Wall Decorating Ideas With White Furniture

Art wall 43

White furniture pieces can create a cozy and comfortable room atmosphere. Though many people think white is a dull and boring color. Well, in fact, the color white represents a lot of things. White symbolizes cleanliness, purity, innocence, and others. White is one of the best colors to choose for your furniture pieces. They can blend well with anything.

Wall decorating ideas with white furniture have limitless possibilities. Experimenting with the style or design of the wall can be fun and exciting. Here we have different wall decorating ideas that go well with white furniture pieces. 

Why choose white furniture pieces

White furniture looks stunning and classy. Though the color has a positive impact on the overall appearance of the room, there are different elements to consider. From the color of the walls to the flooring, white furniture pieces can give any room look spectacular. 

White furniture pieces fit well with any contrasting color, such as dark or bright colors. In addition to these, white can be paired with lighter, more neutral tones without losing its natural appeal. White pieces look great in small living rooms, bathrooms, and dining rooms. You can use these pieces and create traditional or contemporary interior design styles. 

Light enhancing with white furniture

White furniture pieces reflect natural light. With the proper entry of light, any room will appear brighter. To highlight this effect, hang mirrors of different sizes on the wall. In addition to the fantastic effect that mirrors give, you also make the interior look vibrant and lively. Moreover, the addition of mirrors can also help you create a gallery of mirrors that is unique and interesting.

Black and white for a classy and sophisticated interior

White furniture pieces are easy to pair with any contrasting color, especially black. Add an accent to your room by decorating the room and wall with items that are colored black. Examples are black curtains, pillow covers, black and white posters, and others. The wall can still be in white to maintain a contemporary-looking room and still retain the elegant appearance. 

Dark walls and white furniture pieces

Dark-colored walls contrast well with white furniture pieces. Add accents on the walls like paintings, posters, shelves, photo galleries, and others to make the room look more fantastic. 

Artwork pieces for a timeless looking room

The pieces of artwork displayed on the wall reflect your personality and style. The appearance of the interior can make any home look cool and wonderful. The art that you will display can be the focal point of your room. White-colored walls are perfect if you are planning to display art pieces. Think of it as a blank canvas to showcase your creativity in designing your rooms. 

Final Thoughts

With these easy guides in decorating the walls, you can add a WOW factor to your room. These are perfect for your white furniture pieces. White pieces and properly decorated walls can create a comfortable and interesting room interior. White can be considered to be the most refreshing among the colors in the spectrum. White furniture pieces along with compelling wall designs can give a sophisticated and elegant appeal to any room. 

Abstract Collage no. 1 poster

Abstract Collage no. 1 poster

A vibrant abstract art with a touch of green for a fun and exciting vibe. If you are looking for a cool and trendy print to add to your wall gallery, our abstract art collection will surely be of great help. Not only that they will add beauty to your wall. The trendy art will also boost your wall appearance as well as add value to your rooms.

Abstract Collage no. 2 poster

Abstract Collage no. 2 poster

Add colors to your room with our vibrant abstract posters. This print will not only make your home look fun and exciting. It will also set a warm and comforting atmosphere that you will surely love. The abstract art will instantly make a total transformation, making your home look trendy and stylish.

Abstract Collage no. 3 poster

Abstract Collage no. 3 poster

A vibrant abstract art with a touch of green for a fun and exciting vibe. If you are looking for a cool and trendy print to add to your wall gallery, our abstract art collection will surely be of great help. Not only that they will add beauty to your wall. The trendy art will also boost your wall appearance as well as add value to your rooms.

Abstract Collage no. 5 poster

Abstract Collage no. 5 poster

Add colors to your room with our vibrant abstract posters. This print will not only make your home look fun and exciting. It will also set a warm and comforting atmosphere that you will surely love. The abstract art will instantly make a total transformation, making your home look trendy and stylish.

Abstract Collage no. 7 poster

Abstract Collage no. 7 poster

A vibrant abstract art with a touch of green for a fun and exciting vibe. If you are looking for a cool and trendy print to add to your wall gallery, our abstract art collection will surely be of great help. Not only that they will add beauty to your wall. The trendy art will also boost your wall appearance as well as add value to your rooms.

Abstract Collage no. 9 poster

Abstract Collage no. 9 poster

A vibrant abstract art with a touch of green for a fun and exciting vibe. If you are looking for a cool and trendy print to add to your wall gallery, our abstract art collection will surely be of great help. Not only that they will add beauty to your wall. The trendy art will also boost your wall appearance as well as add value to your rooms.

Your Own Home Bar? Why Not! Create Your Haven

Food is good but wine is better Poster in interior

Everybody knows that your home is the best place for you to rest and relax. There are many things that can be done in order for you to unwind. You can watch your favorite shows, read books, bond with the family, sleep, or have a drink. 

One of the best ways to include in your home is a home bar. With this added, you need not have to drive to the city just to have a glass of wine or a bottle of beer. Your home bar can be a perfect place to gather your friends, socialize, and have fun. Drinks can be enjoyed as long as the supply lasts and not to mention the lower costs as compared to bars. 

First and foremost

Before even going to the drawing table, know how the bar will be used, Know how you want to spend the day or night with your family and friends. In this way, you will be able to know the things that you need to add to your bar. 

Location of home bar

There are many different locations where you can place your bar. For instance, the kitchen and the basement are the common areas where the bar is located. There are some homes where the bar is placed in recreation rooms. Do not forget to consider the plumbing requirements, power sources, and availability of space. These will help you decide where to put the bar.

Draft a plan

Just like any other room in the house, you should be able to identify what you really want for your home bar. Create a layout and design for your own home bar. Assess the space and determine the size of your bar and its appropriate design. Just be sure that the bar would not make the room appear and feel cramped. 

Know your budget

You will need to hire someone to create the home bar. The design of your bar greatly depends on the space that you have and also the budget. If you have a small space, consider creating a simple one. Curves and other interesting designs can be done if you have a bigger space. 

Choose the proper bar design

Pick something that suits your requirements. Add the necessary items, such as shelves or storage for snacks and bottles. Refrigeration is needed if you have more bottles or cans of beer to store. 

Barstool and seating

Decide on the type of seating that you will be having for your home bar. You may pick a simple bar stool or a fancy one as long as they complement the design of your home.

Vibrant home bar

Make the home bar vibrant by adding some dramatic lighting such as pin lights. Recessed lighting can also be a wonderful idea. Decorate it with accessories to show your personality. Add glass racks and some framed pictures to add to the attractiveness. Posters of wine, food, and other beverages are also perfect to make the home bar look vibrant and welcoming. 

What to stock in your home bar

A properly stocked bar is a must, especially for someone who enjoys entertaining. Pick your favorite alcoholic beverages so that they would impress you as well as your guests. It is also recommended to start small by adding only a few bottles of your choice. This would also save you some money and you would not be wasting any since not all of them will be used immediately. Expand your list once you are comfortable with mixing drinks. 

Here are some items that you may add to your home bar: Gin, Vodka, Bourbon whiskey, Scotch whiskey, Tequila, Rum, and some non-alcoholic mixers such as club soda, tonic water, cola, ginger ale, fruit juice, and angostura bitters. 

Eclectic Design – Its Beauty and Principles

The use of eclectic design is one of the fun and easy ways to decorate your home. This design style gives you the freedom and flexibility of making any home look appealing and interesting. This is your chance to experiment with things and see which decorative items suit your needs. The eclectic design style is also recommended to have a home that is lively and vibrant. 

Eclectic Design – its definition

Think of Eclectic design style as a grocery basket filled with various items that you need for your home or space. There is no uniformity as this design style gives you the freedom and flexibility in decorating your home. The basic principle is that you can choose items from various sources regardless of their origin and history.

Eclectic design style originated during the 19th century. Its objective is to move away from the scope and rules of traditional design and architecture. It aims towards self-realization, freedom of expression, and creativity with the use of different items. You only need to create a room that is cozy and comfortable. 

The good thing about this design style is that you can practically use any item to transform your home. Examples are furniture pieces, souvenir items, gifts given to you, posters, photos, and others. There is no strict rule when it comes to adding valuable items. You only need to unleash your imagination and creativity in designing your space. 

Features of the design style

Achieving an eclectic design style is not that difficult. There are many ways to be successful with your project. The addition of furniture pieces is one of the first things that must be settled. The pieces must blend with each other and that they should be functional, attractive, and comfortable. Any style can be added regardless of their style. 

The use of textiles also sets the mood of your home, especially the plain ones. As the design style emphasizes simplicity, plain textiles will help in achieving it. Moreover, different decorative items may be used as they represent different periods. It is also smart to use light-colored walls and furniture pieces to make the interior look warm and cozy.  

How to achieve eclectic design style

The eclectic design style is about combining different styles until you achieve the appearance that satisfies you. Add two to three styles and see if they suit your taste. For example, is combining traditional and modern styles will give you an interior that is unique and appealing. In addition to these, the use of different decorative items made out of wood, glass, metal, fabric, or plastic also gives a wonderful eclectic style. 

Paint the walls with light colors or natural colors to have an attractive background. This is also true with furniture pieces and decorative items. The furniture pieces, decorative items, fabric, and colors should blend well with each other, thus creating a balance in your home. Your eclectic design style is achieved with the combination of different design styles. If you are still not confident in achieving the design style, you may always consult a professional to help you with this project.

Art wall 65

Art wall 65

Give your wall an upgrade with these trendy vibrant poster art and a motivational quote. The display of it will add value to your home and inspire other people.

Number of posters: 2