Neutral Boho 5 poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Neutral Boho 5 Poster

Bohemian-styled poster art that will add beauty to your rooms. The display of this poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your room attractive and interesting. The earthy colors help create a room atmosphere that is comfortable and relaxing. This art is also one of the ways to boost the wall design to add value to your home.

Neutral Boho 4 poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Neutral Boho 4 Poster

Bohemian-styled poster art that will add beauty to your rooms. The display of this poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your room attractive and interesting. The earthy colors help create a room atmosphere that is comfortable and relaxing. This art is also one of the ways to boost the wall design to add value to your home.

Neutral Boho Illustration 2 poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Neutral Boho Illustration 2 Poster

Bohemian-styled poster art that will add beauty to your rooms. The display of this poster is one of the fastest and easiest ways to make your room attractive and interesting. The earthy colors help create a room atmosphere that is comfortable and relaxing. This art is also one of the ways to give your home a touch of nature.

Neutral Tone Abstract Poster with Black Frame

Neutral Tone Abstract poster with frame

Poster design with abstract art in neutral colors. Abstract art that will transform how your walls appear. Perfect for plain colored walls of your rooms as this can add a simple yet compelling wall accent. Along with the shapes are line art that blends well with the overall design of the poster.

Pops Of Colors As Inspired By Paul Klee

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Paul Klee was a German-Swiss artist born in 1879 who fell in love with colors and tones. You may have seen some of his works and they can be described as child-like, simple, and can be appreciated by all ages and levels. His paintings are also rich in geometric forms and shapes. Some of his works can even be used to help kids in their learnings, such as letters, animals, and numbers. Some are in abstract form and can be used to add colors and design to your walls. 

The use of warm and cool colors

Over the years, colors are used to make any space look attractive. There are different types of colors and you can check the color wheel for references. Colors can also be divided into two groups, cool and warm colors. Warm colors are fun and exciting and can make you think of sunlight and heat. These are orange, yellow, and red, and a combination makes the team of warm colors. 

On the other hand, cool colors are blue, green, and purples. These colors are calming and sooting. If your want your bedroom to have that ambiance that is perfect for resting and sleeping, then cool colors are a perfect choice.  

Tones what are they

Tones are created by adding neutral colors such as white, gray, or black. These colors, when added to primary or secondary colors alter their lightness. If you are on a decorating project, remember that darker colors help you to bring light color more in focus. 

Who inspired Paul Klee

Paul Klee was known as an avid reader and lover of music. With his paintings filled with shapes and colors, they are rich with rhythm motivated by the modulations of Mozart and Bach or even the cadence of poems by Apollinaire and Rilke. Klee was also inspired by the art of kids as well as those who are suffering from psychological disorders. Their art was regarded as a pure form of expression. In 1914, during a trip to Tunisia with Macke and Louis Moilliet, Klee was deeply inspired. As a result, his artworks were added with the rich color palette and distinctive language of mystical symbols.

One of the most important personalities who have inspired Klee was Kandinsky. He is considered to be the godfather of abstraction along with the other members of the Munich-based group, Macke, Marc, Alexej von Jawlensky. In addition to these, the lyrical patterns and transcendent color palette of Robert Delaunay also affected Paul Klee. 

What’s so special about Paul Klee

Paul Klee was one of the prominent artists in the 1900s. He is known for changing the course of modern art. As a passionate artist, he was also one of the artists who have influenced younger generations of artists. Remember the time when painting became less popular, it surged again because of the influences of Paul Klee. His works can be considered to be unconventional as it encompasses almost any style like the art created by disabled people and practitioners of the occult.

Colors and Mood: Their Effects On Your Home

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Color psychology teaches us that different colors have relevant effects on mood. In fact, colors and mood are closely linked with each other. Warm colors evoke different emotions and bright colors even create different feelings. Colors either make us happy or sad and among other reactions of the body. Studies have shown that colors affect the psychological and physical aspects of the body. 

Colors and mood

The effects of colors on mood greatly depend on different factors. Examples are brightness, shade, tint, and tone. In general, colors are divided into two categories: warm and cool colors. 

Warm colors

Warm colors, such as red, orange, and yellow evoke feelings of happiness, optimism, and energy. They can also catch the attention of anyone. What makes red extra special is that it can increase the appetite of an individual. This is the reason why many restaurants incorporate the color red in their interior. 

Cool colors

Green, blue, and purple are examples of cool colors. These colors evoke a calming and relaxing vibe. On the negative side, cool colors, express sadness. If you want to be creative, it is recommended to use purple in the room. 

Cheerful colors

Bright and warm colors are known to uplift the mood. This is also true with pastel colors, such as peach, light pink, or lilac. It has been observed the brighter and lighter the color is, the happier the emotion is. Experts also recommend combining pops of colors for happier and youthful effects. 

Gloomy colors

Dark and muted colors are considered to be sad or gloomy colors. Examples are blue, green, brown, and beige. Some countries and cultures also use these colors for mourning. 

Calming colors

Blue, green, and their pastel counterparts are known to have calming and relaxing effects. This is also true with neutral colors, such as beige and gray. It is also recommended to use only a few colors when combining them. The principle is, the more simple, the more calming and relaxing they are.

Energizing colors

Bright colors, strong colors, and neon colors can feel energizing and make you feel active. These colors are attention-grabbing and can stand out in any environment. They also have stimulating effects and likewise, evoke refreshed and energized. 

Final Thoughts

Colors are very important when designing or decorating the interior. You need to consider what a person will feel when exposed to a particular color. The effects of color can almost always be agreed upon universally. Colors and mood are related to each other. With these, you can now freely choose the colors to incorporate in your home and see remarkable results. 

Moreover, it is recommended to think of the right colors to use in a room. For instance, eating areas need colors that can stimulate appetite like red and orange. Offices or study areas need green and pops of purple to keep everyone in the room focused on accomplishing their tasks. Try these in your homes or any other living spaces

Choose The Right Colors For Your Red Interior

Window with a view of structure poster in interior

Colors are identified through wavelengths and this includes the color red. As one of the primary colors, the color red is used for many reasons. It also occurs naturally such as the color of many flowers. The color is also one of the warm colors associated with our physical needs and the will to survive. Red also represents many human traits, like masculinity, leadership quality, determination, and ambition, and is strong-willed.

It is a powerful color that many brands prefer to use in their products. In interior design and decoration, the color can blend well with many design styles from eclectic to traditional. Too much of the color may also be an eyesore that is why it is recommended to blend the color red with the right colors. Read on to learn more about the perfect colors that will go well with the color red. 


Black and red are some of the favorite color combinations of many designers and homeowners. This color combo adds drama to your rooms and likewise makes them appear vibrant and lively. These colors also help in making the rooms look bold, striking, and stylish.


As a strong color, red needs to be neutralized to mellow down the overall appearance of the rooms. Navy can do the job by balancing and mellowing the color red. As a result, any room can have a stylish and chic look. 

Sunflower yellow

Sunflower yellow blends well in any interior with the color red. The combination of these colors evokes a fun and exciting room vibe. They also help in creating a bold, striking, and stylish room atmosphere and appearance. 

Red interior and Fuchsia

This color may appear similar to the color red, but they do differ when it comes to shades. The combination of these colors offers a monochromatic look but with layers. As such a room with these colors evokes a classy and sophisticated appearance. 

Cream your red interior 

Just like any contrasting color, the cream can also balance the color red. When red is painted on the walls, creamy white can create an elegant and sophisticated room appearance. 


Red interior, especially cherry red can be paired with grassy green to evoke a trendy and stylish room. Green can also give your room a fresh and rejuvenating room vibe that will be loved by anyone. This color combination also offers a calm and relaxing room atmosphere. 

Chocolate brown with red interior 

Chocolate brown and red may not look perfect with each other but this color combination can give any room a touch of feminine. These colors can be a perfect backdrop for floral posters or prints that feature women. 


Combine this color with your red interior and you will have a room that is vibrant and lively. 


Almonds have been commonly used in many rooms over the years. Combine this color with a red interior and you will have a unique and interesting room appearance that is perfect for the whole family. This color combination can also evoke a welcoming and relaxing vibe that will be enjoyed by your family and friends. 

Bubblegum pink paired with red interior

This shade of pink is perfect to be paired with any color. But when paired with a red interior, the colors will have a color scheme that goes well with the kids’ room, playroom, or nursery. 


Red and gold evoke grandeur and luxury. These colors are perfect in the dining room and other formal areas as the color project a classic and timeless appeal. 

Cheerful Homes With Warm Colors

Modern textured Prints no. 4 poster in interior

Over the years, experts believe that colors have significant effects on the behavior of many individuals. In general, warm colors can evoke a fun and exciting atmosphere in any room. Moreover, colors like red, orange, and yellow, were known for bringing out the positive aspect of life. 

Colors and human behavior

Science describes colors as visual perception and they are categorized in different categories. Studies have shown that when eyes connect with colors, various chemicals are released from the brain. These chemicals have particular effects on the physical and emotional levels of humans. 

These are the reasons why in the world of advertising and marketing, certain colors are used to highlight the different products. Different color palettes have been used by companies in the packaging of their products and also in promotional materials. The color orange, for instance, is usually seen in restaurants due to the fact that the color stimulates appetite. Red, on the other hand, brings out masculinity. Many products for men use the color to encourage men in purchasing them.

Colors are also important in interior design. The use of colors is one of the important factors in creating the right atmosphere in a room. In many instances, home interiors are seen in neutral colors like black, blue, gray, and white. Unfortunately, these colors do not provide any health benefits as compared with warm colors.

The effects of warm colors

Warm colors are those that are in the red area of the color spectrum. In human health, warm colors are known to have positive effects. These colors evoke emotions that range from warmth and comfort to anger and hostility. These colors stimulate the body that creates a happy emotion.

On the other hand, cool colors are those that are in the blue side of the color spectrum. Examples are blue, purple, and green. These colors are calming and relaxing. However, they also evoke a feeling of sadness. 


The color with the longest wavelength and considered to be powerful. It can catch attention as compared with other colors. These are some of the reasons why red is used in traffic lights as it evokes physical and psychological responses. 

The positive traits of red are courage, strength, warmth, energy, stimulation, and excitement. It was also observed that the color can stimulate circulation, thus increasing the circulation of blood and oxygen.


The color with a relatively long and stimulating wavelength. In color psychology, yellow is considered to be a strong color. The right shade of yellow can uplift the spirit and boost self esteem as well as self-confidence and optimism. On the contrary, yellow can promote the feeling of irrationality, fear, depression, and anxiety.


The color that results from the combination of red and yellow. This is another stimulating color that has effects on the mind. Orange also represents human needs, such as, food, warmth, shelter, and sensuality. 

Final thoughts

Warm colors are considered to be stimulating colors as they help activate mind and body. As such, blood circulation is increased to help the cells receive more oxygen. This in effect promotes cell growth and organ function. In addition to these, the immune system is also stimulated to fight disease causing microorganisms. The brain is also well oxygenated making the mind sharp and focused.