Nature Tripping In The Philippines

Mayon poster in interior

Known for having 7100 islands in Southeast Asia, the Philippines is one of the favorite destinations of tourists, both local and foreign. The country has several attractions that will connect you to nature. It is a paradise for all beach lovers, mountain climbers, and adventure seekers. Read on to know more about the different places in the Philippines where you can get in touch with nature and feel rejuvenated again.

Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park

Located in Palawan, Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park is known for its remarkable biodiversity, abundant marine life, and magnificent dive sites. It covers hectares of productive marine life and contains three atolls and a large area of the deep sea. Tubbataha Reefs has been recognized as one of the world’s leading diving destinations. It is home to 600 species of fish, 360 species of corals, 11 species of sharks, 13 species of dolphins and whales, birds, Hawksbill, and green sea turtles. In 1993, UNESCO declared it as a World Heritage Site. Being an isolated area, it will take around a 10 to 12 hours journey to reach it. A sacrifice worth taking to enjoy the wonder of nature.

El Nido Palawan

Another leading municipality in the province of Palawan, El Nido is one of the favorite travel destinations in the country. It is a managed resource-protected area and popular for its white-sand beaches, coral reefs, limestone cliffs, and rich biodiversity. Many travel buffs have placed El Nido to the 20 Most Beautiful Beaches in the World due to its extraordinary natural splendor and ecosystem. 

Malay Eco Tour in Aklan

A perfect place for bonding and get-together with family and friends. The travel destination is known for the Pangihan cave with its eight magnificent chambers. Locals highly recommend visiting Nabaoy, a river with native huts where you can order native dishes and delicacies at affordable prices. Of course, more than feasting, you can refresh yourself by swimming and rafting in its calm and clear water.


Siargao was originally a haven for surfers. These days, it is one of the most sought-after destinations in the world. The island is within the jurisdiction of the province of Surigao del Norte and is composed of different municipalities. In 2018 and 2019, Siargao was awarded for being the best island in the world. Tourists will never be bored on the island as there are tons of activities that can be done. These include basking on white-sand beaches, surfing, cave explorations, swinging on palm tree rope, island hopping, and many others. In addition to these, the island is rich in green colors as it is covered with coconut palm trees. A perfect tropical view for those of you who are looking for a vacation paradise. 

Mayon volcano

The Mayon volcano is popularly known for its “perfect cone” and is still one of the most active volcanoes in the country. Located in the province of Albay, it has a height of 2,463 meters and is considered to be the centerpiece of the province. The volcano is one of the favorite sites for climbing, though it is important to note that it is dangerous to do this activity even if it is at its dormant stage. In addition to climbing, you can do other activities such as hiking, camping, bird watching, and photography. It is recommended to visit the volcano between March and May and not during the rainy season. 

A Photo Competition Just For You

Over the years, photos have recorded many events and occasions in the history of mankind. Photos are also important keepsakes that show the adventures we had with our family and friends. They also show In Artdesign, we value every photo as these represent who you are. Being part of your life for 1 year is a victory for all of us. As part of our celebration, we are launching a photo competition where you can showcase your skills and talent in photography. 

Beautify your walls with the natures of the Philippines

We all know that the Philippines is one of the richest countries in the world when it comes to biodiversity, seascape, and landscape. In fact, many travelers and tourists, visit the country for rest and recreation, research activities, documentary activities, and others. Filipinos are truly proud of what the country has. 

The Philippines is one of the world’s largest archipelagoes in the world. The topography consists of mountainous terrains, dense forests, plains, and coastal areas. It is considered as one of the mega biodiversity countries in the world with a high flora and fauna endemism. Moreover, the country’s biodiversity has been featured in various reputable magazines, books, and conferences in the world. 

You too will have the chance to feature the beauty of the Philippines with your skills and talent in photography. Imagine your masterpiece being part of the collections of Artdesign and becoming part of the walls of every home. 

The mechanics

Join our PHOTO COMPETITION! Call your friends to VOTE FOR YOU and get a chance to WIN Php 25,000 CASH PRIZE!!!

Hurry! Submission of Entries is until December 31, 2021.

The highest Votes will win the Prizes!

Photo Specifications:

  • The theme for this year’s photo contest is “Beautify Your Walls with Natures of the Philippines”
  • Submit Photos or Create Poster Arts about Philippine Nature
  • Each contestant must submit only one (1) Art Poster entry

(Art paintings/ actual arts graphic art, virtual art, virtual painting, photographs are allowed)

All arts must be submitted through actual jpg/ png/ scanning or photographs and must meet size/ quality requirements

  • Entry must be the contestant’s original work/ original ownership.

Contest Prizes

First Prize: Php 25,000

Second Prize: Php 15,000

Third Prize: Php 10,000

Consolation Prize Php 1,000 worth of artdesign vouchers




Creative Ideas For A Wall Gallery Of Family Photos

Baby line art No1 personal poster in interior

Making your own wall gallery is a wonderful way to showcase your most-loved family photos. Many homeowners create wall galleries since it gives you the freedom on how to design them in a way that best suits your taste. You can create a wall gallery with the use of only a few photos, or fill the wall with photos of your family adventures. Personalized posters that feature family photos are also great to display especially when they are in attractive frames. Read on to learn more about creating a wall gallery of family photos.

Plan the wall design

The first thing that you need to do is to choose the wall where you will have the wall gallery. Whether you have a huge, empty wall in the living room or in the hallway, proper planning will give you the right idea on how to properly design your wall art. It is also recommended to choose a space that will allow you to add more photos in the future. 

It is also wonderful if the prints you are going to display will not leave any holes on the walls or damage the paint. This is to give you more options and freedom when adding family photos in the future. There are many spots in your home that can be used to create your wall gallery. These can be filled with several smaller prints or a couple of large ones. Even small spaces can have a wall gallery of family photos with the use of smaller prints. 

Choose the photos you want to be displayed

Now that you already have an idea of what your wall will look like, the next that you need to consider is the theme. Pick a theme that will connect the photos in the gallery as though they are all in one large piece of art. Think about continuity. There are countless ways to do this and you can choose photos that were taken from a photoshoot or event. Wedding photos of your family members are also perfect for the wall gallery whether they are posed seriously or candidly. You may also have spent some adventures with your families such as camping, hiking, mountain climbing, or a trip to the beach. You can also create a timeline wall gallery where you can display photos that have been taken over the years. They will also look great if they are printed in black and white to create a timeless classic in your home. 

Pick the right prints

If you are having a hard time choosing the theme, you can simply add all the chosen photos even if they do not coordinate with each other. Display all of them in matching frames so you can pull them off. 

Create balance

When planning for the design of your wall gallery, think of two things: the collection of art will create one large piece in the form of a wall gallery. Imagine a vertical line on the wall to create visual balance. If you also have family photos in different sizes, position the largest piece of art on the bottom-left of the gallery wall arrangement. 

Trial first

Of course, before finalizing everything, do some test runs first. Check if your creation is appealing to your family and guests. If you feel that a photo does not belong to the group, then change it with another photo. Remember that upgrading your walls is not always permanent. There will always be some adjustments so everything will blend with each other. 

Personalize Your Bedroom With Posters

Art wall 146

Bedroom is a special place for every household member. It is where you can have rest and relax from the daily routine and forget about your worries. Since it is your personal sanctuary, it needs interesting decor to make the atmosphere inviting and relaxing. There is a wide range of decors that will make the necessary transformation. While choosing the right bedroom decor, you need to consider several factors, such as room size, furniture pieces, and wall colors. 

The decors you choose can instantly change the beauty of your bedroom. This is the reason why you need to plan carefully before adding any poster. Themes may vary and are available in various designs. The most important aspect in choosing the right design is how they combine with the interior design style of the whole room. Choose the poster design that will stand out or will enhance the overall design of your bedroom. Here are some ideas that you can employ when decorating the bedroom with posters.

Floral prints

Floral prints are always safe to use. However, different flowers evoke different kinds of energy. Experts suggest not to have complete freedom when choosing the type of flower. There are flowers that are appropriate for the bedroom. Here are some examples:

  • The cherry blossom represents freshness and innocence and is ideal for newlywed couples. 
  • Peony Flowers are known to attract love, romance, and warmth. However, avoid this flower to couples. 
  • Roses help improve the relationships among the members of the family. 
  • Orchids symbolize love, beauty, and fertility. 
  • Narcissus is the flower that represents career and education as well as good luck and prosperity. 


Landscapes are fantastic poster designs that have been used in both homes and offices. If you are going to use this design in the bedroom, choose the poster the depicts good and calm weather. Images of typhoons, hurricanes, storms, and the likes bring bad vibes to the bedroom. 


The images of animals evoke positive emotions, and the urge to take care of your loved ones. Avoid posters of predators and other aggressive animals. Posters of animals with their partners are also great to display as they bring harmony and balance to your life. 

Abstract art

The good thing about abstract art is its versatility. They suit well in every room including the bedroom. Take into consideration the colors and significance of the art. We understand that sometimes it is difficult to interpret the meaning of abstract art. But that is what makes them amazing. Avoid too bright or too aggressive designs as these will not help you relax in the bedroom. 

Nature-inspired posters

If still not sure what poster to display, go with nature-inspired art. It is a universal theme and the safest design to display in any room. Just like in any theme, it is best to choose calm and placatory images. Posters with cool designs like greenery and botanical prints are proven to calm and relax the mind. On the other hand, posters of different landscapes like mountains and horizons give an impression that the room appears bigger. 

Travel posters

If you are a travel enthusiast, you can bring the adventure to your bedroom. There are many travel posters available in the market. These posters feature the different travel destinations and landmarks around the globe or the country. As such, your bedroom will have a style that will reflect your character and personality. 

Black and white prints

Black and white posters are perfect if you want your bedroom to have that classic and retro appearance. These posters never go out of style and they likewise evoke a minimalist effect. These prints are ideal if you want your bedroom to have that elegant and sophisticated vibe. 

The Style Of The 60’s – The Psychedelic Era

Light colors brush stroke poster

The decade of the 1960s is probably one of the monumental turns in the history of mankind. A period that is filled with surprises and accomplishments. Many would describe the decade to be psychedelic, idealistic, euphoric, and transformative. Colors tend to be a little exaggerated when it comes to fashion and design. People then lack inhibitions in terms of expressing themselves. 

It is a decade where there are also been changes in design styles. They focus more on towering style with mixtures from different influences. Interior design styles highlight decorative items that boost visual impact regardless of the rules in interior design. 

A brief history of the 1960s design style 

The decade is one of the dynamic eras in the history of mankind. There are different events that occurred during the decade that made differences to the culture and tradition of many countries. Peace and war are on the brink that can make or break a nation. The west is bombarded with civil protests, the Vietnam War, assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, The Cuban Missile Crisis, and the landing of the first man on the moon.  

The 60s is more about flower power, pop music, and patriotism. Anything groovy can be observed in almost all places. It has also plundered the past for inspiration for the spirit of rebellion. These events have greatly influenced the design industry as there are mixtures of ideas to come up with interesting and compelling designs. 

Interior design styles were considered to be a ragbag of designs. The ideas and designs of Andy Warhol and David Hockney are gaining popularity as people see the uniqueness in the appearances of murals and posters. The designs represent the mass culture as represented in comic strips and the iconic Marilyn Monroe designs. 

Design ideas of the 1960s

The events during the decade have greatly influenced the design industry. There are many creative and artistic ways to successfully achieve a 1960s look in your home. Walk down memory lane and try these ideas in your home.

The use of bean bags

Relax and have fun with your family and friends by placing a mattress, cushions, and bean bags. Not only are these items functional, they can also add life to your rooms and make them look more lively and dynamic. 

Allow the free flow of air

An open floor plan allows the wind to circulate freely. This is also true with the entry of natural light. These can be achieved with the addition of sliding doors and movable screens. These structures can also create partitions that can be functional and appealing. 

Plastic furniture

The material that is common during the decade is plastic. Plastics are used to manufacture almost any item during the decade. Display furniture made of the said material and the recommended design to achieve the 60s look is futuristic and space age. 


Fabric designs should have repeating patterns or with the graphic images of pop art.

Light source

This is the decade of lava lamps, neon lights, and Moroccan-inspired lamps. These items can illuminate your space in a unique and fashionable way. 


Though wood is not that popular during the decade, the use of pine wood has gained its popularity. They are commonly seen as wall paneling ceiling beams. 

Color scheme

The use of vibrant colors, such as red and purple will take you back in time. These are the colors that make the decade psychedelic and groovy. In addition to these, the use of black and white colors can balance everything, especially in the bedroom and living room. 

The Mona Lisa

Geometric mona lisa poster

Add the legendary artwork of the world-renowned Italian Renaissance painter, Leonardo da Vinci to your home. This time in a more contemporary appearance as it is depicted in a geometric fashion. The Mona Lisa is one of the greatest and mysterious accomplishments of da Vinci. This trendy poster will not only bring the classic to your interior. It will also add a contemporary touch that will make any room look trendy and stylish. 

Geometric Mona Lisa Poster

There is something unique and interesting with classic art displayed in your room. Art enthusiasts and collectors will likewise be captivated and mesmerized by the beauty these artworks emit in their gallery. The poster version of the popular art, The Mona Lisa, is beautiful as it is with the original painting. It was redesigned in such a way that it can give a modern vibe without omitting the classic touch. This art can likewise give any room a remarkable and spectacular view. 

The Mona Lisa – a brief description

The Mona Lisa or la Gioconda is a half-length portrait by the Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. It has been described as the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world. 

The figure of a woman dressed in the Florentine fashion of her day and seated in a visionary mountainous landscape clearly shows Leonardo’s sfumato technique of soft, heavily shaded modeling. The mysterious smile and unproven identity have made the painting a source of ongoing investigation and fascination. The sense of overall harmony achieved by Leonardo in the painting reflects Leonardo’s idea of the cosmic link between humanity and nature. 

Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452-1519) was an Italian Renaissance polymath who was extremely interested in invention, painting, sculpting, architecture, science, music, mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology, astronomy, botany, writing, history and cartography. He was also considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time. 

In addition to these, Leonardo was known for his technological ingenuity. He was able to develop concepts about flying machines, concentrated solar power, double hulls, among others. However, only a few of his designs materialized or became feasible during his time since modern science was only just beginning during the Renaissance period. He also made significant discoveries in anatomy, civil engineering, geology, optics, and hydrodynamics. However, his discoveries and findings were never published and never directly influenced modern science. 

Among his greatest works that made an impact on modern art and thinking were the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper, and the Vitruvian Man. Other paintings have also challenged the minds and beliefs of many individuals, as well as religious beliefs just like subjects and themes of some of his paintings, became controversial. 

Final thoughts

Classic-themed posters are not only about bringing the past to the present. It is also about immortalizing the works of art. These artworks share a lot of stories with the world. The Mona Lisa, for instance, has something mysterious about it that stimulates the mind of the viewer. If you are having a hard time understanding the meaning of the art, it is great that you appreciate it and love the effects they give to your space. 

The Mayon Poster – A Magnificent View

Mayon poster

Artdesign gives you fantastic and trendy posters that will surely add life to your rooms. We have a wide range of poster designs that will suit your decoration needs. The Mayon poster is one of the impressive posters that will not only add to the aesthetics of your home. This can also be used in travel agency companies to promote tourism in the Philippines. Rean on to know more about the amazing volcano and how this print can boost the overall appearance of your rooms. 

The Mayon volcano

Mayon volcano, also known as Mount Mayon, is one of the active volcanoes in the Philippines. It is located in the province of Albay in Bicol region. It is considered to be one of the popular tourist destinations in the country due to its symmetric conical structure. Mayon volcano is also regarded to be a sacred mountain in Philippine mythology.

On July 20, 1938, Mayon volcano was declared to be the first national park in the Philippines. UNESCO declared the volcano as the centerpiece of the Albay Biosphere Reserve in 2016. A very active volcano that is constantly monitored by PHIVOLCS. 

Mayon volcano in Philippine mythology

The Philippines is rich in culture and tradition as well as numerous practices. In Philippine mythology, interesting stories are told that explain the origins of various things including landscape and waterscape. 

The myth of the origin of Mayon volcano is as interesting as the love stories that you have read or watched on television. It tells the story of star-crossed lovers that has a tragic ending, thus giving birth to the crown jewel of Albay. 

The legend is about the beautiful maiden, Magayon, who lived in Ibalon. She is also the daughter of the chief of the tribe, Makusog. Men from different places were so enamored by her beauty that they visited Ibalon just to get a glimpse of the maiden. 

One of the suitors was Pagtuga, a warrior and chief of Iraga, who tried to court Magayon by bringing various kinds of precious treasures, like gold, and jewels. However, Magayon was not moved by this gesture. 

Magayon also loved to bathe in the Yawa river. While bathing, the maiden slipped on the rocks and almost drowned if not for the help of Pangaronon who saved her. This led to a good relationship between the two characters. Magayon eventually asked Makusog for Magayon’s hand in marriage. This was immediately approved by Makusog as he wished only for the happiness of her daughter. 

The news about the wedding reached Pagtuga who then kidnapped Makusog and threatened to kill him if Magayon refused to marry Pagtuga. As such, Magayon married Pagtuga to save her father. 

On the day of the wedding, Pangaronon went to the place of the wedding to try to stop the celebration. A battle erupted between Pagtuga and Pangaronon in which the former was struck by the latter. As Magayon and Pangaronon were about to hug each other, a poisoned arrow struck Magayon. 

While kneeling and watching Magayon die, Pangaronon was stabbed by the soldiers of Pagtuga. The two lovers were buried together. Years have passed and the people observed that the land where the lovers were buried started to rise. The mountain that rose from the burial site is now known as Mayon Volcano. 

It is also believed that when the volcano is about to erupt, Magayon is being bothered by Pagtuga. On the other hand, when the volcano is calm, it is believed that Pangaronon is hugging Magayon. 

Beauty and a touch of nature on your walls

The Mayon poster is one of the prides of Artdesign. It is a multifunctional art that can easily be displayed on the walls. The natural colors and image of the volcano can instantly add a touch of nature to your space. The display of the poster can also show your love and admiration for the famous destination of the country. 

Cool Rooms With Bear Forest Poster

Bear Forest poster

Every room deserves an upgrade. We all need a room where we can relax after being exposed to a stressful environment. The best and easiest ways to do this is to decorate the room with items that will make it look attractive and calming. Nature-inspired prints such as the Bear Forest poster is a simple yet impactful design that can transform the room appearance. Bring the outdoors to your home with a poster that is full of life and beauty.

The simple life of bears

Bears are fascinating mammals with a dog-like appearance. They are seen in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere as well as in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are commonly described to have large bodies, stocky legs, long snouts, shaggy hair, short tails, and plantigrade paws with non retractile claws.

The carnivore has been recorded since prehistoric times and hunted for their meat and fur. They have also been seen in the entertainment industry. With their massive appearance, the animal plays significant roles in arts, culture, society, and mythology. These days, certain species of bears have been listed as vulnerable or endangered due to illegal trade and habitat destruction.

Bears and their meaning

With the animal’s massive structure and powerful characteristics, they are recognized to represent strength and courage. They serve as an inspiration for people to have courage and stand up against adversity. Images of bears are also known as a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing. 

Bears also represent leadership as you guide and lead other people. Feared and admired for their strength, bears will inspire you to take leadership roles in  your life. They also encourage us to take action without fear. 

Bear in the forest

Films, television shows, books, and magazines depict bears strolling in forests in search for food. Many cartoon shows also depict bears in the forest. The forest is a vast area where both large and small animals roam. It is a great place for bears to live as it is filled with their basic requirements. 

An image of a bear and a forest gives a refreshing feel that is perfect to be displayed in your homes. The Bear Forest poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to add a touch of nature to your home. Created in black and white, the poster can give a classic and sophisticated appeal. 

The poster design also captures the whole essence of forest living. The poster is complete with coniferous trees, mountains, mist, and the bear. A perfect image that will not only add beauty to your walls. This poster can likewise add style and statement that matches any interior design style. 

The black and white poster can give a timeless classic look that will let you remember your outdoor adventure time. A large-sized poster of the Bear Forest can instantly create a wall art that will capture the attention of your guests. A unique way to add a touch of nature to your homes. This poster can boost your walls and add value to your home. 

Forest-themed Posters For A Refreshing Vibe

Pine tree forest reflected poster

Images of forests and woodlands add beauty to any living space. These posters bring a relaxing vibe that will take you away from a stressful environment. Give your home a touch of nature with forest-themed posters and create an impressive and wonderful interior that you and your family will enjoy.

Welcome to the jungle!

Traveling through the jungle may be quite difficult these days. Due to the pandemic that we are experiencing, going to different places may be restricted. The jungle is what we actually need as we can receive tons of benefits from it. You can enjoy the exotic scenery at your home by decorating your rooms with jungle-themed posters. 

The colors and images of trees and plants can easily give your home a relaxing vibe. Time to move out from the conventional wall coverings and add a jungle theme to your home. The view will take you away from any stressful environment. Jungle-themed posters will give your room a sense of peace and serenity. A perfect atmosphere if you need time to meditate or relax.

Forest posters

There is no mistake in displaying forest-themed posters in your home. The sight of a forest filled with pine trees gives an attractive view that will take you on a camping trip. These posters are also recommended in the kid’s bedroom as they can create a theme that you can have fun with. Time to take out your teepees or tents to have an indoor camping with your little ones. Add a few ornaments and kids will feel the outdoor adventure of camping.

Planning to create a relaxing vibe in your bedroom. Forest-themed posters will fulfill your dreams as they bring you closer to nature. A forest inspired wall art can add beauty and elegance to your home. Waking up in the morning will never be the same as the wall art gives a rejuvenating vibe. 

Trees and plants

Living in cities is quite different from the rural areas. Strolling around the neighborhood will give you sights of restaurants, hotels, condominiums, and other infrastructures. Trees and plants may not be that lush and that parks were developed to let people breathe clean air. The view of trees and plants also gives a rejuvenating feel. A needed view to give you a break from stress. 

These are some of the reasons why many companies add a mini garden in their offices. Though this is not possible to all, the view of trees and plants will be helpful for the workers. Studies have shown that a touch of nature in the workplace can improve the productivity of workers. In addition to these, people will also have better health when exposed to nature. 

A touch of nature in the office can be of great help to boost its appearance. Additionally, nature can give the vibe that will help improve our health. Studies have shown that a touch of nature in any living space can help with proper blood circulation and oxygenation of our cells. Forest-themed posters may not be the real thing, but they are the best solution to give any space the upgrade they deserve.

Stokksnes poster

Stokksnes poster

Stokksnes is a peninsula in southeast Iceland, located near the town of Höfn. It is best-known for being home to the mountain Vestrahorn. A perfect landscape in poster print that will make any room look bold. The photo can also create a relaxing view that will be loved by anyone.