Painting posters are interesting wall decors that will make any wall look lively and vibrant. These posters can be added to any room and the results can be totally awesome. These posters bring the elements together. Your personal choice of poster design can likewise reflect your personality, preferences, and aspirations.
What are painting posters?
We all are aware that paintings are created by some of the popular artists. A number of them were even painted by who we call “The Masters” like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Rafael, and others. Most of these paintings are displayed in museums and it is quite impossible to own them.
With today’s technology, owning a copy or replica of famous paintings is not impossible. Painting posters can give you an exact replica of famous paintings at a much lower price. This is your chance to display them in your rooms and make the walls look more appealing and enticing.
You also need to take note that displaying them needs to be considered carefully. It is not enough that they simply be hanged. There are different factors that need to be observed such as the size of the painting poster, height, and the presence of other decorative elements. Understanding some of the fundamentals of hanging painting posters will give you an awesome room that will catch the attention of your family and friends.
How to display painting posters?
The first thing that you need to do is to determine the layout. This is important if you are planning to hang multiple poster pieces to create a compelling wall art. The size, shape, type, and number of posters to be displayed will determine how they should be arranged. Here are some recommendations that may help you with your project.
Lay the posters on the floor in order to get a bird’s eye view of how they will look on your walls. This step will also give you an idea on how they will relate with each other in size, form, subject, theme, and color.
Depending on your preference, you may want to keep similar colors grouped together. You may also opt to scatter the colors in a random pattern. Pay attention to how different sized pieces relate to each other. Large posters should be balanced with smaller pieces. It also makes sense if you will group the posters according to subject and theme.
Rearrange the posters if necessary. This is important until you achieve the desired layout. Make sure that there are equal amounts of space between the posters. As a rule of thumb, it is recommended to have a space of 3 to 4 inches between the prints.
Where to display your posters?
Choose a wall that is proportional in size and orientation to the painting poster you want to display. Whether you are planning to display a single piece or multiple pieces, the posters can be the focal point of your room. Display the painting posters in a way that they stay in line with the room’s size and layout.
A high and narrow wall in the bathroom, for instance, may be a perfect place to display a vertical arrangement of three framed posters. However, this is not a good place to hang an oversized panoramic painting.
Display the painting posters at eye level. If you are planning to display them in groups, the center point should be at eye level. A relative eye level measures between 60 inches and 66 inches up from the floor.