Changes To Make For A More Eco-Friendly Home

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Carbon dioxide emissions and the accumulation of plastics are the biggest problems we are facing these days. Not all homeowners can afford solar panels to conserve energy. However, there are small and simple ways that are efficient and can make your home into an eco-friendly place. 

Use LED light bulbs

Changing your regular light bulbs with LED lights can make a big difference to your home. LED bulbs are far more efficient than regular ones. They consume less electricity but emit the same or even better lumens. They are also more durable, eco-friendly, and can help you save money on electricity. 

Get recycling bin and compost bin

Recycling bins are very helpful when you are segregating glass bottles, jars, bottles, and other objects. Compost bins, on the other hand, will help you discard leftovers and at the same time will give you free fertilizer that you can use in your garden. You can improvise your own compost bin if you want to save money. You can also opt to buy commercially available compost bins. These are designed to be neat, tidy, and odor-free.

Plant herbs and spices

Plant your own herb and spices garden. The good thing about these plants is that they don’t take much space and can be done in small pots. Do this on the patio or even provide a small spot in your home. You can then use the herbs and spices that you have for your favorite dishes in addition to making your home eco-friendly. 

Plants as decors

Indoor plants are not only effective in improving indoor air quality. They can also make your home look vibrant and refreshing. Just don’t forget to give them their needs, such as sunlight and water. 

Add window treatments

Curtains and blinds are efficient insulators. As such, the temperature inside your home can be regulated without the use of air conditioners, thus saving electricity. In addition to these, your home will even look lovelier with attractive curtains or blinds. 

Use the kitchen smartly

Be smart in using kitchen appliances. For instance, instead of using a pod coffee maker, use a drip coffee maker. The plastic capsules may just add to the pollution. With drip coffee makers, all you need are coffee grounds. Moreover, it is smart to plan your meals so that the use of stoves will be cost-efficient. 

Use homemade natural cleaning products

Natural cleaning products are effective as those that are bought in the stores. Moreover, they do not contain any harmful chemicals which are important especially if you have kids at home. You can make your own cleaning agents by using vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. 

DIY instead of buying new items

Why buy new items when you can create your own. DIY items will even unleash your creativity. The good thing about this project is that you can do this with your family. Look at different websites, magazines, or books for inspiration. You can recycle old items in your home and use them to create new products. For sure, your children will have a great time doing this project with you. At the same time, you will also be saving money for other projects or expenses. 

Personalize Your Home With Zodiac Prints

Personalized Zodiac Libra poster in interior

We all dream of having a room that gives us good vibes. In addition to a comfortable and cozy interior, we need a room that reflects our personality. One of the best ways to achieve this is with the use of zodiac prints. Read on to know more about the different zodiac signs and how they make your room more personal and look more fantastic. 

Decorating with zodiac signs

Personalizing your rooms can be done in different ways. Stunning zodiac posters can easily make your rooms look amazing. Moreover, these posters can personalize your rooms as each sign represent who you are. What makes the zodiac prints even more interesting is that they can be given to your loved ones as presents. There are times that looking for the right gift may be difficult and confusing. Make it easier for you and choose the poster that features the zodiac sign of your loved ones. These prints can be displayed in any room and can evoke a minimalist appearance that will be adored by anyone. 


Those who were born under the Aries sign are passionate and full of energy. They are also not intimidating. They are also attracted to the shades of red however, do not overuse red in the room as it can make you restless. Red can be paired with neutral colors such as black, white, and gray. 


Taurus individuals are known to be calm, goal-oriented, and love working with their hands. They also love earthy things such as leafy plants and succulents. They are also fond of decorating their interior with greens and blues along with storage spaces for their personal belongings. It is also recommended to add a few picture frames and photos to personalize the rooms. This is because Taurus individuals are loyal and loving friends. 


They are popular and loved individuals such that their room can be decorated and designed to be hangouts for their family and friends. Photos of your family and friends are recommended to decorate the walls. They are also calm and cool. As such, their rooms must include shades of light blue and white.


For people who were born under the Cancer zodiac sign, their rooms are considered to be their sanctuary. They also enjoy simple things in life and without complications. The ambiance of the room should likewise be cozy and comfortable and decorated with silver or silver-colored items. 


These people are known for their jolly and outgoing personalities. Decorate your room with a personal inspirational board along with gold accents and glitter decals. The walls must also be in plain white with bright pieces to match the personality. 


They are known for being ambitious, determined, and successful. It is also known that people who were born under this sign need a space where they can focus without any distractions. Thus, their rooms need to be organized and clean. It is also best to use cool colors such as forest green and shades of blue for more fun and interesting room atmosphere.


Strive to achieve balance in the room with art and beauty. Their rooms are filled with personal valuable items with accents. The following colors also look best in the room: shades of blue, green, and white. 


People who were born under Scorpio are known to be intense and driven in life. Typography and motivational prints are usually seen on the walls to keep them moving forward. The walls of their rooms are recommended to have white with gray colors along with light pink accents. 


Sagittarius is known for their go-getter attitude. They also have cheerful and friendly personalities with a strong urge to travel around the world. Their rooms must likewise have the colors dark purple bright pink, black, and dark blues. 


The Colors Of Christmas

Winter is here Christmas sock poster

In the Philippines, you will know that the Christmas season is coming when you are already hearing Christmas songs being played in malls, radio, or on television. Listening to those melodies will make you think of the presents that you have to prepare for your relatives, friends, and loved ones. Needless to say, the Christmas atmosphere can easily be felt with the colors seen around us. With green, red, gold, and silver surrounding us, the spirit of Christmas will surely make you hum your fave song!


Green is the color of life and mystery. During winter, all of the other plants die, except for holly bushes and fir trees as they remain evergreen. These two plants survive even in the harsh conditions of the season. Romans during those times would weave holly wreaths and hang on their doors and wall. The wreaths signify the desire to see the rebirth of the sun and return of the summer. As such, green is associated with life. The color is also associated with nature and can give a refreshing and rejuvenating feeling. 


In contrast with the green, red represents blood and death. This is one of the reasons why people started adding red berries to their green holly wreaths. Aside from the attractive appearance of the wreaths, the colors represent the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. In addition to these, red symbolizes Christ’s teachings of unconditional love. If you are also wondering why Santa wears red? It is the color of the robes of bishops as well as what St. Nicholas wore. 


Gold is the color of the sun and light. It is also the color of extravagance, wealth, riches, and excess. It is also one of the presents brought by one of the three wise men to the infant Jesus. It is also the color of the star that the three wise men followed. In addition to these, gold represents the gift of eternal life as promised by Christ.


During medieval times, blue dye is more expensive than gold. This is the reason why blue-colored garments are used only by royal families and wealthy families. This color is also associated with Mother Mary and why many images and statues of her have the color on her robe. This is also considered as one of the cool colors that create a relaxing and calming vibe to the interior.


White is the color of purity. This is why the color is associated with Jesus Christ. He brought light in the dark and saved us from our sins. He is spotless, sinless, and pure. White is also important to churches during Christmas around the globe.


Purple is the main color of the Advent season. It represents fasting and repentance and the altars of churches around the globe are covered with purple cloth. It is also the color of royalty and the first candle of the Advent Wreath is purple. 


This color is used during the third Sunday of Advent. It represents love and joy and the shift from repentance to joyous celebration.

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Working from home these days. Make your workstation look more conducive to learning or working with wonderful wall art. With decorative lighting, indoor plants, and other decorative items, your room will be impressively appealing. Shop now for your trendy and affordable posters!

Number of posters: 2

How To Personalize Your Rooms

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Moving to a new house or apartment is sometimes right. A new environment, new life, and new friends. This is also a great time to start a new life and leave the past behind. However, sometimes a new house can feel intimidating and foreign at first. Think of your room as a blank canvas where you can transform ideas into reality. Here we have interesting ideas on how to personalize your rooms. Who knows, with these inspirations, your home will be worthy to be flaunted on your social media page.  

Your collections are worth displaying 

We have our own favorite things to collect. Whatever they are, do not just keep them in the storage or in your room. It is time to display them on your walls! Get a corkboard or organize them in whatever or however you want. This is also one of the ways to create wall art for a more impressive room appearance. 

Add plants and more plants

Plants have offered a lot of benefits to us and the environment. They filter indoor air pollutants and provide oxygen for the body. The natural colors also offer a refreshing vibe that can help calm the mind and body. Look for plants that will match your personality and place them near a window. This is likewise an easy way to add a pop of color to your room. However, if you are not totally confident in taking care of plants, there are always some alternatives. Examples are nature-inspired posters, artificial plants, and others. 

Paint your walls

You can always pick your most loved color to cover the whole room. Make it look even more attractive with patterns or the addition of other wall decors. Personalize the entire room with trendy posters as this is one of the easiest and fastest ways to make it look amazing. 

Add a little spark

Lighting is important to set the mood of any room. Reading lamps are common in the bedroom, but there are other types of lighting that can add fun and excitement to the interior. Some examples are Christmas lights, neon signs, twinkle lights, and others. These can add a little detail that will make the night less dull and boring. 

Add some storage

Clutter is a common problem in many homes. Avoid this by adding storage spaces in your rooms. There are many storage ideas that are not only functional but will also add aesthetics to your home. Hanging shelves made from wood will provide a spot for you to display your collection. You can also use this to display photos and framed prints to add an accent to your walls. The natural material of the shelves can also add a rustic appearance for a more comfortable and cozy vibe. Bedside storage in a small bedroom will also give you more space. This storage tucked under your mattress can give you additional space. It can also be used to hold books and phones adjacent to your bed. 

Decorative mirrors

Mirrors hung on the walls can have various functions. They can reflect natural light, adding illumination to the entire room. They can also create a visually larger space. Many stores offer mirrors in different styles that will surely fit your taste. 

Impressive wall art

Wall art is easy to create. If you are not sure how to do it, you can always look for inspiration from websites or magazines. The display of trendy and stylish posters can give your home the boost that it deserves. You can even make your room more attractive with personalized posters. Unleash your creativity and design your own art!

Design Your Home Office In Creative Ways

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With COVID 19 disease just lurking around us has forced us to move away from the life that we have used to. Students have stopped going to schools and relied on the use of technology. The same goes with the working group. As such, the home office has become the trend these days.  

Working from home is actually one of the best ways to avoid the spread of the virus. However, working from home can have its own pressures and distractions. Therefore, designing your own nook is important to accomplish tasks just the way you are finishing your work at the office. Here we have some inspiration that will help you design and decorate the home office for a more conducive working environment.

Add indoor plants for a refreshing vibe

Bring the beauty of nature into your workspace. Indoor plants not only brighten the room. They also provide health benefits with the oxygen they provide. This will help in boosting the brain and practically the whole body to be sharp and mentally active. If large plants do not suit your taste, then you may add small green like cactus

Pick a spot with a good view

The view from your window is just the boost and inspiration you need for your workspace. Choose a spot where you can have a view of the outside world. Preferable a view of nature that will help you calm your mind and body. If you do not have this view, then probably you can add planters beside the window.

Add storage to avoid clutter

Organizing and filing your work is important. Though it is still recommended to go paperless, there are times that the use of paper cannot be avoided. Install shelves where you can place all your work so they may not scatter in your room. The filing cabinet is also recommended as it can be easily accessed. 

Open-plan zones

Sometimes, your desk is not the only area where you will work. You may need to go from one spot to another. As such, minimize the traffic by clearing some zones in your room. This will give you easier access from your work desk to the meeting table or even to the comfort room. 

Do away with the office furniture

Do not be too traditional by adding office furniture to your home. Many designers and homeowners recommend the use of a wooden work table and dress it up with figurines in stimulating colors. 

Bright color scheme

Bright hues can be a wonderful design for your wall art. White-colored walls are easy to decorate with colorful posters for a more innovative and smart room appearance. This wall design can also make any room look fun and exciting that can stimulate your mind and body while working. 

A greater perspective

Typically, desks are set against a wall to maximize space. However, it is best to avoid this traditional arrangement and set your workstation away from the wall. Rather than staring at a blank wall, face to the opposite side. This will give you a broader perspective when looking for inspiration. 

Create a feature wall

Posters and other wall decors give you a wide range of options when adding beauty to your workstation. With beautifully designed wall art, you will be able to create a feature wall that will be loved by your family and friends. You can likewise customize your rooms with personalized posters

Add lighting in your home office

Keep the focus on your work with well-planned lighting. Lamps and other lighting are important to avoid straining your eyes while working. These will also make your room lively preventing you from falling asleep while on the job.

Interesting Ways To Decorate Your Apartment

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There are different ways to decorate your apartment and make it feel yours. Sometimes it may seem difficult especially when it is small, outdated, and lacks the appeal it needs. However difficult it seems to decorate or design the apartment, it is not impossible. Many designers would recommend focusing on the things that you can do to make a personal statement in your space. This includes creating impressive wall art that will make a big impact yet without emptying your bank account. 

Personalize your apartment with style 

Finding and renting the right apartment may be a challenge for some. What more in decorating it. Fear not as there are fantastic and easy ways to boost the overall appearance of your space. This includes several workarounds as you cannot just paint or drill on the walls. You can still make it look stylish with the addition of decorative items like indoor plants and trendy posters. 

Choose a dominant color that will fit your personality. The choice of color can also create a vibe that is appropriate in every room. For instance, shades of blue can be used in the bedroom as these can make a relaxing atmosphere. Warm colors like orange and red can be used in the dining room as they can stimulate appetite. This is also the reason why many restaurants use warm colors in their space. 

Avoid clutter in the apartment

There is no doubt that clutter is an eyesore and can cause accidents in your home. Avoiding the accumulation of clutter can give you more space to move. It will also allow the space to have an open floor plan that is important for continuity within the space. Use functional storage to keep clutter out of sight. Also, make it a habit to go around your apartment and pick up everything that is not in their respective places. 

Don’t forget the lighting

Not all apartments have proper lighting, especially natural light. If this is a problem, might as well add mirrors to strategic places. Mirrors can reflect light, whether natural or artificial. They can also create a visually larger space. The use of floor mirrors and wall-mounted mirrors will do the trick. 

Change some hardware

Just by hearing this, people would think of an expensive way of decorating the apartment. In fact, there are cost-efficient ways to spruce up the apartment without spending too much. For instance, changing the cabinet and door hardware may not be that costly. There are affordable hardware available in shops. Moreover, this method is reversible in which you can use them again when the need arises.

Personalize the interior with posters

The display of trendy art is one of the easiest ways to personalize the apartment. Posters can also be used to create wall art that will level up your interior design. Posters come in different designs and themes. They can likewise help in creating the right atmosphere in the room. Black and white posters can help add a classic and elegant appearance. While a number of abstract art can add colors making the apartment look more fun and dynamic.

Design a wall gallery

Display posters or art in different themes and sizes. A wall gallery is one way to boost your room. This will likewise provide a focal point that can create visual interest. There is no need to drill holes on the walls as well. Washi tape or removable adhesive are both durable alternatives for hanging your posters.

Prepare The Balcony For The Summer

Sunflower with a burst of sunlight poster

Summer is one of the most awaited seasons around the world. This is the time when kids can go out to enjoy the heat of the sun. This is also the right time to prepare the balcony so that you and your family can use it for some outdoor fun. 

Clean the balcony before decorating

Before decorating the balcony, you need to thoroughly clean it. This includes the floor, railing, walls, door, and others. Use eco-friendly detergent in cleaning them. Use baking soda when cleaning the floor. For the windows, wash them with a mixture of water and vinegar then wipe with a crumpled paper. Though there are glass cleaning solutions that can be bought from the grocery, baking soda and water can help you save a few bucks. Cleaning the balcony will also allow you to check its condition. You may also discover some parts that need to be repaired or replaced. 

Add lighting in the balcony

Lighting is needed in all rooms of your house. It may be functional but lighting can also add drama and effects to the entire room. You can add general and accent lighting as well as ambient lighting to achieve the desired effects. Examples of general and accent lightings are articulated clip lamps and ceiling lights. On the other hand, floor lamps, pendant lamps, lanterns, and string lights are examples of ambient lighting.

Give it a touch of nature with plants 

Adding plants and flowers is one of the best ways to make the balcony look like summertime. With blooms and greens, you can also make it look like a mini garden. These can be in large pots, hanging planters, or railing planters. Be creative and add a vegetable patch that you can use in the future in some of your dishes. 

Make the balcony look cozy and relaxing

There are different themes or appearances that can make the balcony look cozy. The addition of a close seating arrangement and the right outdoor lighting can do the trick. Designers and many homeowners also recommend the addition of thematic plants and decor as they can liven up the balcony.

Grill pit for an outdoor party

It is a tradition to have a BBQ while enjoying the outdoors with your family and friends. Summer is never complete without having a BBQ party. These days, there are table-top and tiny frill options that can make the balcony look more fun and exciting. Not to mention the BBQ that you will be serving. Just remember to have a fire extinguisher or a pail of water if things turn out roughly. 

Tables and chairs on the balcony

A small table and set of chairs can give you the opportunity to have an outdoor breakfast any day of the week. You can also make the balcony into a small nook for a bottle of beer with your buddies. Add other decors such as string lights to personalize the balcony and make it look perfect for the dry season.

Design Flaws That May Ruin Your Sleep

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Sleep is important to all of us. Every age has their respective sleep requirements per day. However, there are those who find sleep as a luxury due to certain reasons. Experts believe that there are design flaws that greatly affect the quality of sleep. Read on to learn more about interior design and its effects on sleep pattern.

Home design and sleep

Each one of us has our own required number of hours of sleep every day. Unfortunately, there are different factors that can ruin sleep. Examples are the food and drinks you have, presence and use of gadgets, watching television, and others. It has also been observed that the design of your home can likewise affect the quality of sleep. For instance, the arrangement of your furniture pieces and the interior design style can have a significant impact on sleep quality. As such, many homeowners consult Feng Shui experts.

The art of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese philosophy of harmonizing the environment and humans. It is one of the Five Arts of Metaphysics that is classified as physiognomy. Feng Shui is concerned with architecture, design, and the forces that bind the universe together. 

Feng Shui has been used over the centuries in construction and design. It has helped on how buildings are oriented and linked with the spiritual world. During the Cultural Revolution in the 60s, the practice of the Art was temporarily ceased due to the claim that it is purely based on superstitions and the absence of any supporting principles and theories. 

These days, Feng Shui is widely used in construction and design. Even landscape artists and scientists use Feng Shui in their research and projects. For example, Feng Shui experts are considered to know and understand more the proper ways of preserving the environment. 

Designing the bedroom with Feng Shui

Needless to say, the bedroom should be comfortable and relaxing. Feng Shui experts believe that there are common mistakes in designing the bedroom. The position of the bed, for instance, is important. Experts recommend that the position of the bed should leave equal spaces on both sides. As such, the bed must not be pushed up against the wall. This arrangement represents an equal space between you and your partner. This can be balanced with the addition of two side tables with lamps.

Another example is the layout of the bedroom. The door should be aligned with the bed. This layout allows the feeling of good opportunities to come to their lives. This also allows the entry of positive energy into the room. These arrangements can help revitalize your life through the bedroom. 

The accumulation of clutter should also be avoided as this can cause intimacy and health issues. Make sure that the bedroom is free of any debris. Place your stuff in their proper places. In addition to these, take the television out of the bedroom as this may disrupt sleep. Plants and flowers must also be kept outside the bedroom or keep them out of the line of sight of your bed.

You also need to have a comfortable and supportive mattress. Choose the mattress that will not cause any discomfort in your back. The bed should also be high enough to allow the flow of energy in the room.

Home Office Ideas You Will Love

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With the COVID 19 still threatening our way of life, working from home is becoming a trend these days. In fact, even before the pandemic, work from home set-up has already been embraced by many companies. Design your home office easily with affordable decors or modern DIY. With creativity and resourcefulness, you will have a room that is not only appealing, but functional as well.

Benefits of work from home set up

There are different reasons why many people prefer to work in their respective abodes. Studies have shown that work from home set-up different advantages. 

Happier employees

Many companies these days promote work-life balance. In the past, workers lost a great proportion of their time with their families. Most often than not, workers stay in the office for 8 to 9 hours. However, there are also times that they need to stay over time for some reasons. Add the time of their travel to and from the office. These will eat up more hours instead of spending quality time with your family. Moreover, workers also tend to go home feeling tired and stressed due to different reasons that include traffic, deadlines, and colleagues. Work from home set-up has solved these problems. In fact, studies have also shown that if you can balance work and life, you will have a happier and healthier life. 

Save money

The money that you save from commuting can be used for other expenses. You may now plan to buy new gadgets, new appliances, or furniture pieces from the money that you save. 

Power of the net

The internet is a powerful tool in gathering information and communication. In recent years, workers need to go to the office for internet connection. It is completely different these days as access to the internet has been made easier. With the use of certain applications and tools, you will have all the things you need for your work.

Home office ideas

Here are some ideas that you may use to create your home office. You will surely find them easy to make and cost-efficient. 

Wall mounted desk

Sometimes, small houses prevent you from having your own office. Don’t lose hope as a flip-down work area can be installed at any corner of your home. 

Office in the kid’s room

The kid’s room can be considered as the sanctuary of your children. Let the room be your workplace as well where you can keep an eye on your kids while working. You can do this with built-in desks and shelves.

A personalized nook

Pick a spot in your home where you can add your desk and other items. An area with natural light is a perfect spot. Add indoor plants, posters, and mirrors for that trendy and modern vibe.

Vibrant decors

One of the interesting ways to make an impact on the entire house is the addition of bold accessories. With colors, you can add a happy and exciting vibe to your room. 

The power of blue

Blue is one of the cool colors that is loved by many. This color evokes a calming and relaxing vibe that will help you focus on your work.