Color psychology teaches us that different colors have relevant effects on mood. In fact, colors and mood are closely linked with each other. Warm colors evoke different emotions and bright colors even create different feelings. Colors either make us happy or sad and among other reactions of the body. Studies have shown that colors affect the psychological and physical aspects of the body.
Colors and mood
The effects of colors on mood greatly depend on different factors. Examples are brightness, shade, tint, and tone. In general, colors are divided into two categories: warm and cool colors.
Warm colors
Warm colors, such as red, orange, and yellow evoke feelings of happiness, optimism, and energy. They can also catch the attention of anyone. What makes red extra special is that it can increase the appetite of an individual. This is the reason why many restaurants incorporate the color red in their interior.
Cool colors
Green, blue, and purple are examples of cool colors. These colors evoke a calming and relaxing vibe. On the negative side, cool colors, express sadness. If you want to be creative, it is recommended to use purple in the room.
Cheerful colors
Bright and warm colors are known to uplift the mood. This is also true with pastel colors, such as peach, light pink, or lilac. It has been observed the brighter and lighter the color is, the happier the emotion is. Experts also recommend combining pops of colors for happier and youthful effects.
Gloomy colors
Dark and muted colors are considered to be sad or gloomy colors. Examples are blue, green, brown, and beige. Some countries and cultures also use these colors for mourning.
Calming colors
Blue, green, and their pastel counterparts are known to have calming and relaxing effects. This is also true with neutral colors, such as beige and gray. It is also recommended to use only a few colors when combining them. The principle is, the more simple, the more calming and relaxing they are.
Energizing colors
Bright colors, strong colors, and neon colors can feel energizing and make you feel active. These colors are attention-grabbing and can stand out in any environment. They also have stimulating effects and likewise, evoke refreshed and energized.
Final Thoughts
Colors are very important when designing or decorating the interior. You need to consider what a person will feel when exposed to a particular color. The effects of color can almost always be agreed upon universally. Colors and mood are related to each other. With these, you can now freely choose the colors to incorporate in your home and see remarkable results.
Moreover, it is recommended to think of the right colors to use in a room. For instance, eating areas need colors that can stimulate appetite like red and orange. Offices or study areas need green and pops of purple to keep everyone in the room focused on accomplishing their tasks. Try these in your homes or any other living spaces