Pop Art is one of the art movements that has taken the art and design industries by storm. It is a popular design that is used for many purposes. Many people adore Pop Art due to its unconventional approach. However different and unique the art is, the style has captivated the interests and hearts of many design enthusiasts.
The Movement
Pop art is a movement that started in the United States and the United Kingdom. In the 1950s, it challenged traditional styles by creating art that included popular and mass culture images. The movement revolutionized the appearance and content of magazines, books, advertising, and others.
One of the movement’s main goals is to create art that uses images of popular culture. Artists usually employ mechanical reproduction, and the materials are sometimes visually removed and replaced with unique materials. Due to the use of objects and images, the art is often compared with abstract art.
Many works of art inspired by the movement are used in advertisements. Examples are the labels of Campbell’s Soup Cans by Andy Warhol, Drowning Girl by Roy Lichtenstein, Bed by Robert Rauschenberg, President-Elect by James Rosenquist, and Marilyn Monroe by Andy Warhol.
How it all started
In 1952, a group of artists in London held a gathering to discuss various topics in art. The group is called the Independent Group, which is led by popular artists like Richard Hamilton, Eduardo Paolozzi, Lawrence Alloway, and Reyner Banham. They discussed mass culture’s place in fine art, science, and technology.
It was the time when the UK was still developing from the atrocities of World War 2, and people were still not open to the popular culture of the United States. The British were enthusiastic about the future of popular culture in the country and were looking forward to the art to influence science fiction, movies, comic books, music, and mobile designs.
During the mid-1950s, different artists and their respective movements influenced the American art community, such as Neo-Dada, Funk Art, Lettrism, Beat Art, and Polymaterialism. The art focused on including concepts instead of sticking to traditional methods. As a result, non-art materials were used, resulting in artworks that express pop culture. The artists who made an impression during that period were Robert Rauschenberg, Ray Johnson, and Jasper Johns.
During the 1960s, more artists became popular in New York and Los Angeles exhibitions. Many used screen printing to create art instead of conventional painting methods. Then, the United States economy also grew simultaneously with music, science, and technology.
Pop Art and Trendy Posters
Many poster designs have been inspired by the Pop Art movement. The public loves these designs because of their extraordinary color combinations and dynamic designs. Artists used simple objects to create remarkable art, which even amazed non-art enthusiasts around the globe.
However, several artists and individuals do not accept the concept of pop art. The art opens the public to new techniques and ideas on how to express themselves in the form of art. Simple everyday objects like soda bottles, cans of mushroom soup, and bottle crates. Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley were commonly portrayed in the posters along with different brands of consumer products.
Displaying poster art is a trend in wall decoration. Pop Art-inspired posters can instantly create a lively vibe, creating a fun and exciting room environment. In addition to being trendy and stylish, posters are more affordable than traditional paintings.