguchi, and Shoki, and they are admired for their beauty. Tourists can take a cruise ship tour, kayaking, and fishing, as well as a visit to the Healing Village to experience traditional Japanese culture.

Who climbed it first?

The first person who climbed Mount Fuji was a monk in 663. Those days, only men are allowed to climb the volcano until the 19th century. Lady Fanny Parkes was the first woman to climb Mount Fuji in 1867.

A military background of the volcano

Mount Fuji was known for having a military background. The noble samurais were known to have trained in the mountain. Military camps from both Japan and the USA also operated in the volcano.

The Japanese culture

The shape of Mount Fuji has greatly influenced Japanese culture and art. It has been an inspiration to many artists in poetry, music, and art. In fact, the artist, Katsushika Hokusai has accomplished painting 36 views of the volcano. 

The Story of the Charcuterie Board

Charcuterie Board Poster in Black Frame

You may have read about a charcuterie board or have seen them on menus. Have you tried them? Charcuterie is a fancy word used to refer to cured meat. The word is of French origin and can be traced back to the 15th century. It was during these times that the people consumed every last bit of a meal and left nothing to waste. 

This is served as an appetizer and served on a wooden board or a slab of stone. On the board is a selection of preserved foods, particularly cured meats or pates. The board also includes cheeses, crackers, or bread. 

A brief history in Europe

As mentioned above, charcuterie is cured meat and is derived from two French words: chair, which means flesh, and cuit, cooked and was used during 15th century France. Shop owners who specialize in charcuterie became popular as they have shown the detailed preparation of meats. The arrangement of the boards has made charcuterie boards part of the French culinary culture.

Studies on European history also have revealed that the charcuterie board also has roots in the simple meals that were eaten by the people of the working class around Europe during the medieval times. The board is usually composed of meats, cheeses, bread, local produce, wine, or beer. The meal eventually evolved and found its way to the higher classes of society along with the cheese course meal. These are commonly seen in formal dinners during the 18th and 19th centuries in France, Great Britain, and colonial America. The cheeses were then replaced by desserts in the 19th century. 

The development in the United States

During the 19th and 20th centuries in the United States, hosting informal dinners are greatly increasing. Formal dinners were replaced by cocktail parties and finger foods were served and more preferred over the course meals. During World War II, American soldiers were introduced to various charcuteries and cheeses in France, Italy, Germany, and Greece. This exposure to European dishes was brought home to the U.S. and charcuterie boards became popular in the 90s and have been sold in American grocery stores. The dish also became popular in specialty food stores with diversified contents. 

Charcuterie boards are usually served as appetizers in many restaurants. They still are served in private gatherings and dinner parties since they are easy to prepare and can be enjoyed by many. 

What’s on the board

The boards used are usually made of wood or stone to keep the food cool. Diners will also see other equipment such as cheese knives, spoons, and ramekins. 

In addition to meats, cheeses, and bread, the board also includes flavors and textures that would complement the main components. Examples are fruits, olives, olive oil, nuts, vinegar, pickled or fresh vegetables, herbs, edible flowers, mustards, and honey. In many instances, charcuterie boards are served with wines of any variety. 

Things to Remember Before Starting a Restaurant

Bar Cafe Poster

Filipinos love to eat. This is a fact that we cannot deny. Walk around your neighborhood and you will surely see good food being sold. You can find restaurants anywhere or even street food on every corner of the street. On holidays and any other occasion, food takes center stage in every celebration. There are always reasons to gather around the table and enjoy sumptuous meals. 

For over 2 years, we have been suffering from the pandemic. Many establishments have closed because of the unpredictable lockdowns. This includes many small and medium enterprises like certain bars, restaurants, stores, and others. However, the resilience of Filipinos helped them survive this dilemma. Online selling became a hit and work-from-home setup became a trend. What was sold online? Almost anything! Check various social media platforms and you will see all sorts of items and services offered. 

Now that the COVID19 pandemic is somehow being controlled, businesses are opening again. You may be planning to put up your restaurant business over the years but are not sure if you are up for it. Here are some tips on how to start a restaurant business and be successful with it.

The name of the restaurant

Think of a name that both reflects your restaurant concept and something that sticks to your mind. It should be a word or three and will stand out in conversations and on search engines. This means that you need to be creative and innovative when coming up with a name. 

Layout your business plan

This is used to outline the business, especially the projections for the succeeding years. Without this, you will not know the path you will be taking. Business plans explain the details of how to operate your restaurant before opening it to the public. 

Choose the right staff

As an entrepreneur, you need to have people who will be part of your success. Hire hosts, servers, cooks, dishwashers, cashiers, and others. Do some research on their job descriptions and the number you need to hire. 


A restaurant requires the right location, staff, equipment, and other resources. As such, you will need money to complete this project. Be sure to list everything that you need before starting the business. If money becomes a problem, then you may have to deviate from the original plan. Better yet, look for some sources to achieve your dream. 

The right location

Location is critical to making your restaurant a success. It should be visible and can easily be spotted from the street. Pick a location where people usually pass by like a public transportation terminal, near offices, parks, or near the neighborhood. Be sure that your customers will have a place to park.


Once you have established the concept of your restaurant, you need to know and study the food trend. Be sure that when planning the menu, it coincides with the theme of your business. Consider all kinds of customers, and to do this, you need to prepare the menu, especially for them. Vegans, kids, the elderly, and meat-lovers, are the people who will make your restaurant business a success. Plan carefully. 

Promotion and marketing

Spread the word! Plan on how to promote the existence of your new restaurant. These days, different social media platforms are the heart of many businesses. You can work with influencers, friends, and restaurateurs to promote. There may also be groups in your respective communities that can help you with this endeavor, so join them. Participate in different activities like food tasting and food festivals. These will help a lot in introducing your restaurant to the public. 

Permits and licensing

Before opening the doors to the public, be sure that you have secured all the proper licenses and permits. Depending on the city or municipality you are in, you need to follow some steps to have everything legal. Check out the requirements from your local government. Do some research and act on them fast. Processing these documents may take some time. 

Target customers 

In dealing with the target customers, you need to consider some metrics like income level, age, and lifestyle. For instance, are they students who usually hang out with their friends? Or professionals who will have to do some work with their laptops while enjoying the food. This means that they need to use the table for some hours after their meals. Will they be able to spread the word that your restaurant is already open? Once you know the answers to these questions, then you have a clearer vision of the type of restaurant to operate.


It is vital that you know what your competition is. Go around the area and visit as many restaurants as possible. Looking for the preferences of the customers and learning the strengths and weaknesses will give you a competitive advantage. 

Charcuterie Board Poster

Charcuterie Board Poster in Black Frame

A charcuterie board is filled with cured meats, cheese, veggies, nuts, olives, dried fruits, and crackers. A mixture of food on a platter that stimulates all of your taste buds.

Tasty Macaron Poster

Tasty Macaron Poster in Black Frame

Macaron is one of the popular French desserts. It is a sweet meringue-based confection made with egg white, icing sugar, granulated sugar, almond meal, and food coloring.

Why Is June 12 so Important?

Philippine Map Art Poster with frame

The Philippines has over 7,000 islands and is one of the countries in the Southeast Asian region. Over 120 years ago, the country declared its independence from Spanish rule. It was Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo who claimed independence but the day was declared a public holiday in 1962 by President Diosdado Macapagal. On June 12, 1898, the Philippine flag was raised and waved along with the Philippine national anthem. Since then, the country has faced many challenges and leaps. 

The brief history of Philippine Independence

The country was under the rule of Spain for over 300 years. It was named after King Philip II of Spain. It was in 1521 that Magellan landed in the Philippines and claimed it for Spain. He wanted that all local chiefs to submit to the rule of Spain, but one of them refused. Lapu Lapu led this resistance and eventually killed Magellan. 

It was in 1565 that Miguel Lopez de Legazpi led an expedition and gained a foothold in the Philippines. In 1571, they built the city of Intramuros, which was later renamed Manila. The Spanish established a feudal system in which the Spanish owned large estates while the Filipinos are the workers. 

In the 19th century, feelings of nationalism grew with rebellion storming the land as inspired by Jose Rizal. His books, Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo caused nationalism and patriotism spread like wildfire. Simultaneously, Andres Bonifacio formed Katipunan that started a revolution in August 1896. Jose Rizal was killed on December 30, 1896, and his execution caused the revolution to grow in the country. 

The war between Spain and the U.S. happened and led to the defeat of the former. As such, Filipino revolutionaries surrounded Manila and Emilio Aguinaldo declared the independence of the Philippines on June 12. However, the Americans took over when Aguinaldo was captured in 1902.

Celebrating the Philippine Independence

Throughout the years, the Philippine Independence has been celebrated around the country. Flags in all places, people also enjoy parties, parades, displays, and others. Here are some interesting facts about Independence Day celebrations in the country.

Fireworks and nationalistic ceremonies

Tourists and locals will have a great time seeing fireworks and other celebrations across the country. Many establishments and government offices hold flag-raising ceremonies to honor independence.

Dinner with family and relatives

Filipino families gather around dinner tables and enjoy a feast with their loved ones. In many instances, national dishes, such as adobo, laing, and suman are served. Different regions also serve their local dishes, adding to the spirit of nationalism. 

Various celebrations

It is in Manila that the largest celebrations happen. There are a series of parades, food festivals, and military displays. 

Flag raising in Kawit, Cavite

Every June 12, the city of Kawit, Cavite conducts a flag-raising ceremony at the Aguinaldo Shrine. This is also the burial place of the late president. In addition to these, local officials read out the 120-page Proclamation of Independence.

The biggest celebration of our culture

Independence Day is probably the biggest celebration of Filipino culture. As we all know, there are many Filipino communities around the world and they hold commemorative events. People make Philippine flags and display them on their walls and hang them at home. Others dress up costumed of their respective region or tribe. 

Lovely Posters For The Dining Room

The kitchen is usually used for casual dining. The dining room, on the other hand, is a perfect place to share sumptuous meals with your family and friends. Making the room appear more inviting and stylish for special occasions may be tricky. Yet with the help of wall decors such as trendy art can complete your little project. 

The display of decorative items, collectibles, and stylish posters can easily give the dining room the statement it deserves. Creating wall art is one of the creative ways to spruce up the room. Boosting the appearance of the wall is an awesome way to level up the dining room. Photographs and art prints can easily do the job. These wall decor ideas will surely create a fresh and stylish vibe.

Vintage-themed prints for a retro appearance

Vintage-themed posters can create a classic-looking dining room. The images of old cafes or diners can create a nostalgic atmosphere. Along with mismatched chairs and modest-sized tables, you will be able to travel back in time. Add an antique mirror to enhance the style. No need to empty your pockets to achieve the style. You can always check flea markets or yard sales for a good catch. 

Monochromatic posters for a classic-looking dining room

Monochromatic posters can easily add drama to your dining room. An elegant room can be completed with the display of black and white prints and other monochromatic posters. Dark painted walls can likewise enhance the framed posters. This wall art can give a sophisticated look that is perfect for a candle-light dinner or on any other special occasion. 

White walls to highlight your art

White painted walls give good impressions to many homeowners. It is a positive color that represents purity, light, goodness, illumination, cleanliness, humility, and others. A dining room with white walls is a perfect canvas to display your art. Display abstract, black and white, graphic art, or nature-themed posters, and they will surely be the focal point of the dining room. 

Framed posters to connect the other elements

Framed posters are even more impressive. Neutral-colored frames can easily blend with the other decor elements of the dining room. In addition to these, the frames can enhance the art featured in the poster. Framed prints can also connect all the other elements in the room. 

Photos and prints for a personalized touch

Another way to boost the dining room is through the display of photos and prints. Cover one wall of the room with your photo and poster collection. This wall art can make a wonderful focal point that will reflect yourself. Choose the right layout to make them more appealing. This is true for prints in different sizes. 

Large poster to add style

A large-sized poster can instantly add life and theme to the dining room. Choose a colorful print to create a fun and exciting vibe. Warm colors, like red, orange, and yellow, can stimulate the appetite. This is also the reason why many restaurants and fast food chains use warm colors in their interior.

The Speakeasy Bar

Speakeasy cuisine themed poster banner

Speakeasy bars are those that are behind closed doors offering exclusive cocktails and food menu items in a restricted environment that is only accessible to a few. The origin of speakeasy bars can be traced back to the first decades of the 20th century in New York City during the prohibition era. 

During the prohibition era, the city is governed by dry law. This law prevented the manufacture and consumption of alcohol. However, the law is broken and hidden bars began to appear behind closed doors, and eventually evolved into night restaurants. Most restaurants operate discretely in which customers request an alcoholic beverage without arousing suspicion. 

The location of the restaurants is spread only by word of mouth. The loyalty of the customers protected the locations of these restaurants. The customers were responsible for inviting new friends to visit speakeasy bars. Passwords were used to gain access to the place. Speakeasy bars likewise have striking secret entrances. Some even have their entrances hidden within one of the restaurants’ rooms, such as the bathroom. 

Are speakeasy bars different from underground restaurants?

Underground restaurants are sometimes called supper clubs or closed-door restaurants. These are social dining establishments operated in someone’s home, bypassing local zoning and health-code regulations. Underground restaurants are usually spread by word of mouth or guerilla advertising. The experience that an underground restaurant offers is to sample new food at a low cost as compared with the traditional restaurant experience. 

The variety of speakeasy bars

Speakeasy bars are relatively small with little or no entertainment involved. The gradual growth made these bars popular and expanded to many different areas with new additions of entertainment. It eventually became one of the biggest businesses during the Prohibition era and was often kept even after the Prohibition ended. There were even underground rooms used for these bars.

Speakeasy bar decorating idea

Creating a speakeasy bar is uncomplicated. The interior should evoke a feeling that it is quietly glowing and not brightly lit. As such, the lighting added such as overhead lighting, table lamps, and sconces need to be dimmer. The overall appearance needs to have a low-profile, classic club-style seating in leather and velvets. Sofas and chairs should be arranged in clusters that facilitate small, intimate conversation instead of large group gatherings. 

Windows should be concealed enhancing the speakeasy vibe. With a few more elements, speakeasy bars will have that modern vibe. Restaurant owners may add a dark and moody color palette with dark tones of gray, blues, and greens.

Cool Ways To Personalize The Restaurant Interior

Food is good but wine is better Poster in interior

For people who are planning to start a restaurant, the menu is not the only factor to boost the business. Owners should also take into consideration the aesthetics of the restaurant. The interior is vital to attracting customers. It should reflect both an exceptional culinary and sensory experience. Here are some ideas that you may use to improve the appearance of the interior. 

The layout plan

Before doing some revamping, it is important to create a layout plan. The layout should give you a bird’s eye view of the location, size, and setup of the furniture. For instance, the location of the washroom and the kitchen. The layout will also maximize the space of your restaurant and must clear the traffic for both customers and servers. 

Appealing entrance

One way to attract customers is to create an eye-catching entrance, It should be inviting, unique, and classy. It should match the theme of the restaurant and must give the customers a glimpse of the food served. 

The demographics

Study the market. Who will be your customers? If you are targeting students and teenagers, use bright colors, with music-based wallpaper and retro furniture. You may also want to add funky decorations with attractive lighting fixtures. If you are targeting professionals and working individuals, it is recommended to have a modern design. Use light-colored furniture with cushioned seatings. 

Be wise, light it up

Lighting is crucial and should have a combination of electric and natural light. These types can evoke a soothing and calming effect. Never rule out the colors as these can affect the mood and ambiance. Fine-dining restaurants look better with tabletop light in a semi-dark room to induce a romantic and intimate ambiance. 

Choose the right colors

Colors are known to have a great impact on the overall ambiance. Never use dull colors as restaurants should have bright lights to make them look spacious. Use soft-pastel colors for family-style restaurants as these are not harmful to the eyes of children. In general, the colors must be coordinated with the theme and the target customers. 

Table styles

Many experts recommend arranging the tables in such a way that it meets the demands, need, and privacy of the customers. The arrangement must not also impede the movement of the server and customer. 

The flooring

Never forget the flooring and there are many options for a restaurant. Look at several factors such as safety. The flooring must not be slippery no matter the material used. Consider using flooring that can absorb and dampen noise. Concrete and carpet are recommended for this. It should also be durable to avoid frequent replacements. Lastly, choose budget-friendly flooring and these may be vinyl, carpet, or laminate to exotic woods.