The Color Red and What You Can Blend With It

Textured Maroon Collection Poster Bundle

Now that Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day are fast approaching, we may opt to add the color red to our interior and even to our exterior. Red is one of the primary colors and is described in science through the wavelength the color possesses. It is also the color associated with the two holidays mentioned above. There must be something about the color that makes it valuable to traditions and beliefs. However, too much red can overwhelm us and may not be visually suitable for our homes. Here are some colors you can use with red to make your room look more captivating and ready for the Chinese New Year and Valentine’s Day.

The enigmatic red

Red is considered warm and is associated with our physical needs and the will to survive. It is also a masculine color, as can be seen in products for men, which are packaged with red as the dominant color. Red signifies spirit and leadership qualities, which promote determination and ambition. Whatever it is associated with, red is powerful and beautiful. Red blends well with any style, such as traditional, eclectic, and modern styles. Remember that red can go everywhere from cheery and happy to angry and aggressive. This is what you need to keep in mind when using red in the interior. Too much may be an eyesore, and you should know when to stop using it. 

Use these colors to blend with red

Imagine that you are wearing a pure red shirt. Try adding some accessories with contrasting colors so you will not be an eyesore to others. Here are some colors that blend well with red and can highlight it:

  • Sunflower – a sunflower shade of yellow blends well with an interior in red. It evokes an impression of having a vibrant and lively room. The color blend helps in creating a very bold, striking, and personality-filled room.
  • Midnight – one of the best combinations of all time is black and red. A room with a foundation of these two colors can always be striking, no matter what decor you add.
  • Navy – navy can balance and mellow red. It can create a stylish and youthful appearance in the room.
  • Fuchsia – fuchsia and red may seem the same color with different shades. The combination will provide a monochromatic and layered look. The combination can evoke a sophisticated look.
  • Cream – creamy white can likewise mellow the red color of the interior, creating a sophisticated and easy atmosphere in the room.
  • Green – cherry red can match the grassy green and create a trendy and hip style.
  • Plum – a combination of red and plum can create a very sultry and sexy appearance. It evokes a feminine look and a sweet environment.
  • Chocolate – chocolate and red may not seem to go with each other at first, but the reality is that this combination evokes a feminine and chic room atmosphere.
  • Turquoise – turquoise and red create a room that is vibrant and full of life.
  • Mango – a combination of this color and red is great for kids’ rooms.
  • Almond – almond is a traditional color for a room, but paired with red can give you a pair that can be family-friendly.
  • Bubblegum – shade of pink does not go well with many colors, but with red, it can be unique.
  • Dandelion – dandelion yellow with a punch of red can give a friendly welcome in the house.
  • Gunmetal – gunmetal shows an industrial-looking room. Red accents can make an artsy appearance in the room.
  • Gold – grandeur and luxury. These are what the red and gold project is. Ideal in the dining room and other formal areas. It may be classic but timeless as well.
  • Olive – paired with red, can give a traditional look to the room.
  • Charcoal – a combination of charcoal and red can show masculine energy.
  • Blue – when blue is mixed with red accents can create fashionable energy.

Mother’s Day – A Historical Perspective

Mother and Child Neutral Tone Poster

Mother’s Day is a holiday that honors motherhood and is observed around the globe in different ways. In the United States, the embodiment of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became a national holiday of the country in 1914. Eventually, the holiday became commercialized, and later on, denounced by Jarvis. 

History of Mother’s Day

Surprisingly, celebrations of Mother’s Day can be traced back to the ancient Romans and Greeks. Both held festivals in honor of the goddesses Rhea and Cybele. Christians also had their own celebration called, “Mothering Sunday”. 

Mothering Sunday was once a major tradition in many parts of Europe and the United Kingdom. It is usually celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent and was seen as a period when the faithful would go back to their “mother church” for special service. 

As years pass by, the Mothering Sunday tradition shifted to become more secular rather than religious. Children give their mothers flowers and other gifts. However, this practice slowly faded, especially when it merged with American Mother’s Day in the 1930s and 1940s. 

Anna Reeves Jarvis and Julia Ward Howe

In the United States, the celebration of Mother’s Day can be traced back to the 19th century. Before the Civil War, Ann Reeves Jarvis of West Virginia was a key personality in initiating the Mother’s Day Work Clubs. The goal was to teach local women how to take care of their kids. 

The clubs, later on, became a unifying force in a region of the country that is still divided by the Civil War. In 1868, Ann Jarvis started the “Mothers’ Friendship Day”. They gathered mothers from the former Union and Confederate soldiers to promote reconciliation. 

Julia Ward Howe was another key personality in initiating Mother’s Day. In 1870 she wrote the Mother’s Day Proclamation, which was a call for mothers to unite and promote world peace. In 1873, Howe campaigned that the “Mother’s Peace Day” be celebrated every 2nd of June. 

Mother’s Day these days

A modern Mother’s Day celebration includes flowers, chocolates, treating her to a nice dinner, or a bottle of her favorite wine. In addition to these, Mother’s Day card is popular and one of the hottest items. It was also observed that the British send more cards per person than any other country.  

People also love giving and sending flowers to their mothers. Statistics have shown that two bouquets will be delivered every second across the United Kingdom. Pink flowers are the favorite, but vibrant colors are becoming more popular. Among the favorite flowers are carnations, roses, sunflowers, gerberas, and tulips. 

Floral Posters For A Vibrant Room This Summer

Pink flower focus poster in interior

Plants and flowers are known for making the world colorful and cheerful. These are some of the reasons why homeowners display real flowers and floral prints in their homes. These design elements instantly add beauty and evoke a refreshing vibe to any room or space. Floral prints can bring color and life that will surely be enjoyed by its audience. 

Floral prints as a decorative element

Every home deserves to have a refreshing look from time to time. One of the interesting ways to add life to your home is through the display of trendy and chic posters. There are hundreds of designs to choose from and floral prints are among the favorites of many homeowners and designers. These prints come in different colors that can instantly create a joyful vibe. 

Floral prints can be seen in abstract form, contemporary-theme, minimalist, rustic, and others. Floral prints are easy to add to your rooms as they can blend well with any design style. They make a lovely and interesting focal point that will catch the attention of anybody. 

Another way to make the trendy floral prints look more interesting are the frames used. Neutral colored frames such as white and black make the walls look more sophisticated and elegant. They may appear simple at first, but the overall transformation of the walls is awe-inspiring. 

Floral prints allow the atmosphere of summer to spread to your home. Different flowers have their respective effects. For instance, rose and orchids can give a classic and elegant look, while red poppy can give any room with bright splashes of color. Sunflower, on the other hand, can help create a rustic or country-styled room-interior. 

Benefits of floral prints

Seeing plants and flowers inside your home is not just about making it look attractive and vibrant. Studies have shown that seeing plants and flowers can calm and relax the mind and body. In addition to these, several studies have also shown that plants and flowers have various health benefits such as increased productivity of workers and better work concentration. 

Posters that feature flowers and plants can give you a sense of fulfillment and put a smile on your face and your housemates. Especially during these days, the sight of flowers can let you enjoy your stay at home. 

In the world of business and advertising, floral posters have become a fashion statement that encourages consumers to patronize the products or services. Just remember that there are certain elements to consider such as the size, dimension, color, and type of flower. It is a fact that flowers have their respective symbolisms along with the colors used. 

Final Thoughts

Flowers are trending these days in terms of upgrading the interior appearance. Floral posters are readily available as they are one of the interesting and versatile decorative elements. There is a vibrancy, drama, and boldness to the contemporary floral that has never existed before. Imagine how much you can do with floral designs and the colors that they have. 

The Impressionism

Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies poster

Impressionism was a movement that started in the late 1800s. It was mainly focused on painters of Paris and rebelled against classical subject matter and embraced modernity. The artworks usually feature how light could define a moment in time, with color providing definition instead of the usual black lines. As such, painters of the movement practiced painting outside. This style has long been embraced as one of the most popular and influential art styles in Western history. 

The origin of Impressionism

The movement was formed in the 1860s when a group of painters including Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir pursued painting outside together. These artists discovered that they shared an interest in painting landscape and contemporary life rather than historical or mythological scenes. They often used countryside scenes as their subject in their artworks. 

One of the key personalities of Impressionism was Edouard Manet. He is known for his early influence on and close friendships with the members of the movement. The movement adopted many of the techniques of Manet especially his embrace of modernity as subject matter and the spontaneity of his brushstrokes, together with the use of color and lighting. 

The movement was formally announced in 1874 in a show that was hosted by the Paris photography studio of Felix Nadar. The name Impressionist was based on one of the paintings of Claude Monet, Impression, Sunrise. 

Claude Monet

Claude Monet was the leader of the Impressionist movement. His works were known for their brief brush strokes and fragmented color application. These made their way into the works of others. Monet was very much interested in the passage of time in his portrayal of light. These are seen in his series of paintings capturing Rouen Cathedral at different times of the day and year. His knowledge and skills in Impressionism were further enhanced with his series of paintings of the waterlily pond. 

Pierre-August Renoir

Renoir was regarded as one of the leaders of the Impressionist movement. He likewise shared the interests of Claude Monet but mostly preferred to capture artificial light in places like dance halls and directed his studies of the effects of light on figures, especially the female form. Renoir also preferred “everyday life” as his subject matter. 

Final Thoughts

Impressionism is one of the most important movements in the history of modern painting. Artists of the movement tried to put on canvas the impression of how a landscape, thing, or person appeared to them at a certain moment in time. This meant that artists used lighter and looser brushwork than traditional painters. These styles pushed the emergence of modern art as well as the philosophy of the avant-garde.

How To Make Your Room Appear Bigger With Art

Decorating your home and making it look impressive is one of the fun and exciting activities that you can do with your family and friends. It is a project that must be done to level it up in terms of aesthetics and function. There is no reason for stopping you when you have this in mind. In addition to making your home look beautiful, try to make it look bigger. This can be done without doing any serious renovation. In fact, different art can easily help you achieve the appearance that you have been looking for. 

Understand your space

Before you use artwork to make your home look bigger, you should understand first the space in your home. There are different factors that you need to consider. The height of the ceiling, for instance, is a vital part of the house that needs to be looked into. If you have a low ceiling, this could appear higher by placing a tall lamp with artistic shades. This will create an effect of having a larger room

Other factors that are considered vital are the color of the wall, room lighting, the amount of furniture and other accessories, and the layout and placement of furniture. The color that is used to paint the walls plays an important role in making the room look bigger. Therefore, before choosing the color, there are some pointers that you need to know. Dark colors, tend to absorb light, while bright colors open up the space. 


Natural light in the room is the best way to make your home look bigger. Small rooms tend to have a lot of dark corners. Allowing natural light in your home can make everything brighter. As a result, the display of stylish art will make wonderful wall art. 

Furniture layout

Any art will not matter in making your home look bigger if you have cramped rooms because of your furniture pieces. It is crucial that you declutter first. Dispose of anything that you do not use any longer. If there are items that you want to stay in, be sure to organize them so that the center of the room is open. 

Use art to decorate your walls

Having art in your rooms does not only make them beautiful. It is a fact that the design of the art can make your home look bigger. Choose artwork that has bright colors and can make a contrast to the other decors. A tall artwork can make a feeling that the ceiling is higher. Make some space around the painting to highlight it. 

Use wallpaper and posters

It is tasky to install wallpaper. It is also even more difficult to remove them. If you decide to use this wall covering, try to be creative by taping them on the entire side of the wall. You can choose wallpaper s with artistic details. The addition of posters can also visually increase the size of your rooms. Especially with natural light.

Posters come in different designs and they surely do the job of making any space look bigger. With minimalist-themed art, you can create an illusion of having more space. Moreover, you can use posters to personalize your rooms. Other themes that can make the room look bigger are nature-inspired, black and white, and abstract. 

Prepare The Balcony For The Summer

Sunflower with a burst of sunlight poster

Summer is one of the most awaited seasons around the world. This is the time when kids can go out to enjoy the heat of the sun. This is also the right time to prepare the balcony so that you and your family can use it for some outdoor fun. 

Clean the balcony before decorating

Before decorating the balcony, you need to thoroughly clean it. This includes the floor, railing, walls, door, and others. Use eco-friendly detergent in cleaning them. Use baking soda when cleaning the floor. For the windows, wash them with a mixture of water and vinegar then wipe with a crumpled paper. Though there are glass cleaning solutions that can be bought from the grocery, baking soda and water can help you save a few bucks. Cleaning the balcony will also allow you to check its condition. You may also discover some parts that need to be repaired or replaced. 

Add lighting in the balcony

Lighting is needed in all rooms of your house. It may be functional but lighting can also add drama and effects to the entire room. You can add general and accent lighting as well as ambient lighting to achieve the desired effects. Examples of general and accent lightings are articulated clip lamps and ceiling lights. On the other hand, floor lamps, pendant lamps, lanterns, and string lights are examples of ambient lighting.

Give it a touch of nature with plants 

Adding plants and flowers is one of the best ways to make the balcony look like summertime. With blooms and greens, you can also make it look like a mini garden. These can be in large pots, hanging planters, or railing planters. Be creative and add a vegetable patch that you can use in the future in some of your dishes. 

Make the balcony look cozy and relaxing

There are different themes or appearances that can make the balcony look cozy. The addition of a close seating arrangement and the right outdoor lighting can do the trick. Designers and many homeowners also recommend the addition of thematic plants and decor as they can liven up the balcony.

Grill pit for an outdoor party

It is a tradition to have a BBQ while enjoying the outdoors with your family and friends. Summer is never complete without having a BBQ party. These days, there are table-top and tiny frill options that can make the balcony look more fun and exciting. Not to mention the BBQ that you will be serving. Just remember to have a fire extinguisher or a pail of water if things turn out roughly. 

Tables and chairs on the balcony

A small table and set of chairs can give you the opportunity to have an outdoor breakfast any day of the week. You can also make the balcony into a small nook for a bottle of beer with your buddies. Add other decors such as string lights to personalize the balcony and make it look perfect for the dry season.

Choose The Right Colors For Your Red Interior

Window with a view of structure poster in interior

Colors are identified through wavelengths and this includes the color red. As one of the primary colors, the color red is used for many reasons. It also occurs naturally such as the color of many flowers. The color is also one of the warm colors associated with our physical needs and the will to survive. Red also represents many human traits, like masculinity, leadership quality, determination, and ambition, and is strong-willed.

It is a powerful color that many brands prefer to use in their products. In interior design and decoration, the color can blend well with many design styles from eclectic to traditional. Too much of the color may also be an eyesore that is why it is recommended to blend the color red with the right colors. Read on to learn more about the perfect colors that will go well with the color red. 


Black and red are some of the favorite color combinations of many designers and homeowners. This color combo adds drama to your rooms and likewise makes them appear vibrant and lively. These colors also help in making the rooms look bold, striking, and stylish.


As a strong color, red needs to be neutralized to mellow down the overall appearance of the rooms. Navy can do the job by balancing and mellowing the color red. As a result, any room can have a stylish and chic look. 

Sunflower yellow

Sunflower yellow blends well in any interior with the color red. The combination of these colors evokes a fun and exciting room vibe. They also help in creating a bold, striking, and stylish room atmosphere and appearance. 

Red interior and Fuchsia

This color may appear similar to the color red, but they do differ when it comes to shades. The combination of these colors offers a monochromatic look but with layers. As such a room with these colors evokes a classy and sophisticated appearance. 

Cream your red interior 

Just like any contrasting color, the cream can also balance the color red. When red is painted on the walls, creamy white can create an elegant and sophisticated room appearance. 


Red interior, especially cherry red can be paired with grassy green to evoke a trendy and stylish room. Green can also give your room a fresh and rejuvenating room vibe that will be loved by anyone. This color combination also offers a calm and relaxing room atmosphere. 

Chocolate brown with red interior 

Chocolate brown and red may not look perfect with each other but this color combination can give any room a touch of feminine. These colors can be a perfect backdrop for floral posters or prints that feature women. 


Combine this color with your red interior and you will have a room that is vibrant and lively. 


Almonds have been commonly used in many rooms over the years. Combine this color with a red interior and you will have a unique and interesting room appearance that is perfect for the whole family. This color combination can also evoke a welcoming and relaxing vibe that will be enjoyed by your family and friends. 

Bubblegum pink paired with red interior

This shade of pink is perfect to be paired with any color. But when paired with a red interior, the colors will have a color scheme that goes well with the kids’ room, playroom, or nursery. 


Red and gold evoke grandeur and luxury. These colors are perfect in the dining room and other formal areas as the color project a classic and timeless appeal. 

Flower Posters For A Therapeutic Room

Pink Flowers poster

Indoor plants and flowers add aesthetics to any living space. In addition to this, they can also create a calming and relaxing atmosphere. Studies have shown that these living organisms provide benefits to the health of humans. For example, the display of floral posters in the workplace can help with the productivity of the workers. 

The healing powers of flowers

Flowers are known to have healing powers and this has been supported by many studies. The colors and fragrances they possess greatly help in making people feel better and healthier. Flowers help in emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being. The display of flower posters also help in creating the ambiance that would benefit homeowners. 

Here are some flowers that you may want to incorporate in your home and the benefits that you can get from them:

  • Red Roses – these flowers are considered to be the epitome of love and passion. They can also help in making the room look lovely and romantic. Because of these, red roses can help in dissolving blockages that are in blood arteries. 
  • Daisies – the flowers are known to lessen stress. Daisies also evoke peace to our lives and allow us to focus on more important matters.
  • Gardenia – the display of this flower is highly recommended to people who are experiencing chronic stress. Gardenias can help clear the mind from stressful emotions. As such, people can remind themselves to have fun and excitement in life. 
  • African Violets – these are known to be fantastic healers and psychics. They are also considered to be good cleansers of old and heavy energies.
  • Dandelions – the yellow color is known to heal anger, bitterness, resentment, and jealousy. Many people also believe that dandelions can make your dreams come true.
  • Orchids – these flowers are known to boost good mood. They also remind us that we deserve only the best. As such, we need to focus on our dreams and strive to achieve them.
  • Lilac – the flowers have a calming effect that can fight stress from our daily activities and experiences. People who are suffering from anxiety or depression may benefit from lilacs displayed in their rooms. 

Attractive flower posters in your home

Over the years, posters have been used to add beauty to any room. In Artdesign, there are a wide range of interesting and appealing poster designs that will complete the appearance of your home. Gone are the days of walls that look plain and simple. The use of posters can help in creating wall art that will make the necessary transformations. 

Flower posters bring the warmth of summer and freshness of spring to any living space. The different flowers featured in the posters can make the room look fun and exciting. The colors themselves can blend well to any type of interior decoration. Just like discussed above, the different flower posters can evoke various effects.

Posters of roses and orchids offer a classic and refined appeal. These prints can also give bright splashes of colors. Sunflower posters are also perfect if you want to give your home a country look that is observed in log houses. 

Boost your mood and your health with these flower posters. They are not only displayed to create a romantic ambiance. Flower posters also have the WOW factor to beautify the walls of any room. 

What To Consider When Decorating The Girl’s Room

The girl’s room is generally different from the boy’s room and this is also true when it comes to the decors that will be added. Many parents would consider making the room of their daughter appear like those in fairy tales where they can be the princess. The bedroom can be their castle and their personal room while they are growing up. 

When thinking about the decors that will be added. It is recommended to be practical especially during these days. As parents, you may consider their room to be used also as a place for learning and playing. You may add shelves, cabinets, mirrors that are both functional and stylish. Many parents also encourage their little princesses to be involved in the planning as well as decorating their room. 

Creative ideas to decorate the girl’s room

Decorating the girl’s bedroom is fun and exciting. There are many wonderful ways to make it look appealing and fit for a princess. Here are some cool ideas that you may consider when decorating their room:

  • Wallcoverings – there are different wall coverings that you may consider for the bedroom of your daughter. In fact, the first thing that you will notice in a room are the walls. In many instances, walls are colored with paint. However, there are more innovative coverings, such as murals, decals, and posters. Choose catchy designs that are adored by your princess.
  • Color scheme – colors come in a wide variety. Experts recommend starting with one or two colors that your daughter loves. Then you may create a color scheme that is perfect until they become teenagers. Of course, the most common colors used in the girl’s bedroom are pink, purple, blue, orange, and neutrals. If pink is your primary choice, you can combine it with other colors, such as yellow and lime green. The color orange can be combined with yellow and red to create an energetic and fun room atmosphere. 
  • Wall decors – give your daughter the freedom to choose the wall decor that they love. They may love to decorate the walls with cartoon characters, trees, flowers, butterflies, and sceneries. These decors are still appropriate even when they grow up.
  • Fabrics – add organic cotton blankets and quilted duvets to make their room look more appealing and fascinating.
  • Reading nook – create a perfect place for them to read their favorite books. This area in their room may also be used for studying. 
  • Furnishing – in addition to the bed, add side tables as they are also perfect for reading. You may also display decorative items on the tables to make them look more attractive and interesting. 
  • Window treatments – what makes the bedroom look more girlish? Add treatments to the bedroom windows such as curtains and blinds. Neutral-colored treatments blend perfectly with pink walls and other neutral-colored walls. 
  • Storage areas – clutter is an eyesore. The addition of storage areas such as shelves and cabinets is of great help in maintaining a clutterless room environment. 

Final thoughts

Decorating the girl’s bedroom is a wonderful activity that you can do with your little princess. Make the room extra special by letting them choose their room’s appearance. With guidance, your bedroom decorating project will be a memorable one. 

Black and White Photography Posters To Style Your Home

Deer face poster

Black-and-white photos can create a timeless-looking interior when displayed in your home. When arranged in an attractive layout, you will have wall art worth flaunting on your social media account. This is not a new concept in interior decoration, but the display of black-and-white photography posters still evokes beauty that cannot be seen in other poster designs. 

Black and white posters for an elegant and sophisticated look

If you are unsure of the colors to add to your interior, using a black-and-white palette is always the safest. When added to the interior, the two colors give a striking and elegant feel. It is a color scheme that never goes out of style. 

Using black and white posters can create a contemporary as it is modern and classic feeling. Many are still unaware that using the palette can have limitless possibilities. The posters are versatile in that they can blend into any interior design style that your space has. Though black and white posters are versatile, they should be used in such a way that there will be a balance to make them appealing. 

In artdesign, we have a wide range of trendy poster art collections that will complete the overall appearance of your homes. Black-and-white posters are stunning and can make a great accent on your walls. They can make any plain-looking room into an extraordinary one. Black-and-white prints can provide comfort and a welcoming atmosphere that will be adored by your family and friends. 

When placed in their appropriate frames, black-and-white posters evoke a sense of elegance and beauty that cannot be compared with any other expensive decorative items. The simplicity the posters evoke is wonderfully amazing. A large poster added to the wall of the living room can create a stunning focal point that will catch the audience’s attention. A wall gallery is like having your collection of classic photos. 

The beauty of black and white in your home

Want to have that elegant and stunning interior appearance? The Black and white interior style is an amazing choice for individuals looking for a significant life change. Of course, we know that vibrant colors create amazing effects, but using black and white is incomparable above anything else. 

These two colors can maximize the decorating statement. The color black alone can add a beautiful focal point that gives a sophisticated look to any room. For instance, black in light fixtures, paint, or one furniture piece can be eye-catching and sharpen any decorating scheme. Pair black with white, and what do you get? A clean, fresh, sophisticated, and elegant look to any room. 

The good thing about this combination is that it can blend well with any decorative item or design style. If you think that black and white can be overpowering, then add some variety. Mix the palette with colors like yellow, red, or purple for a more striking look. 

Black-and-white posters are simply amazing and can give the effects that you have been longing for. These posters can complete the appearance of your room. In addition, when properly placed on the walls, black-and-white posters can make a wonderful wall gallery. A large black-and-white poster can also create a beautiful focal point that will surely be adored by your family and friends.