Create Your Posters In 5 Simple Steps

Modern Thinker art Poster

Fascinating, artistic, and informative, posters are important materials commonly used for many reasons. They need to be eye-catching and informative. Posters are a common tool for promoting events and products and spreading information. These days, posters are used not only to pass or spread information. Modern posters are likewise used for reproductions of famous artworks and are more cost-efficient than having the original ones. 

History of Posters

For more than 200 years, people have used posters for various reasons. Most of the posters created are visually stimulating to catch the attention of anyone who sees it. Posters have been displayed publicly to inform people of political viewpoints, an invitation to certain events, or a marketing strategy to purchase a product or service. 

Posters today are based on those created during the mid-19th century when several separate but related changes occurred. During that period, the printing industry already perfected color lithography and made mass production possible. The censorship of public spaces in certain countries like France has been lifted, and advertisers have begun to market mass-produced consumer goods to a growing populace in urban areas. 

Eventually, after more than a hundred years, posters evolved when they were already recognized as a vital art form that attracted artists. Examples are Toulouse-Lautrec and Mucha, who are both theatrical and commercial designers. Art forms include Symbolism, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco. 

5 Steps to Create Your Poster

Posters can be used in different ways. These days, posters come in many interesting and creative designs that will serve their purpose. Not only are they used the conventional way, but posters can also accent your walls

Here are easy and amazing steps on how to create your posters:

  1. Know the correct and appropriate size. Posters may have standard sizes, such as 11” x 17”, 16” x 20”, 18” x 24”, and 24” x 36”. However, you can still create the size of the poster that you want and it greatly depends on how you are going to use your poster. 
  2. Design the layout of the poster. Viewers must be able to understand and grasp the message of the poster at first glance. Determine the right alignment and apply it to the headers, photos, text, and shapes. After that, these items must be unified and consolidated. With these, the poster and its elements will have coherence. It is also recommended that the text be at the center to create a sense of symmetry. 
  3. Pick your choice of graphics. The good thing about posters is that a simple image can convey a message. In creating the poster’s design, remember that there should be a balance between text and images. In addition to these, they should also complement and blend. Larger posters must have an image that has the highest resolution. Otherwise, you will have a poor-quality poster. 
  4. Make it colorful. Remember that the poster you are making needs to do this; the colors should be able to complement the photographs and the message. In color psychology, it has been documented that different colors can already convey a message. For instance, green can be translated to freshness and the natural environment. It is recommended that the use of colors be limited. If the poster is bombarded with colors, it may be a distraction to the real message of the poster.
  5. The text to be added. Keep in mind that there is beauty in simplicity. As such, maintain the simplicity of the headers and titles. The headers must have a larger font size to show the viewers which one to first look at. Do not forget the contrasts in the sizes of the fonts, style, and color. These elements are the ones that catch the attention of the viewers. Do remember not to use more than two faces in a document. Keep the message straightforward so your audience will immediately know what the poster is about. 

Interesting Ways To Cover Your Walls

Many homes have their walls treated with the usual covering, such as paint with flat, eggshell, and semi-gloss colors. There is nothing wrong with providing your wall with a coat of paint. However, some want something new other than paint or wallpaper. There are many ideas for creating an appealing wall covering using different materials. Just a little reminder: go easy with the ideas we will present. You do not want your wall to look exaggerated with wall coverings, just enough to create an accent.

Wallcovering ideas that you will love

Here are some ideas that you may use for wall covering:

  • Wood wainscot in attractive colors. Commonly, wainscots are in white to have that classic and retro look in your home. Usually, they are also located on the lower part of the room’s walls. Be creative with wainscots, as these retro materials can create a stylish and modern wall appearance. Wainscot is easily available and affordable. They can be purchased from the local lumberyard or any home improvement store. Paint them with colors that you will think and feel would create a new atmosphere and experience.
  • It is common to see wood wainscot in the home interior. However, would it be nice if wainscots were made from materials other than wood? Wainscot made of tile, for instance. Joining tile to tile creates an excellent water-sealed seam ideal for the bathroom and kitchen. You can use a tile wainscot in every room of the house.
  • Install tile from floor to ceiling. Floor-to-ceiling tile can be an exciting way to cover the wall. However, it is not ideal to cover all house walls with tiles. Wallcoverings with high visual interest should be limited to one wall only. Tiling the wall goes back to ancient Rome and still provides a good accent to the home interior.
  • Make your craft room interesting with peg walls. At an affordable price, you can cover the entire wall with a pegboard. After installing the board, you can cover it with anything you desire, such as collections, souvenir items, and more.
  • Upcycle palettes to cover the wall. This will give your accent wall a rustic appearance and artistic texture. You can cover the whole wall or just a portion of it.
  • Purchase old books or, if you have old books kept in the stock room, use the pages to paper the walls. This is a variation of wallpapering with a twist. You only need glue, a bucket, water, and gloves. Turn that blank and boring wall into an amazing literary accent.
  • Stenciled shapes and other motifs can create focal points in your rooms. You can make your own stencil or check your craft stores for the latest designs.
  • Chalkboard paint is one innovative way to create a wall that is also safe for kids. We all know that kids love to write and draw, especially toddlers. Permanent markers can be used to protect your walls from writing and drawing. Chalkboard paint may allow you and your kids to use the walls for entertainment and learning.
  • You can use fabric to cover an entire wall or buy squares of fabric paneling and hang them in a cool pattern. These are not commonly used at home, but you will lose nothing for trying. 
  • Trendy posters—At artdesign, we have a wide range of stylish and trendy poster art that will instantly add beauty to your walls. From black-and-white prints to nature-inspired posters, our posters are a great solution to your wall decorating project. 

Feeling Stressed? Create A Minimalist Wall Art To Make You Calm

New York Map Line art poster in interior

Many homeowners and designers prefer the minimalist interior design style, as it offers many benefits compared with other design styles. Wall art with minimalist styles also evokes different psychological and physiological benefits. Read on to learn more about minimalist wall art and why more homeowners are beginning to love the style.

Beauty in simplicity

Being a minimalist means eliminating unnecessary stuff. This does not necessarily mean you must deprive yourself of some luxuries. It is not about sacrificing happiness to live a simple life. Minimalism is all about assisting you in finding freedom from every aspect of your life, like fear, guilt, depression, and stress. 

Minimalism is not about having excessive material possessions. It is more about having the freedom to make decisions more consciously and deliberately. Being minimal has a significant impact on human psychology. It helps boost self-confidence, minimize stress, promote better health, calmer mind and body, and better relationships. 

As an interior design style, minimalism means devoiding your interior of unnecessary items that can be obstacles to the flow of traffic and energy. A clutterless interior is what minimalism is all about. Following the principles of minimalism can, therefore, help calm and relax the mind and body. 

Minimalist wall art for a comfortable home

Every field has its adaptation of minimalism. Examples are art, music, construction, and design. The style started after the Second World War, and particularly in the American visual arts, artists turned to reduce the different aspects of modernism and the reaction against abstract. 

In construction and design, minimalism also became a trend. Every subject was reduced to only the necessary elements, emphasizing the connections between the different design elements. One of the traits of design is arranging the necessary components of a room to make it look simple.

These principles are also important when considering the creation of wall art. It is unnecessary to add anything that we love to the walls; that would defy the concept of minimalism. It is of the utmost importance to plan the design well and be careful with the items that will be added to the walls.  

Many know that creating wall art is one solution to finishing the appearance of any living space. There are different wall art designs to choose from, and you can likewise design your wall art according to your preference. For example, a simple rope can be formed into a fancy knot and displayed on the living room wall. Posters in black and white or nature-themed prints can help create minimalist wall art. 

You may also choose abstract poster prints with not too-loud colors. Monochromatic textured wall art can be captivating and capture the attention of your guests. 

Final thoughts

Stress is one of the leading causes of many diseases these days. Every day, we are exposed to different stressors such as pollution, work, people, traffic, noise, and others. Designing wall art that can help relieve stress can be a great help in keeping our mind and body calm and for us to stay generally healthy at all times. Minimalist wall art is visually attractive and can help achieve a calm and relaxing room atmosphere. 

Interesting Ideas To Cover Your Walls

poster evolution artdesign article image

The walls are usually the first thing you see when you enter any room or living space. It is important that they are designed and decorated properly to add value to any home. Many homeowners are quite content with paint and wallpaper. Yet, there are other ingenious and innovative ways to make the walls look more remarkable and interesting.

Creative wall-covering ideas that you will adore

Paint is the commonly used wall covering in many homes. The colors usually used are white, cream, yellow, and pastel. However, sometimes, looking at plainly colored walls may be dull and boring. These days, creative and artistic wall design is becoming a trend. 

You can create a compelling wall design using different materials to impress your family and friends. Here are some ideas for making the walls in your home look fun and exciting. 

  • Floor-to-ceiling tiles are one exciting way to cover the walls. This should be done to only one wall of the house so as not to be overwhelming. The tiles not only beautify the living room but also give the impression of having a high ceiling. 
  • Wood elements—This can be done by recycling or upcycling certain wood materials, such as palettes. Adding them to the walls can give the living room a rustic appearance. 
  • Stencils—shapes and other motifs can be focal points in the living room. You can do this yourself or affordable stencil materials are available.
  • Wall decals are affordable ways to decorate the walls. They are also easy to install and can be purchased online or in many home improvement stores.
  • Trendy posters—prints come in many designs and are likewise available online or in different shops. Posters can easily add style to any home and make it look appealing. Framed posters are even more interesting, as the type and colors of the frames add beauty to the prints as well as to the walls. 
  • Fabric—Fabric can be used to cover the entire wall, or it is also available in squares that you can buy and display in cool patterns.

Add texture for a wonderful wall appearance

Adding texture to walls can bring character to the whole room’s interior. Home improvement professionals usually do this. However, with a little imagination and resourcefulness, you can also add texture to the walls with any material available, such as combs, brooms, cloth, and sponges. 

The texture of the wall likewise depends on paint, drywall mud, and machine use. These methods are efficient for large-surfaced walls, as you will have a large area to display your creativity.

Final thoughts

The walls in any living space can be useful aesthetically and functionally. Think of them as a large blank canvas on which you can employ your creativity to decorate. In addition, decorating the walls with coverings can add value to your home, especially if you are considering selling it in the future.

Decorating The Living Room With Wall Art

an image of the What is wall art article by artdesign

Creating cool wall art in the living room can affect the overall appearance of your home or any living space. Wall art is usually the last thing considered, but this should not be the case. Careful planning and designing of wall art can give you a trendy and stylish interior

The beauty of wall art

In many cases, wall art is not usually considered part of home design. Many homeowners are satisfied with the paint they have applied on the walls. However, plain-looking walls can be dull and boring. This is one of the main reasons why wall art is important, especially in the living room, where various activities can be done with family and friends. 

Many individuals dream of having their own homes, homes they will be able to share with their family and friends. It is, therefore, important to decorate the house to make it appear trendy and stylish. The walls are a good place to start the decorating project. Begin by choosing the right color palette and the decor that will be displayed.

Once you have planned the design of the wall art, you can do the project with your family or friends. This will also be a great time to spend quality time with the kids as you get them involved with the home upgrading project. 

Wall art is not only done by designers and experts. You can also design impressive wall art that will be loved by anyone who sees it. It may be a challenge for some, but that is when the fun and excitement begin. 

What wall art can do to your living room

Wall art is probably the most dynamic decor you can add to your living room. As long as it is carefully planned and designed, it can instantly transform the appearance of your room. In just a jiffy, you can create a wonderful focal point. As a focal point, wall art is like a magnet that draws the eye into it.

One good example is the use of 3-dimensional art like statues. These artworks can add texture and depth. Rough textures can also visually make space look more intimate. Smooth textures, on the other hand, can make the room look elegant and sophisticated. 

Wall art alone can make the living room feel complete. Many homeowners and designers consider it a finishing element that connects all the other elements of the room. 

Living room wall art ideas

You can create wall art with creativity and resourcefulness to make the living room appear unique and extraordinary. It is of utmost importance that the living room looks inviting and appealing. Wall art designs come in various forms, and here are some simple tips on making the living room walls look more interesting.

  • Wall gallery—this can be created in various ways. For instance, displaying photos in frames can create a compelling wall display. Trendy and stylish posters are also popular in creating a beautiful wall gallery. There is a wide range of poster designs that can be displayed, and these can help customize the living room.
  • Collectors’ items—Another interesting way to decorate the wall is with valuable items. Examples are travel posters, action figures, toy collections, and souvenir items. Travel posters can display the places that you have visited. Framed ones can also add to the beauty of wall art. Toy collections and other souvenir items can be displayed on shelves installed on the walls. 
  • Wall clocks are not only functional, but they can also be wonderful decorative elements of the living room. As such, you can design the living room like a hotel lobby where you receive your guests. A unique yet interesting way to decorate the living room. 
  • Mirrors—Just like wall clocks, mirrors can make the room look more attractive and give the impression that it is bigger. They can also reflect natural light to give the living room warmth and comfort.

Final thoughts

The living room is one of the busiest rooms in every home, especially during special occasions. It is just right to upgrade the room with the addition of wall art. Wall art can easily and instantly give the living room style and a statement. Different materials can help you create a wall design that will add value to the room. 

Creating a Cozy Room with Wall Art

artnews blog image from artdesign

Think of wall art as the life of any room. Beautifully designed wall art adds attraction to any room and likewise creates a fun and cozy vibe that will be enjoyed by its audience. A wonderfully designed wall gallery of photos or trendy poster art can transform the interior appearance of any room or space. 

The importance of wall art in every home

Walls are important in every home. They can function in both the aesthetics and structure of any building. Walls bring a room together and make everything look more cohesive with the added design elements. Designing and creating wall art is one way to make the room look more exciting and fun. 

In many instances, wall art is thought of and planned last, usually after all the other decorations have been placed. Many homeowners do not even consider adding wall art as they are already satisfied with the color and appearance of a plain wall. On the contrary, a blank wall is like a canvas on which art should be painted.

The empty wall

Staring at an empty wall has never been fun. Blank walls give you an opportunity for limitless design ideas. Properly planned and designed wall art can make any room look unique and interesting. As such, many designers and homeowners consider adding wall art to their rooms or spaces.

One interesting way to add wall art to your design is by creating a wall gallery of photos. This can evoke a nostalgic atmosphere that is perfect for the family. An attractive collage using different paintings and photographs can also create compelling wall art. Frames used in photos and posters greatly help design and decorate the wall. You can feature a similar color palette or consider using different colors.

How to create a wall art

Choosing the right color for the rooms is among the ordeals of many homeowners and designers. Sometimes, choosing the color you love and applying it to the walls is enough for many individuals. However, this is not always the case as you still stare at a dull wall. 

Wall art can instantly create a focal point that will be enjoyed by its audience. Think of the wall art as a magnet that can draw the attention of anyone who sees it. Wall art can eventually be the center of attraction in any room, such as the living room or the bedroom.

Moreover, wall art can add texture to any room with 3D art, like sculptures. These artworks can give depth to the room by creating an illusion that there are more layers to unleash. Many experts believe that to create an intimate-looking interior, rough textures must be added. On the other hand, decors with smooth textures can create a sophisticated and classy-looking interior. 

Final thoughts

Wall art can complete the appearance of the wall and room, giving any room a sense of completeness. Your creativity can give the walls their function and appeal. Adding wall art is the best way to give any wall a makeover.

The Beauty of Minimalist Wall Art with Trendy Posters

Minimalism is an art movement that was established in the 1950s and 1969s. Artists during that period saw an opportunity to move away from popular abstract art and try something new. A form of art that has captivated many artists and audiences and has also inspired other industries, such as the design and construction industries.

Minimalism Defined

Considered an extension of abstract art, minimalism has stripped essential forms and unleashed only purity and beauty. Many artists have associated minimalism with conceptual art, which has challenged traditional art in terms of viewing, understanding, and interpretation. 

The minimalist movement ensured that personal expression in creating art was limited or at least kept to a minimum. These days, minimalism is one of the trends in interior design. The objective is to create a room or space using natural and simple forms inspired by the movement and Japanese design. 

The appearance of both the interior and the art is more spacious, with minimal details. Artists and designers focus on shapes, colors, and texture. Furniture pieces usually have streamlined shapes and neutral colors. Minimal accessories are recommended, and the flooring material should be easy to clean and maintain, such as wood, linoleum, and stone.

Pros and Cons of Minimalism

Like any other theme and style, choosing a minimalist home and lifestyle has advantages and disadvantages. It is nice to know them as they may help add style to your home. We can get many benefits from minimalism, such as less economic burden, less stress, quality over quantity, and environment-friendly. On the other hand, some people may have difficulty accepting the minimalist lifestyle as it may cause anxiety and loneliness.

Trendy Art and Minimalism

Studies have shown that minimalist art can be traced back to the traditional cultures of Japan and China. The beauty of minimalist art has spread widely around the globe and influenced many other disciplines. Art creation was kept to a minimum and stood for simplicity and essence. 

Minimalist artworks are not abundant with unnecessary decorations and motifs. The lines, colors, and curves are added with purpose and meaning. Artists who are advocates of the movement know and understand the beauty and fundamentals of the forms well. 

In the design and construction industries, creating wall art is one of the best solutions for finishing a room. Many consider this to be the final step in finishing the interior. However, there are a few factors to consider when creating your wall art, such as color choice, having a focal point, and personalization. 

Many poster prints feature minimalist-inspired trendy art, many of which have elements that meet the criteria. The colors and shapes in the art can easily blend with the other decorative items of the room or space. The colors are not too loud and can still grab the viewers’ attention. 

Simplicity is a beauty!

Wall Art: What is it and why it is important

an image of the What is wall art article by artdesign

Wall art makes any room look vibrant and more appealing. With a creative and compelling wall gallery or a simple tapestry, wall art can transform any room into something interesting. The use of trendy poster art is one of the easiest and fastest ways to create a wall that will become the room’s focal point. Read on to learn more about wall art and how it can completely transform your home interior.

Wall art – what every home needs

Wall space is important for bringing a room together. The decorative items and furnishings that are incorporated into the room are necessary to complete the overall appearance. One way to make the room look more exciting is the incorporation of wall art. In many instances, wall art is thought of after completing everything else. This includes after the paint on the wall has completely dried or the furnishings have been placed properly. 

Wall art should never be neglected, as it provides many benefits that homeowners do not notice immediately. Think of a blank wall as a canvas and an opportunity to showcase your creativity and talent. The right wall art design can fill the emptiness of a room and will likewise reflect the homeowner’s personality.

The blank wall

Was there a time when you were at home and just stared at your walls? A blank wall allows you to create a more fun and exciting room interior. This is where the fun begins, and attractive wall art comes into play and helps transform any room. One idea is to create a wall photo gallery with a collection of photos that can create a nostalgic vibe. 

Various paintings and photographs can also make cool wall collages. Another way is to use frames of various sizes and shapes with photographs and poster designs that feature similar color palettes or a variety of colors. This can add excitement to the room. The color and material of the frames can also add to the beauty of the wall art. 

Different uses of wall art

One of the common problems that homeowners encounter is choosing the right color for the room. Since many colors are available, selecting the best color can actually get the room’s vibe. If color selection can be overwhelming, add wall art to make the dull wall look lively.

Wonderfully designed wall art can also create a fantastic focal point. This can act like a magnet that draws the eye into it. Wall art can eventually be the center of attraction of the room. For example, designers or homeowners can hang wall artwork above the mantle of a fireplace in the living room or above the bed. 

Wall art can likewise add texture to a room. Three-dimensional artworks such as sculptures can add some depth to the room and create the illusion that there are more layers to uncover. It has also been observed that rough textures are more likely to make space feel more intimate. 

Decorative items with smooth textures can create a more sophisticated and aloof room. Wall art can finish the appearance of the wall and give the sense that the room is finished. It is considered a finishing element that can help pull a space together and make it feel complete. The extra touch can take your space from simply looking functional to appearing as if it should be featured in an interior design magazine.

Graphical Stone and Leaf Poster

Graphical Stone and Leaf poster with frame

Stones and leaf in attractive colors and interesting texture. Add a natural vibe to your interior with a poster that features nature. This is a simple and remarkable art that can give your wall a touch of nature. Created in attractive colors, this poster will add fun and excitement to your room or space.

Frequently asked questions


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We will make delivery attempts twice. If products are returned to us due to customer failing to pick up or receive their package, we will charge you for the delivery fee. This covers shipping to and from you, as well as handling and restocking of products.

How do you ship packages?

We have our in-house delivery within NCR and our shipping partner for shipment outside NCR is LBC. We ship only within the Philippines.

What is the cost of shipping?

Metro Manila: ₱167

Express print and delivery within 3 hours in Metro Manila: ₱727
Order before 7PM for express delivery.

Luzon / Visayas / Mindanao: ₱335

How long will delivery take?

Metro Manila: Within 24 hours
We have an Express Print and Delivery option in Metro Manila within 3 hours. Order before 7PM for express delivery.

Luzon/ Visayas/ Mindanao: 3-7 working days


How do I pay?

Payment options

Cash on delivery (COD)
Debit/Credit card via Paymongo
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Our posters

What kind of paper are your posters printed on?

We print our posters on matte 350 GSM uncoated premium paper. We have chosen to use a matte surface for a high-quality texture with no glare.

Can I hang posters outdoors or on wet areas?

We do not recommend hanging any of our posters on a wet environment because they should not be exposed to too much moisture. You are always welcome to contact our Customer Service if you are unsure of what surfaces your poster can be used on.

Are posters with frames?

No, frames are not included. You need to order the frames separately. If you order frame, we assemble the print with frame for you and all you need is a hook to hang it. It has already a hanger on the back.

Our frames

Are frames included when I buy posters?

No, we sell posters and frames separately. If you order frame, we assemble the print with frame for you and all you need is a hook to hang it. It has already a hanger on the back.

What are your frames made of?

Our frames are made of polystyrene plastic MDF plywood, painted with matte finish and with acrylic glass.

 What are the dimensions of the frames?

Frames thickness and width:

21x30cmApproximately 1.6cm | 1/2 inApproximately 1.5cm | 1/2 in
30x40cmApproximately 1.8cm | 5/8 inApproximately 1.5cm | 1/2 in
40x50cmApproximately 1.8cm | 5/8 inApproximately 1.5cm | 1/2 in
(Black frame, White frame, Wood frame)
Approximately 3cm | 1 1/4 inApproximately 2cm | 3/4 in
(Gold frame, Silver frame)
Approximately 2.2cm | 7/8 inApproximately 2.2cm | 7/8 in
(Black frame, White frame, Wood frame)
Approximately 3cm | 1 1/4 inApproximately 2cm | 3/4
(Gold frame, Silver frame)
Approximately 2.3cm | less than 1 inchApproximately 2.3cm | less than 1 inch


How do I exchange a product?

If you would like to exchange a received product for something different, it is processed like a regular return. We do not exchange ordered customized frames. Please contact our Customer Service for assistance.

What if a product is damaged or incorrect?

We will make sure to replace the product as soon as possible if you receive a defective or incorrect product. Please contact our Customer Service and we will get back to you shortly.