I love you bouquet

I love you bouquet

Nothing beats the beauty of three red fossilized roses. Add a bundle of gypso, and what do you have? An exquisite and sophisticated bouquet that will touch the heart of your loved ones. Say “I love you” in an extraordinary way this year and make Valentine’s Day more significant. Together with your customized poster, your Valentine’s Day will surely be special.

Bouquet length: 29.5 inches

Available within Metro Manila only.

Pretty little thing bouquet


An adorable bouquet of one white fossilized rose, one magenta fossilized rose, a pinecone, and a bundle of trigo. Make Valentine’s Day more enchanting and give these lovely flowers to your loved ones. An extraordinary gift together with your customized poster for the special day. 

Bouquet length: 29.5 inches

Available within Metro Manila only.

You are my sunshine bouquet

You are my sunshine flower

This admirable bouquet will brighten your day. It consists of two wooden flowers, a pink fossilized rose, and a bundle of trigo. Get your hopes high and say special words that are hard to say with this bouquet. Add this bouquet to your customized poster, and have a special Valentine’s Day.

Bouquet length: 29.5 inches

Available within Metro Manila only.

Pretty little thing poster bundle


An adorable bouquet of one white fossilized rose, one magenta fossilized rose, a pinecone, and a bundle of trigo. Make Valentine’s Day more enchanting and give these lovely flowers to your loved ones. An extraordinary gift together with your customized poster for the special day.

Bouquet length: 29.5 inches
Framed poster available sizes: 21×30 cm, 30×40 cm, 40×50 cm, 50×70 cm, 61×91 cm

Available within Metro Manila only.

I love you poster bundle

I love you bouquet poster bundle

Nothing beats the beauty of three red fossilized roses. Add a bundle of gypso, and what do you have? An exquisite and sophisticated bouquet that will touch the heart of your loved ones. Say “I love you” in an extraordinary way this year and make Valentine’s Day more significant. Together with your customized poster, your Valentine’s Day will surely be special.

Bouquet length: 29.5 inches
Framed poster available sizes: 21×30 cm, 30×40 cm, 40×50 cm, 50×70 cm, 61×91 cm

Available within Metro Manila only.

You are my sunshine poster bundle


This admirable bouquet will brighten your day. It consists of two wooden flowers, a pink fossilized rose, and a bundle of trigo. Get your hopes high and say special words that are hard to say with this bouquet. Add this bouquet to your customized poster, and have a special Valentine’s Day.

Bouquet length: 29.5 inches
Framed poster available sizes: 21×30 cm, 30×40 cm, 40×50 cm, 50×70 cm, 61×91 cm

Available within Metro Manila only.

Fantastic Decor Ideas To Celebrate Valentine’s Day

Love you to the moon and back poster in interior

It has been a tradition to celebrate Valentine’s Day every year. During this day, we celebrate the unique relationships we share with our family, friends, and special someone. It is just a few days before the special day, and there are different ways to show your loved ones how you care for them, from greeting cards to giving flowers and chocolates. 

Valentine’s Day is a beautiful time of the year; it is better when your home is prepped and decorated. You can add flower arrangements, wreaths, and a centerpiece for the dining table. If you are planning to host a party, prepare a hearty meal for your guests and make Valentine’s Day memorable. Here are some of our favorite ways to boost the appearance of your home for the special day.

Create a lovely flower arrangement

Pick up some of your favorite flowers, such as peonies, gardenias, carnations, and roses. Add bits of greenery and arrange them to look like a bouquet. You can also create a wonderful centerpiece for the dinner party you will be hosting. After Valentine’s Day, do not throw the flowers away. Hang them upside down and let them dry under the sun. In a couple of weeks, you will have a dried bouquet you can still use as decoration. 

A Valentine tree

Decorated trees are not only displayed during the Christmas season. Bring out your favorite tree and decorate it with lovely adornments like hearts, flowers, red or pink ribbons, and photos you treasure. Involve your family in creating the decoration and if you want to save some money, gather all the resources you have in your home and upcycle them. 

Add flair to candles

Candles are added as decor for many occasions. Candles add illumination to a room or the dining table. As such, a romantic atmosphere is created. Plain white candles can be dull, but with some creativity, these candles can be perfect for Valentine’s Day. 

Craft your candles and display them on countertops and tables. Search for items that enhance your candles, like ribbons, holders, vases, and others. Red or pink ribbons are recommended to highlight Valentine’s Day. 

Display chocolates and candies in jars and display them

Supermarkets are packed with chocolates and candies for individuals who want to give their loved ones some sugar rush this season of love. Since there are enough for everyone, why not use sweets as home decor? Collect various candies, chocolates, gummy bears, and jelly beans and place them inside jars with lids. While these may look yummy, be sure to keep yourself from devouring them before the special day. 

Spruce your walls with romantic wall art

Level up the walls in your home with fantastic wall art. There are many things you can use to decorate the walls. The easiest way is with trendy posters and personalized prints for a more captivating wall appearance. In addition, romantic designs will highlight the special day and surely make your loved ones smile.  

Add some throws in the living room

Pillows are not only for sleeping. Why not be creative and use Valentine’s Day-themed pillow covers and arrange them artistically on your couch or chair? Colors like red, pink, and gold are great ones for Valentine’s Day. 

This Is How Valentine’s Day Is Celebrated Around The World

Love typography poster

Valentine’s Day is one of the most awaited days by almost all individuals. This is celebrated in the name of Saint Valentine, the mysterious saint known to have defied the Roman emperor in service of the people. Saint Valentine performed secret marriages for young lovers. Emperor Claudius II believed single men made better soldiers than those already married. As such, Saint Valentine performed the sacrament of matrimony for young soldiers. Over the years, with his story and other tales, couples worldwide celebrated Valentine’s Day as the day of love. Read on to learn more about how different countries celebrate the special day.

A long Argentinian Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day in the country is not celebrated in February but in July. They call it “the week of sweetness. It used to be a commercial activity but later became a tradition. 

Being romantic in France

Did you know that the first-ever Valentine’s Day card originated in France? This was when Charles, the Duke of Orleans, sent love letters to his wife from prison in 1415. There is also a French village called Valentine, known to be the center of romance on the 12th and 14th of February. Homes are decorated with love cards, roses, and proposals for marriage flakes. 

A festivity in Manila

Valentine’s Day in the Philippines is perfect for young couples to get married in a mass ceremony sponsored by the government. This is done as a form of public service. The day is considered to be exceptional by many young couples. 

Sumptuous chocolates in Ghana

February 14 in Ghana is known as “National Chocolate Day.” Ghana is known to be one of the largest cocoa-producing countries in the world. This is celebrated to increase tourism in the country. As such, couples or even those without dates can attend various events. 

Winemakers’ day in Bulgaria

On February 14, the country celebrates the San Trifon Zartan, or the “day of winemakers.” Couples celebrate their love with a glass of local wine. 

San Dwynwenin Wales

In Wales, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on January 25. This is called the “day of the San Dwynwen.” Lovers exchange gifts in the form of handcrafted wooden spoons. Interestingly, this has been the practice since the 16th century.

Saint Dionysius day in Spain

In Valencia, Spain, the day of love is celebrated on October 9. This is known as the feast of Saint Dionysius. Men make Macadora or marzipan figurines as a gift to their female partners. Parades are also done as part of the celebration. 

Denmark’s celebration of love

Denmark celebrates the 14th of February by giving chocolates and roses. In addition to these, they also offer handmade cards with pressed white flowers called snowdrops. 

Gift exchange in Japan

Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14, and women buy gifts for their male partners. Men can’t return gifts until the 14th of March, the “white day.”

Brazil’s lovers’ day

Lovers day, or Dia dos Namorados in Brazil, is celebrated by exchanging chocolates and cards and watching music festivals and dance performances. Family dinners are also typical on that day. 

Cool Ways to Surprise your Loved Ones

Surreal Bianca no.1 Poster

Our loved ones deserve to be happy and it is up to us how to make that happen. There are a thousand ways to do so and must come from the heart. The goal is to be creative and do something unique that your loved one will appreciate. Giving traditional gifts may be outdated, but this can still be done with personalized items. If you want to know more then we can give you some ideas that you can use for any upcoming occasion, event, or even on any ordinary day.

A personalized photo collage

Go over your photo albums of the gallery on your phone and pick some photos. These should be something special like family outings, dinners, travels, fun times at school, and others. This may be challenging as there are probably many photos to look at. However, this could get more exciting as you start. The goal is to capture all the best moments and create a nostalgic feeling. All you need is to be creative and arrange the photos in any layout you could possibly think of to create an artistic collage. With the different apps available these days, you can easily create a personalized print that he or she will love. 

Go old school and send flowers

Sending flowers may be a bit traditional but it still does the trick and can be used on any occasion. It is common to send flowers on Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, and others. Also, remember that the type and color of the flowers you will give have significant meanings. For instance, red roses symbolize romance, love, beauty, and courage. Giving 12 red roses represent perfect beauty and true love. Showing your love this way will make that person happy.

Prepare a meal

Your wife may be the meal planner and chef of the family. Why not reverse it this time and be the one to cool a special meal for her? However, if cooking is not a talent of yours, you can always order her favorite meals. If you will have a special dinner in the dining room, then better prepare the room as well. Decorate it to make it look romantic. Flowers at the center of the table, light some candles, or decorate the walls with trendy posters, or any poster she loves to see.  

Be sweet and make their favorite dessert

If you know that your loved one has a sweet tooth then you know what to do next. Surprise them with the dessert they love. Buy the necessary ingredients and go for it. You can check recipe books or the internet for tutorials. Again, if cooking or dessert making is not your department, then order a cake or any pastry from their favorite bakeshop. 

A customized poster that they will love

If you want to be really unique and want something special to give to your loved one, then personalized prints are the answer. You can easily order online or go to poster printing shops and have the art that you want. Again, you can go over your photo collection and pick something that you can use. You can ask the shop for the layout that you want for a more personal touch. 

Decorate their rooms

If you think that the room of your loved one needs a little leveling up, then it is time to do it yourself. There are many ways to do this such as adding cushions or fabric in the bedroom. You can also think of the wall and add wall art to make it look captivating. Trendy and affordable art can easily boost the appearance of the entire room. Think of something more special and decorate the wall with personalized posters. This will surely make your loved one smile and love the new appearance of their room. 

Heirloom Tomato Poster

Heirloom Tomato Poster in Black Frame

Heirloom tomatoes are different from ordinary ones as they taste better. They are usually added to salads with rosemary, mozzarella cheese, and basil. Alternatively, this type of tomato is used in tomato pies or burrata salad.