The Elements of Interior Design


When designing or decorating a space, it is important to consider the 7 key elements to make it look balanced. Read on to learn more about these elements and how they can help you achieve a striking and stylish living space. 


The first thing that a decorator or designer will do is conduct an ocular visit. Knowing the overall size and the positions of doors, windows, and others is vital for a smooth design. A living space that is filled with furniture pieces is called a positive space, while an empty one is known as a negative space. A balance between the two makes the room look inviting and cozy.


A line brings structure, creativity, and a sense of direction. There are three types and these are horizontal, vertical, and dynamic. Horizontal lines are commonly seen in tables, chairs, and other furnishings. Vertical lines are common in doors, windows, and other tall structures. While dynamic lines invite activity, such as the staircase. 


This element refers to the shapes of the room. This may be the shape of the whole room, including the furniture, decor, and light fittings. Forms have two types: geometric and natural. Geometric forms are anything that is man-made, such as furniture pieces. Natural shapes, on the other hand, are organic, such as plants


Light sets the mood in any living space. Whether it is man-made or natural, a balance of both is needed to ensure a good atmosphere throughout the day. Lighting also influences the choice of colors for the space. 


Colors make any room look vibrant and lively. They can be used as a complementary or contrasting element. They are often based on color psychology to ensure that the right mood is set in the room. 


Adding texture also means incorporating depth and interest. Two types of texture exist: visual and actual. A texture that is visual refers only to the appearance, while actual textures are both seen and felt such as velvet. 


The use of patterns can add interest and excitement. Patterns are defined as any repetitive decorative element.

Personalize Your Room With Dog Prints

My pet in renaissance clothes in Interior Poster

Dogs always put a smile on our faces. Whether they are your pets, seen on television, or on the walls as art. Experts believe that decorating your home is a reflection of who and what you are. If you are a dog person, then why not show it on your walls? You may think this is difficult but with today’s technology, everything is just a piece of cake. Here are some ways how to spruce up your rooms with amazing dog prints.

Black and white dog prints

It is common and even a tradition to have white walls. If this is not your thing, then colored walls look best with black and white prints displayed. This art creates a cool contrast to all walls regardless of the colors they have. Moreover, black and white dog prints create a classy and elegant appeal that can be the focal point of any room.

Framed dog prints

While dog posters are lovely, with frames added, the art will even be more captivating. One way to offset multi-faceted styles of art, like pop or graffiti, is to give them a frame with matting. The frames give the art a more uniform feel when displayed together while the matting gives your eye a place to rest. 

Patterns and Texture Mesh

When working with patterned art, wallpaper or textiles, we tend to be safe and choose a monochrome decor scheme. Don’t hesitate to try new things or even mix and match. In order to achieve the desired appearance, it is just right to blend patterns and textures. 

Metallic decor for a neutral space

Neutral decor is easy and functional but it could look better with a little decoration. Add style and glam to the space with metallics. These will also give your home a modern touch that will surely be adored by your guests. 

Colorful standalone art can boost the whole room

In many instances, people tend to decorate their home and choose the art that will complement it. What if the process is reversed? This too can be done and keep in mind that you have to identify the color first within the art and match them with accent pieces, such as throws, rugs, fabrics, and others. 

Try These Amazing Watercolor Techniques

Philippine map watercolor poster by Local Artist Siara Gogh

Are you still wondering why many people are so engrossed with watercolor paintings? Then you just have to look at some of them to see how awesome they are. This painting may be intimidating for some, especially for beginners, but there are many techniques that you can try to see and experience the beauty and versatility of watercolor painting. Read on to learn more about these techniques and you can try some of them and have them displayed in your rooms.

Watercolor washes

Laying watercolor wash can be done on a wet surface or a dry one. Although mistakes can be committed, the secret is not to try fixing them. Just let them be since adding another layer once the original stroke has dried is more obvious. Washes are the backbone of watercolor painting. The wash can be differentiated by the size and swipe of the brush. Washes are used to fill in large background areas, or to create underlying forms that will have more detail and deeper tones. 

Wet-In-Wet painting

This is one of the basic techniques in watercolor painting. You may not realize it, but you have probably done this technique before. Start by brushing water onto the paper. Dip the brush in paint and spread it over the water wash. As such, the paint will weather and diffuse.


This technique is a monochrome wash that is used for the first layer of the painting. Add layers of transparent washes over the underpainting and these will provide a realistic and luminous effect. 

Gradients and color blending

In a simple watercolor wash, only a single color is used. However, depth can be added by using more hues in a gradient, You can start adding fresh watercolor to a wet paint surface. The second color can have a more intense version of the same hue of a different hue. With a wet surface, the colors will blend slightly and create a natural gradient in the tones. 

Layering watercolors

Dimensions can be created by adding layers of the watercolor once the color of the paint has dried. Be sure that the paper is also dried, or else the colors will unwantedly blend together and get messy. Do not add much water to the second color since this can dampen the initial color, thus blending the colors. 

Dry brush

This requires little paint and water to create a scratchy brushstroke. This can be used for an entire painting but is still perfect for creating texture. Mix your pigment, making sure that the paint mixture is not that wet. Dip the dry brush into the paint and remove excess moisture. Brush lightly across the surface and this can highlight the texture of the paper. 

Watercolor blooms

Blooms can be created when very wet paint spreads on a drier area of a painting. When you apply wet paint on a damp wash, the liquid forces the original pigment out and creates irregularly shaped splotches. Lay down a colorful wet wash and let it dry a little. Load the brush with water and touch it lightly to the paper. Blooms are created by drops of water. 

Lines, Hatching, and Crosshatching

Lines of any size and shape can be painted with the use of watercolor. Place lines beside each other or layer them perpendicular to each other for a hatching or cross-hatching effect. For clean lines, you can use a small, pointed brush and load it with pigment with the use of a dash of water. Paint a line on the paper and the shade can be determined by the amount of water used. 

Sponge painting

A textured sponge is also an unimportant tool to paint foliage on trees or sand on a beach. All you need to do is to dip it into the pigment and press it on the paper. 

The Beauty of Watercolor Painting

Turtle Poster in interior

We have seen various arts over the years, but watercolor paintings evoke an incomparable beauty. You may have your own descriptive words when you see one. For us, the words can be legendary, beautiful, WOW! Watercolor has an inner beauty that pulls anyone in. This medium offers rich, vivid soft, and soothing tones. It is also considered to be one of the accessible and versatile art forms that can turn any plain paper into remarkable artwork. 

Watercolor painting likewise has different characteristics that are good to know, especially if you want to try watercolor painting. Just like in any painting, these factors are important for you to turn any plain paper into something monumental.


The natural beauty of watercolor is based on its luminosity and transparency. When mixed with water, it gives the water-soluble pigments or palette its transparent with pastel-like properties. Once applied, it allows the whiteness of the paper to highlight and enhance the luminosity of the painting. 

Staining and non-staining paints

Applying watercolors immediately penetrates the fibers of the paper and stains it. On the other hand, non-staining watercolors stay on the surface of the paper and can be lifted when dry.

You can test watercolor before using them. Paint a patch of color and let it dry. Then try to scrape off some paint with a stiff, wet brush. The staining quality of the paint is determined by the amount of pigment that remains. 

Granulating quality

Depending on the pigment, the particles in the paint may be considered to be heavy or light. The particles of watercolor paints are heavier and tend to separate from the water. Granulating paint adds interest and texture to a painting. 

Fugitive and non-fugitive paints

Fugitive paint tends to fade quickly while non-fugitive paints will not fade over time. This element determines the longevity of the art. Thus, it is important to use good quality paint so that the art will last longer. 

Final thoughts

Watercolor paintings are among the popular art that has been created over the years. They have certain effects on the overall art that may be considered unique as compared with other forms. The colors they create with the blending easily distinguish watercolor painting over the others. The beauty is even enhanced with the stroke, depth, and subject. The art is even taught during primary years, in which kids are given the tools needed to create their art. Sometimes other tools are added in addition to the brush. Kids can create art based on their imagination, and how simple it may be, but one can easily distinguish that watercolor is used. Some of you may also be familiar that even vegetable cut-ups can be used to create art on plain paper. This is one of the amazing things about watercolor – its versatility. 

Sleep Soundly With These Bedroom Color Ideas

Art wall 231

Insomnia is one of the biggest dilemmas of many individuals. It has been observed that there are different reasons why this is experienced by many people. One of the reasons is the ambiance of the bedroom which is influenced by certain factors. The color of the room greatly affects the mood and contributes to the sleepless nights of many people. This can easily be remedied by choosing and incorporating the right color for the room. Read on to learn more about choosing the right bedroom color and decor to help people have a deep and relaxing night. 

What color to choose?

Many experts believe that there are ways to help an individual have a deep sleep. One of these is the design of the interior, particularly the colors. Choosing the right bedroom color can be one of the solutions for people to have a proper sleep pattern. Cool colors such as blue and green are proven to help create a room that is calming and relaxing.

The colors and sleep

It is a proven fact that the colors of the bedroom influence sleeping patterns. Studies have been continuously conducted to find the association between room colors and sleeping habits. 

Rooms that are dominated by cool colors, particularly the color blue help people enjoy longer sleep as compared to those in a room with different colors. Hues of blue are associated with calmness and can help in lowering blood pressure and heart rate. People who are staying in a room with hues of blue can sleep for an average of 7 hours and 52 minutes. 

Other colors may also contribute to sleeping patterns, yet the average length of hours of sleep is shorter than those of people in a bedroom with shades of blue. Yellow, for instance, promotes sleep for around 7 hours and 40 minutes, green for 7 hours and 36 minutes, orange for 7 hours and 28 minutes, purple for 5 hours and 56 minutes, gray for 6 hours and 12 minutes, and brown for 6 hours and 5 minutes. 

The reason why the color blue promotes good sleep is because of the receptor cells in the retina of the eyes. These cells are called ganglion cells and are highly sensitive to the color blue. Ganglions are likewise responsible for sending information directly to the brain. As a result, body activities are regulated and controlled. 

If blue is not your preference, you can still use other colors and hues that can promote deep sleep. Neutral colors such as gray and silver are also known to promote good sleeping habits. In addition to these, pale yellow can have the same effects as that neutral colors. 

Wall decor and sleep

The display of posters is one of the easiest and fastest ways to set the mood and atmosphere of the bedroom. The designs and images featured in posters come in a wide variety. They also come in colors that can help promote sleep. With the creation of wall art in the bedroom that is dominated by hues of blue, individuals will be able to have a good sleeping pattern. 

Health Benefits of Wine

Wine and bread art print poster

Over the years, wine has been one of the most preferred alcoholic beverages of many individuals. It has a distinct taste that stimulates the palate. In addition to this, the list of benefits is long and becomes more interesting as you read more about them. We are not going to be too technical and medical about them, but it is fantastic to know that wine is not just your average alcoholic drink. Read on to learn more about the health benefits of drinking wine and why more people prefer it over other alcoholic beverages.

Red wine can protect your heart

Red wine has several heart-protecting benefits. Studies have shown that drinking red wine is associated with a lower risk of developing heart disease. The high concentration of polyphenol antioxidants can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and metabolic diseases. 

Drinking wine can fight inflammation

Red wine is rich in polyphenols, including resveratrol, anthocyanins, catechins, and tannins. As such, red wine show antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These chemicals likewise reduce insulin resistance and decrease stress. Resveratrol can be found in foods like grapes, peanuts, chocolate, and berries. 

Improve mood

Many individuals have associated drinking alcohol with better mood. This has been supported by several studies in which people who had a glass of wine in an unpleasant environment, experienced mood improvement. The result is the same with people who are in a more pleasant environment. Moderate intake of wine may also reduce the risk of depression. So now we know.

Boost the immune system

Studies about wine have revealed that a glass of wine a day reduces the risk of infection by Helicobacter pylori. This is a bacteria that causes gastritis, ulcers, and stomach cancers. Half a glass of wine may also guard your intestines against food poisoning caused by bacteria. 

Build better bones

Women who drink moderately have been found to have higher bone mass as compared to those who do not drink wine at all. The alcohol content has estrogen boosting ability and this hormone can prevent or slow down the destruction of old bones. 

Prevent the increase in blood sugar

The study was conducted with premenopausal women who drink one to two glasses of wine per day. It has been concluded that these women will be less likely to develop type 2 diabetes. It was also observed that wine can reduce resistance to insulin in diabetic patients. 

Are we going to take that leap of faith?

Actually, it’s not a leap of faith anymore. There are a lot of studies that support the medical benefit of wine. The next question is, what type of wine to drink. Red wine likely offers more health benefits than white wine. Although, white wine still needs further studies to identify the benefits they give. 

Now we are aware of the health benefits that wine gives. It is great to know that excessive alcohol intake can be harmful. As much as we want to have those benefits, binge drinking may result in negative health outcomes. In fact, thousands of people die every year because of excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. 

Health-related concerns about excessive alcohol drinking include increased risk of certain cancers, diabetes, heart problems, liver diseases, and pancreatic diseases. So how much is enough? Daily intake of wine with the associated health benefits are 1 glass of wine for women and 2 glasses for men. 

Oriental Decor For Your Home

Japan Vintage Art Poster in interior

For centuries, Oriental decor has influenced Western decor. The Asian-inspired decor is basically based on Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions. The Oriental decor is basically not confined to any one country or culture and spans centuries. The decor can highly be ornamented, with carved surfaces and bold color, or simple lines, free of ornamentation with soothing neutral tones. 

You can choose from the various elements when creating your own Oriental-inspired home interior. What important are the balance and clutter-free features of your home?

Characteristics of Oriental design style

The Oriental decor is broad in the sense that there are many countries with their own decor style. The decor evokes an image of serenity and calmness. The style greatly helps people who are in a fast-paced kind of lifestyle. The decor style can be successfully achieved by ushering in harmony and balance. Precision and clear thought allow you to do away with unwanted additions. 

The Oriental decor is greatly inspired by the colors of nature and often mimics scenic landscapes and colors to suit the interior. With these, it is recommended to keep the backdrop in neutral colors. The backdrop, as much as possible, must be soothing and offer a relaxed and laid-back ambiance. 

The decor is popular for having vibrant accent hues that stand out when placed in a calm and neutral setting. Combining a soft neutral backdrop with exquisite golden tones creates a majestic room. A hint of gold can create a trendy and fashionable statement as well.

Balance is an important element when you want to achieve the Oriental decor in your home. What you need is the right harmony of colors, textures, and elements. Natural stone decorations, wooden floors, bamboo blinds, and some organic textures will do the trick.

Water is another great way to create an Oriental atmosphere in your home. The sound of flowing water in your rooms, as well as the exterior, can create a welcoming and calming mood. A pond is one way to achieve this style, and this can be the focal point of your room.

Just like in any other interior style, lighting can greatly influence the overall appearance of your home. It adds to the visual and accentuates the theme. Examples are hanging paper lanterns, sculptural lighting installations, and a few candles. 

Organic and sustainable materials are highly recommended to achieve the Oriental style in your home. Smooth polished stones, sustainable bamboo blinds, intricately woven tatami mats, and potted plants and shrubs will bring nature into your home. 

Oriental decor in your rooms

Oriental-inspired rooms must be natural, serene, soothing, calm, and Zen. Many rooms, which are Oriental-inspired, bring the outdoors inside through the use of natural materials and the colors of nature. A minimalist approach is also one of the features of the design style. 

In order to achieve the Oriental decor in your room, certain things need to be considered, such as natural color palette, simplicity, bringing nature indoors, and the incorporation of nature-themed wall decor. 

Oriental decor in the backyard

The backyard is fun to design with Oriental decor. As long as you achieve and incorporate the elements for the design style, you will be able to achieve the desired output. Keep in mind that Oriental decor is also nature-inspired, incorporating the elements of nature such as water, earth, plants, and colors. A Japanese garden is one of the perfect examples of an Oriental-inspired backyard. The garden is composed of a koi pond, a Zen garden, bamboo, plants, shrubs, and others. Looking at this type of garden is truly calming, refreshing, and rejuvenating. You will love this kind of backyard and will surely enjoy staying and contemplating it. This is highly recommended for people who want to go home to a place where they could relax after a stressful day at work or school. 

What’s So Special About Coffee?

First jesus then coffee poster

It is known that coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It is known for its ability to jump-start your day. Many individuals even claim that their day is not complete without having a cup of coffee. In addition to its energizing effects, coffee is associated with a long list of potential health benefits that give you more reasons to drink several cups a day. Here, we have some information about coffee that you might find interesting. You will also learn the top health benefits of coffee. 

Drinking coffee can be comforting

But First, Coffee. For many people, coffee is the first drink to be consumed in the day. It gives the energy to trigger some of the body’s senses. The smell and taste of the drink can give the comfort that many people are looking for in a drink. Other than stimulating your body, coffee can give you a relaxing feeling that will help you get focused and productive. If the weather is cold, just like during the Christmas season, a cup of coffee can be the best way to warm the soul. On the other hand, if the weather is warm, you can have your coffee in a cold brew or iced. Top it with various add-ons, like whipped cream, and partner it with your favorite pastry. 

Coffee date? Why not!

Just like why people go to bars, so are the reasons why people gather at coffee shops to meet with friends or to transact business. In the coffee shop industry of the Philippines, you are not just paying for the cup of coffee you are buying. You are also paying for the experience when you stay in the coffee shop. Many shops have a relaxing ambiance where you can have a quiet time for yourself or even with your friends or loved ones. In the past, coffee shops also served as venues for socializing, writing, reading, or working. If you are planning to have a date with your crush, the coffee shops are the best places to be. However, if staying in coffee shops is not your style, then you can still create the same ambiance in your home. With the help of personalized framed posters, you can create an interior design that will fit your taste. 

Health benefits of coffee

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, drinking coffee also has positive effects on your health. Studies have shown that coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. It was also observed that caffeine is associated with a lower chance of developing Parkinson’s disease as well as a better chance of controlling their movements. Coffee also has a protective effect on the liver. It helps in normalizing the liver enzyme levels than those people who do not drink coffee. For women, drinking at least a cup of coffee a day is associated with lowered risk of having a stroke. 

Final thoughts

There are millions of people who love the taste of coffee. There is also a wide range of coffee flavors available in the market. Some love deep dark coffee flavors, while others like a lighter roast with smooth and mellow texture and taste. Whatever the reasons may be, for coffee lovers, a cup of coffee is a necessity to start the day right. Many things still need to be unleashed when it comes to coffee. New flavors to be discovered, new preparations that will become the favorites of many, and new add-ons that will make the beverage look more enticing and delightful.

Cute Ways To Personalize The Nursery

Baby line art No1 personal poster in interior

There is nothing more cute and lovely than decorating the nursery. You have chosen the color and furniture pieces of the room and now you want to customize it for a more personal look. This is probably the most exciting part of preparing the home for the arrival of the baby. You may also have memories during the pregnancy that you want to be part of the room. Here are some tips on how to make the nursery look amazing.

Patterned bedding

Wondering where to start personalizing the nursery? You can start with the crib or the bed. Choosing a whimsical pattern can represent your personality and your little bundle of joy. 

Soft and calming lighting

The addition of soft lighting with a table or even floor lamps or a small plug-in nightlight gives the nursery a soothing touch during nighttime. These lightings can also be used while changing diapers and nursing them. They are perfect for babies as they are not offensive to their sense of vision. Remember that their eyes are still developing and quite sensitive to strong light.

Fun and exciting wall art

When it comes to the walls of the nursery, it also deserves the same treatment as the living room or bedroom. There are many ways to spruce up the walls and personalize them. The fastest way is to hang trendy framed art that will add colors and life to the room. It is also recommended to choose poster designs in soft and muted colors so that they will not harm the eyes of the baby. 

Decorative rug

Adding a rug or play mat is perfect for making the nursery more comfortable and inviting, especially during the nap time of your baby. Rugs and mats can make the other decor of the room look and feel more cohesive. 

Cool and unique color palette

White walls are a thing of the past. These days, there are many paint colors that can be used to personalize the nursery. Selecting a color palette is a cool way to add a touch of individuality into the room.

Creative and functional storage

Shelvings and decorative baskets and bins are convenient items to store various baby items. You can use these to store books, toys, and diaper-changing materials. In addition to these, you will be able to prevent the accumulation of clutter that may cause accidents. Of course, we do not want that to happen.

Window treatments

Adding drapes or Roman shades in a hue that complements the color of the room is an easy way to add texture and depth. These can likewise be functional by limiting the entrance of natural light to the room if the need arises.

Pregnancy or birth souvenir items

Newborn photos, ultrasound images, and other mementos can be displayed to personalize the nursery. Having these images in framed and personalized posters is one of the best ways to create wall art. As such, the design of the wall evokes a nostalgic vibe that will boost the overall room atmosphere. 

Shade of pink and blue shapes poster with Black Frame

Shade of pink and blue shapes poster

Abstract art in lovely colors. Create fun and charming wall with this art and your friends and family will surely love it. Along with other abstract art, you will be able to add depth and texture to your walls. Beautify your walls with trendy and stylish art from  Artdesign.