Kitchen Wall Decorating Ideas

Good food good mood Typography poster with frame

The design of the wall can represent your personality. Many homeowners focus on decorating the walls of the living room and bedroom that sometimes they tend to neglect one of the most important rooms. The kitchen wall deserves the same treatment as those of the other rooms. After cleaning the cabinets and counters, it is time to visualize how your kitchen will look. There are many ways to upgrade the overall appearance of your kitchen. Personalize it by making the walls look dazzling. Cool wall art is one of the best things to consider if you are planning to bring your kitchen to the next level. 

Wooden wall decors for a modern appeal

In many homes, a modern kitchen has a minimalist feel sleek, and chic appearance. Expect to see features like flat and respective surfaces and geometric details. Natural materials not only make the kitchen look modern. But they also add depth to them. Add other decorative items like frosted glass to enhance the materials and achieve a classic with a traditional vibe. 

Add plants for a refreshing look

Neutral hues are common in modern kitchen walls. For some, this can be boring unless you do something about them. Plants can easily break this feel as well as the monochrome appearance of the walls. One way to add greens on the walls is with climbing plants. You can display these plants on hanging planters and let them blend with the wall. For some people who do not have time to take care of plants, botanical prints may be displayed. Framed posters of plants not only add colors to the kitchen but can likewise give it a fresh new look. 

Tiles never go out of style

Wall tiles are stylish and the designs come in a wide variety of choices. It is recommended to choose kitchen wall tiles that are versatile for various future alterations. 

Be innovative with wall murals

Murals are the trend these days when it comes to wall coverings and decors. Pick a theme that will reflect who you are. There is a wide range of options available and these can give you the appearance and vibe that you love. 

Metals for a dazzling finish

Metals like copper, stainless steel, and brass are perfect if you want to add sophistication and visual impact to the kitchen. These materials are durable and most of them need little maintenance. Metals can also add a modern vibe to your kitchen and blend well with any interior design style. 

Typography art for a cute finish

Say and display anything you want to add some cuteness to the kitchen. Personalized typography art is one of the fantastic ways to add beauty to the kitchen. Pick a typography art that will inspire or motivate you. These are just what you need to start the day right. 

Be traditional with food art

There is nothing wrong if you want to be a little traditional. Display some food art in the kitchen to add some colors and accents to the walls. Posters of fruits and veggies have been displayed in kitchens and dining rooms over the years. A large piece of framed art of food is enough to add character and focal point in the kitchen.

Wine and bread Poster with Black Frame

Wine and bread art print poster

Cool and fantastic poster art that will stimulate your senses. An image of wine and bread is one of the unique and artistic ways to create impressive wall art. Along with the other art prints that feature food and beverages, the walls in your dining room or the kitchen will certainly appear charming.

Apartment Hunting Tips You Should Know

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Would you agree if we say that hunting for a new apartment is like choosing a partner? Finding the right place may mean that you have to meet some of your requirements, if not all of them. Sometimes the process is tedious and would take some time and lots of effort. Just like dating, once you find an apartment, you can either fall in love with it or keep your options open. We understand that looking for a new place is not an easy task. Here, we’re going to give you some interesting tips that hopefully you can use when looking for an apartment. 

Know and stick to your budget

Before checking the internet or the classified ads for apartments, better to check your bank account so you can get a feel for your price range. The ideal expenditure for an apartment rent is 30% of your income. So if you are earning around Php 20,000 a month, you can set aside around Php 6,000 for the rent. There is also another way to survive in this ordeal, the 50/30/20 rule. 50% on fixed needs like rent, utilities, and transportation; 30% on daily expenses, such as shopping, eating out, and others; 20% on long-term goals like debt and retirement. Whatever your goal in life, you need to crunch some numbers before you go hunting for an apartment. 

Check different websites

The good thing about technology these days is that almost everything can be accessed online. From food delivery to clothing, things can be searched and ordered online. It is recommended to check for local websites for affordable apartments. Check various social media sites as many companies and communities use them to advertise their properties. Facebook and Instagram are two of the best sites to check as there are millions of users in the country alone. Join several “apartment/condo/house for sale or rent” groups to get good deals. Just be careful with dealing with different people so you will not experience some regrets while looking for a place. 

Keep track of your progress

Many people want to be organized, especially when they are on a quest. Use maps to know the areas that you have covered or plan to visit. Spreadsheets will also help you keep track of the different apartments as well as their lease terms, requirements, and locations. You may also want to know the utilities and other perks included. Add also notes about redecorating the apartment. Of course, there is a chance that you want to personalize the apartment. Ask the landlord if this is possible so that you can buy the decorations you will need, such as wallpaper, posters, and floating shelves. 

Inspect the apartment

It is always best to make visits and personally inspect the apartment. Be sure to check anything, especially some parts that the owner wants to hide. Check inside cabinets and on top of shelves as there may be vermin living inside. It is also recommended to bring a phone charger to check if all outlets are working. See if sinks and showers are working properly. Check for leaks so that you will not encounter any problems later. 

Prepare the apartment

After searching, you may already have your eyes on one. After signing the contract and approving the terms of the landlord, it is time to check for the things that you will be needing. If the owner agrees on doing some decorating, then get the items that you need. Start with the walls as this is the fastest and easiest way to decorate. Create wall art or display anything that will make the room look or feel more like home. If you want to display prints or photos, have them in frames to give your new place a touch of elegance.  Do not forget to keep things organized and clean. Look for storage areas or if the apartment lacks one, there are space-saving storages that you can purchase. 

Reasons To Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Pop art heart poster

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and this is one of those days that people love….or hate, probably. Whatever your relationship status may be, this day is still celebrated by many. See for yourself. Try going to restaurants and malls on the 14th of February and see how jam-packed they are. Of course, the pandemic may restrict some of the movements thus preventing the formation of crowded areas. However and whatever the situation is, Valentine’s Day is still worth celebrating. Here are some of the reasons that you might find interesting and informative. 

Valentine’s Day has an interesting past

One of the reasons to celebrate Valentine’s Day is because it has a fascinating history in both Christian and ancient Roman traditions. We have heard about St. Valentine and probably his story of spreading love and care to other people. It was believed that St. Valentine performed forbidden marriages for young couples in Rome. Eventually, he was executed for defying the orders of Emperor Claudius II regarding these marriages. 

It was also believed that Valentine’s Day is the Christian counterpart of the pagan celebration of Lupercalia. This is the festival dedicated to the fertility of both Roman women and crops, along with a matchmaking event. 

There’s a reason to dress up and go out

It’s not always that Valentine’s Day is for romantic couples only. Ask around and you will learn that there are many instances that people go out with their friends. Dressing up, eating sumptuous meals, drinking delicious wine, and having amusing conversations can always be done with your buddies. 

Stay in  your home and relax

It’s not always conclusive that you have to go out and spend lots of money in restaurants, hotels, and others. You can also celebrate Valentine’s Day at home. Order from your favorite restaurant and bring out the wine. Turn on your television for some romantic movie. If your friends can’t make it because of their scheduled dates, then there’s no shame in celebrating Valentine’s Day alone. Indulge yourself in your favorite food and drink as this may be the only day you can open that bottle of wine.

A day to buy yourself a gift

Valentine’s Day is a perfect excuse to treat yourself. Whether you are thinking of buying yourself a designer bag or a day in the spa, the day will be the right day to spend a little for yourself. 

A chance to treat your partner

If you have a great partner, then show how you appreciate him or her. It’s great to have fun and a healthy relationship with a loving partner. Then Valentine’s Day is the right day to reciprocate them. Treat your partner by buying a gift that they will love. You may also go to your favorite restaurant for a lovely dinner. 

Take a well-deserved vacation

Ask your partner to spend the day with you for a romantic getaway. If you are single, then round up your friends and go on for a well-deserved break on the beach or in a hotel. 

The Life and Works of Vincent van Gogh

Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat poster

“Starry starry nights. Paint your palette blue and gray…” You have heard the song, and have hummed it. This song by Don McLean has immortalized one of the greatest artists in the history of Western art, Vincent van Gogh. Many of us have loved his works, yet not all are familiar with his story. Read on to learn more about life and some of the works of Vincent van Gogh. 

Who is Vincent?

Vincent van Gogh was born on the 30th of March 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. His family was quite known as his father, Theodorus van Gogh was a country minister and Anna Cornelia Carbentus, his mother, was an artist who loved to draw and paint in watercolors different scenes of nature. 

As a child, Vincent was serious and thoughtful. He had homeschooling and was taught by his mother and a governess. Later on, he was sent to the village school and eventually attended a boarding school at Zevenbergen where he felt alone and abandoned. His parents sent him to the middle school in Tilburg where his sadness got worse. 

His interest in art started at a young age when he was encouraged to draw by his mother. Unfortunately, his sadness overshadowed the lessons, and later on, Vincent wrote that his youth was “austere and cold, and sterile”. 

In 1873, Vincent went to the Groupil Gallery in London where he fell in love with the culture of the English. There he spent time visiting galleries and became a fan of the works of Charles Dickens and George Eliot. 

He fell in love with Eugenie Loyer, the daughter of his landlady. However, his marriage proposal was rejected and as a result, Vincent suffered a breakdown. To compensate for this, he devoted his life to God and taught in a Methodist boys’ school. 

His love for art

In 1880, van Gogh decided to move to Brussels and become an artist. During this time, his brother, Theo, offered to support him financially. He taught himself by reading and studying books. 

It was in art that he maintained his emotional stability. It was in 1885 that he started to work on his first masterpiece, “Potato Eaters”. It was when he moved to Paris when Vincent first saw Impressionist art in which he was moved by the color and light. He then started studying with Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, Camille Pissarro, and others. 

Vincent’s love life

Believe it or not, his love life is considered to be disastrous. He even fell in love with his cousin, Kate. But Kate was repulsed and fled to her home in Amsterdam. He then moved to The Hague and met Clasina Maria Hoornik, who later on became his companion, mistress, and model. 

Unfortunately, he left Hoornik and The Hague as this was also the wish of his family. Vincent then lived a nomadic life in The Netherlands and focused on drawing and painting the landscape and its people. 

Life as an artist

Vincent was also influenced by Japanese art and began studying eastern philosophy to further expand his knowledge and skills in art and life. He then went to France and moved into what we now know as “yellow house” where he spent most of his money on paint instead of food.

He completed more than 2100 works including 860 oil paintings and more than 1300 watercolors, drawings, and sketches. His painting “The Starry Night” was done in the asylum where he was staying in Sait-Remy, France in 1889. Inspired by this view, he wrote to his brother Theo and said, “This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big.”

Over 10 years, he created more than 43 self-portraits which are now displayed in museums around the world, such as in Washington, DC, Paris, New York, and Amsterdam. 

He died on July 29, 1890, at the age of 37.

It’s Never Too Late To Join

Get the chance to win Php 25,000 and have your photo be featured as the next trendy poster of Artdesign. Show your skills in photography and showcase the beauty of the Philippines. Love nature and let your work be adored by many.

The beauty of the Philippines

Regardless of what you have heard over the news about the Philippines, it is still one of the favorite destinations of tourists from around the globe. Why not? There are many places to visit, food to taste, events and happenings to experience, and others. With more than 7,000 islands to see and experience, the country is gifted with the beauty and richness of nature. 

The beaches located in Boracay, Palawan, and Siargao are among the places that are featured in many travel magazines and vlogs. For sure, the Philippines is gifted with stretches of pristine white sand beaches surrounded by clear blue waters. Of course, island hopping is not only the reason why the country is featured in many publications. Here are the reasons why many tourists keep coming back and why many Filipinos love to visit different places in the country.

Tropical weather to experience

Looking for a perfect getaway from winter? Only two seasons are experienced in the country: wet and dry. If you are longing for the heat of the sun on your skin, then we have the weather that you will surely love. The dry season starts from November to May, while the wet season is usually from June to October. It is ideal to go to the beach to have that sun-kissed look during the months of March to May. This is also the time when most beach resorts are packed with tourists. 

Filipino hospitality

In addition to the view, Filipinos are also known for their hospitality. In fact, we are ranked as the friendliest country in Asia. While still in the airport, you will be greeted with a smile by Filipinos. Probably, we are just proud of our country and culture, that is why we treat tourists with warmth and joy. 

Pinoys always treat their guests special. Do not be surprised if a feast is prepared when you visit their place. You get the chance to choose from various Filipino dishes on the table. The sentence “Make yourself at home” will truly be felt whenever you visit your Pinoy friend. 

Affordable tourist destinations

It is a fact that money is the greatest factor when you travel. Fear not as traveling in the Philippines and enjoying the wonders of nature is affordable. For instance, in just Php 1,000, you will be experiencing non-stop fun and excitement within a chosen place. Food is affordable as well, as long as you know where to go and order Filipino dishes. 

Islands and beaches

Beaches in the Philippines have constantly been featured by international publications like CNN, HuffPost, and Conde Nast Traveler. The country is truly gifted with the magic of nature. It is no surprise why many people choose the country for vacation and other activities. Get the opportunity to enjoy the sand and crystal clear water in a number of spots. Some of the places to visit are Boracay, Palawan, and Siargao. 

Natural wonders in the Philippines

The country is also blessed with wonders of nature. Visit the Puerto Princesa Underground River and be in awe of its beauty. This trip will also take you to the Puerto Princesa Subterranean River National Park. This is the longest underground river in the world and part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature. 

Another important landmark is the Chocolate Hills in Bohol. Here you will see thousands of hills that look like giant chocolate Kisses. However, they may turn green during the wet season. Go north and visit the Cordilleras. See the Rice Terraces of the Ifugao. This is an impressive man-made rice field that can be traced back to the pre-colonial Philippines. 

Celebrating New Year In The Philippines

4-Pcs. Seasons greeting from manila greeting card scaled.

Preparation for Christmas is a long process. Especially in the Philippines, there are so many things to consider to complete the celebration. In addition to these, the Media Noche or the feast to welcome New Year’s eve is another important celebration that Filipinos prepare tediously. Moreover, there are also traditions that have been practiced over the years. 

Food on New Year’s Eve

Media Noche is again one of the most awaited events during the holidays. Aside from the Noche Buena or Christmas Eve meal, the meal during New Year’s Eve is also one of the meals that Filipinos prepare with many thoughts. Special food is prepared but not as lavish as the Noche Buena. Though there are families who spend much on the food they add to the table. Lechon is one of the most popular food. However, it may be too costly for many households. 

Pansit or noodles may never be absent on the table. It is served to signify long life. Sticky food like biko is also prepared so that good fortune will stick throughout the year. It is also common to come up with 12 round fruits to represent each month of the year. Round fruits such as grapes, oranges, cantaloupe, pomelo, watermelon, and others. 

What’s with the noise?

As Americans enjoy fireworks on the 4th of July, Filipinos also love fireworks on New Year’s eve. Fireworks come in different sizes and shapes and have fun names as well. In fact, some of them have been banned by the government as they can cause injury or death. Examples are Judas belt, Lolo thunder, Kwitis, 5 Star, Whistle Bomb, and others. 

In addition to fireworks or firecrackers, pots and pans are banged. Cars, motorcycles, and tricycles are revved. Horns are also tooted to cause as much noise as possible. Kids also drag empty cans around to add to the noise. These traditions are practiced since it is believed that the noise made can drive evil spirits away. 

Other traditions of Filipinos on New year’s Eve

Filipinos believe in many things. Especially when New Year’s Eve arrives. There are also many practices in which Filipinos believe will allow good luck to enter the house and stay for the rest of the year. Before the clock strikes 12 midnight, all doors, including cabinets, drawers, windows, and cupboards. It is also a custom to wear clothes in polka dots as the dots represent coins or wealth. Kids also jump at midnight because they believe this will make them taller. 

It is also advised to put cash in your wallet. It is believed that the condition of the wallet when the New Year arrives will be for the rest of the year. Spending on New Year’s day is also not recommended. This sets money management for the year. 

Grilling whole fish is also one of the oldest practices for New Year in the Philippines, It is believed that whole fish bribing good luck. The scales represent coins while its way of swimming in the ocean is a life moving forward.  


Interesting Facts About Noche Buena In The Philippines

4-Pcs. Seasons greeting from manila greeting card scaled.

What makes the Christmas celebration even more fun and exciting? In addition to presents, of course, the food and drinks that are included in Noche Buena. Imagine coming home from midnight mass and on the table are sumptuous foods like lechon, ham, pancit, bibingka, quezo de bola, and many others. What’s so special about Noche Buena aside from being an important event on December 24? Read on to know more about the different facts about celebrating Noche Buena in the country. 

An influence of Spain that we have adopted

Noche Buena literally means “good night” but is also the Spanish term for Christmas Eve. Why Spain? Just look at the common dishes prepared, such as  lechon, jamonado, embotido, morcon, queso de bola, and many others. 

Fasting before feasting

During the Spanish colonization in the Philippines, the friars required the people to fast before Christmas Day. As a result, Filipinos, as well as the Spanish people, were really hungry after attending the Christmas mass. The midnight meal they had then was literally a feast on a spread of delectable dishes. 

Noche Buena in other countries

In Spain, Noche Buena is a common tradition wherein the menu consists of a fish dish, soup, and roast pork. As a dessert, Turron is prepared to provide a sweet conclusion. The main star of the Noche Buena is the whole pig roasted in a box over hor coals. This is called Caja china in Cuba. For the Peruvians, turkey is the main meal, and for the Venezuelans the main dish are pernil, panettone, and Ponche Crema. 

The real truth about Filipinos and fruitcake

Originally, fruitcake was introduced to the Filipinos by the Americans. This cake was also given to friends and loved ones as a gift and served every Christmas during Noche Buena. On the contrary, Huffington Post considered fruitcakes as the most hated cake in the existence of baking. The main reason for this is that fruitcakes are aged. In wines, this is a good idea and makes wines taste best, but not for cakes. 

The paella

Another Spanish cuisine that is passed to the Filipinos. Rice is a staple food to Filipinos as bread is to the West. Since Christmas is a special occasion, rice is served in an extraordinary way. The color and flavor of paella are mostly because of tomato and paprika. 


Happy holidays!

Cool Ways To Prepare For The Holidays

Christmas tree snowflakes poster in interior

While many of us are enjoying the cool winds of the season, malls are already packed with items for the Christmas rush. Christmas is one of the most awaited days of the year and it is just smart to prepare early. Preparation is not an overnight process and you will surely regret it when things are half-baked. Early preparation means that when Christmas day arrives, all you have to do is sit and relax. 

Why prepare early for Christmas

It is a fact that the Philippines has one of the longest Christmas in the world. When -ber months set in, you will surely hear Christmas songs being played in malls, radio, and even public transportations. Early preparation is the best way to save money, refrain from stress, and avoid headaches. 

Have you coordinated with your family members on how to celebrate Christmas this year? Of course, we understand that families have traditions that they want to keep in terms of the annual celebration of Christmas. It is still recommended to plan ahead so that to avoid missing any important details. Preparing a few days before Christmas will leave you stressed out, unsatisfied, and panicking. All you want to happen is for the day to be finished. That’s what we want to avoid. 

Prepping for Christmas

Many of us love Christmas and preparing for it is natural and innate. Each individual or family has their own style of prepping and probably the simples that easiest way to start is to make a list. Once you have a list, everything else will be easy and smooth. Proper planning, coordination, distribution of job assignments, and budgeting can extremely help in preventing any untoward events or incidents. 

Work within the budget

Celebrating Christmas means that you have to spend cash. You need to work out your budget so that you can prepare smartly. Remember all the things that you need including food, decors, gifts, attire, greeting cards, and even the fare to and from the malls or supermarket. Work out what you will need to spend and write them all down. This will give you a better idea of how to manage your funds without wasting any cash on unnecessary items. 

Fill in your calendar

December is a busy month for many of us. Make sure to start filling your diary or calendar with the various activities that you need to do. Examples are parties, school events, company lunches or dinners, and others. This practice will prevent you from missing anything. Do not forget any school activities of your kids. If you are planning to order food, make a note when you can order and when you can pick it up. The more organized you are, the better you will feel for the celebrations. 

Make a guest list

Preparing for the Christmas celebration is not easy. Therefore, it is just right to keep track of the people who will attend. Knowing the number of attendees will help you get organized. Make your list and check it twice. Go and find out who will come or not. Start planning for the items that will be needed such as toiletries, extra plates, utensils, food, and drinks. Do not forget the relatives and friends who will stay so you will need extra bedding, beds, pillows, and blankets. 

Send the invites

Send out the invites to know your loved ones that you will be hosting the celebration for Christmas. Be sure to make a note that they will give you their response a few days or a week before the most anticipated day. This will allow you to prepare enough food and drinks so everybody will be satisfied and contented. 

Prepare food early

There are certain food that can be prepared early and kept frozen such as gravy, stuffing, and others. Doing this will save you time and effort to attend to other important things for the celebration. If you can order online, do so to give you more time in prepping. 

Ask for help 

You need not do everything by yourself. Give your family members their respective tasks and monitor them from time to time. With their help, everything will be smooth and organized. Happy holidays!

Attractive Posters For The Kitchen

Life happen coffee helps poster

Food and drink posters are the most common prints displayed in the kitchen. In fact, they are the easiest to display in the room as they completely blend well with the purpose and function of the room. However, food and drink posters become boring in the long run. Try to be innovative and use other poster designs to give the kitchen a fresh new appeal. For the kitchen to look lively and vibrant, consider decorating the wall with poster designs that are classic and timeless, such as black and white prints.

Decorating the kitchen walls

As many of us know, the kitchen is not only used to prepare our meals. Just like in any other room, the kitchen may be multifunctional. It can be a place for entertainment in which a television set is added. It can also be a place for dining or for eating breakfast with the family. In other households, the room is also used to receive guests. 

It is important to treat the kitchen just like how we treat the other rooms of the house. At least when it comes to decorating the walls. By tradition and practice, kitchens are usually decorated with food and drink posters. However, there are other designs that can be used to break the tradition. Kitchen wall art can add visual interest and personality to the room. In addition to framed artworks, homeowners use oversized utensils, tapestries with designs that are associated with the room. Want to make the kitchen look more stylish and trendy/ use oversized letters in various fonts and colors. This decor is created with the use of thin but sturdy metals that may be light enough to be displayed. 

Poster designs to display in the kitchen

There are no strict rules when it comes to decorating the kitchen with posters. Although, there are some when it comes to how you hang and arrange them on your walls. There are many designs and themes to choose from. For instance, abstract posters add life with the colors, patterns, and designs they have, Nature-themed posters can also give a refreshing and rejuvenating vibe to the kitchen. With the images of plants, flowers, seascapes, and landscapes, the kitchen will have a calming and relaxing atmosphere that you will love. 

Go minimalist with Scandinavian-inspired prints as well as black and white posters. These posters will help you achieve a simple yet elegant room appearance that can be the highlight of the entire house. In fact, many homes these days use the minimalist design style as there are also benefits they give to the mind and body. 

Typography posters are also popular and many of them have inspirational or motivational quotes. Sometimes what we need are positive words to keep us going. The messages written on the posters, though however simple they are, can have a big impact on our total well-being. 

Prepare the kitchen for the holidays with Christmas-themed posters. Not only that these prints will bring the spirit of Christmas to your home, but they will also make the kitchen look vibrant and lovely. With the colors of the season in your kitchen, you will have inspiration and motivation in prepping the meals for Christmas.