Zebra front face poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Zebra front face animal poster

The image of the zebra is what you need to keep you on your feet and have a vision of what you want for your future. Simple yet interesting art of the animal that will transform the appearance of the room. The zebra is a perfect choice for wall decor as it may represent who and what you are.

Side view Lion poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Side view of animal Lion poster

An animal that is referred to as “the King of the beasts,” the lion is a perfect poster design to add to your rooms. It symbolizes kingly power and might and may also reflect your personality. Created in black and white, this poster is perfect to combine with a minimalist or Scandinavian interior design style.

Add Value To Your Home With Wall Decor

Art wall 65

Upgrading and redesigning our home is not that simple. You are not just considering the aesthetics but also the budget required as well. Though sometimes, it may be quite expensive, there are always creative and resourceful ways to add value to your home without breaking the bank. One way to add value to your home is by decorating the walls. We have here some ideas on how to create wall decors that can increase the value of your home. 

Walls and their relevance

By definition, walls are structures that define an area, carry a load, and provide shelter. Walls like retaining walls, seawalls, solid fences, and barriers have their respective functions. The walls in houses function in both aesthetics and structure. 

Walls are needed by houses and other structures to support roofs, floors, and ceilings. They are also necessary to enclose any space. In general, there are two types of walls in a structure: framed walls and mass walls. Framed walls are composed of three elements: structural, insulation, and finish. Mass walls are usually made from solid materials that include cement, log, and masonry. 

Wall decor and adding value to your home

In many instances, the walls are left plain with paint of the color of your choice. Though paint adds life to any wall, they often look dull and boring. As such, homeowners and designers prefer to have the walls decorated to make them look more appealing and inviting. In addition to these, wall decors can add value to your home just like any other design and structural element of the house.

The focal point

Every home is not complete without a focal point. A focal point gives you something to look at whenever you are in a room. It can be a potted indoor plant, a large mirror, a painting, a photo gallery, or a large-sized poster. Focal points can give a glimpse of what to expect inside a home. A well-planned and designed focal point can capture the attention of anyone and will likewise add life to the walls. 

Color palette

Well-chosen wall decor can provide a color palette. This is important for plain-colored walls. Wall decors can be the answer to any plain walls or even unfinished walls. Wall decors can finish the job and provide the color palette that you love.


Different wall decor items can provide a different sense of texture to your home. Posters that feature different themes can easily complete the overall appearance of your walls. Abstract art, for instance, has a texture that will add beauty to the whole room.

Wall decor ideas that you will love

In reality, there are many ways and materials that you can utilize to decorate your walls. As mentioned earlier, these need not be expensive. You can always reuse or repurpose certain items and make them into attractive wall decors. Of course, there are easy ways such as the display of photos, posters, and paintings. 

In addition to these, you may also try other wall decors like the use of stencils, canvas paintings, wall decals, floating shelves, framed chalkboards, tapestries, vertical gardens, and photo galleries.

Wall Decorating Ideas With White Furniture

Art wall 43

White furniture pieces can create a cozy and comfortable room atmosphere. Though many people think white is a dull and boring color. Well, in fact, the color white represents a lot of things. White symbolizes cleanliness, purity, innocence, and others. White is one of the best colors to choose for your furniture pieces. They can blend well with anything.

Wall decorating ideas with white furniture have limitless possibilities. Experimenting with the style or design of the wall can be fun and exciting. Here we have different wall decorating ideas that go well with white furniture pieces. 

Why choose white furniture pieces

White furniture looks stunning and classy. Though the color has a positive impact on the overall appearance of the room, there are different elements to consider. From the color of the walls to the flooring, white furniture pieces can give any room look spectacular. 

White furniture pieces fit well with any contrasting color, such as dark or bright colors. In addition to these, white can be paired with lighter, more neutral tones without losing its natural appeal. White pieces look great in small living rooms, bathrooms, and dining rooms. You can use these pieces and create traditional or contemporary interior design styles. 

Light enhancing with white furniture

White furniture pieces reflect natural light. With the proper entry of light, any room will appear brighter. To highlight this effect, hang mirrors of different sizes on the wall. In addition to the fantastic effect that mirrors give, you also make the interior look vibrant and lively. Moreover, the addition of mirrors can also help you create a gallery of mirrors that is unique and interesting.

Black and white for a classy and sophisticated interior

White furniture pieces are easy to pair with any contrasting color, especially black. Add an accent to your room by decorating the room and wall with items that are colored black. Examples are black curtains, pillow covers, black and white posters, and others. The wall can still be in white to maintain a contemporary-looking room and still retain the elegant appearance. 

Dark walls and white furniture pieces

Dark-colored walls contrast well with white furniture pieces. Add accents on the walls like paintings, posters, shelves, photo galleries, and others to make the room look more fantastic. 

Artwork pieces for a timeless looking room

The pieces of artwork displayed on the wall reflect your personality and style. The appearance of the interior can make any home look cool and wonderful. The art that you will display can be the focal point of your room. White-colored walls are perfect if you are planning to display art pieces. Think of it as a blank canvas to showcase your creativity in designing your rooms. 

Final Thoughts

With these easy guides in decorating the walls, you can add a WOW factor to your room. These are perfect for your white furniture pieces. White pieces and properly decorated walls can create a comfortable and interesting room interior. White can be considered to be the most refreshing among the colors in the spectrum. White furniture pieces along with compelling wall designs can give a sophisticated and elegant appeal to any room. 

Wall Decorating Ideas For The Nursery

As parents, we always want the best for our little ones. For months, we patiently wait for the arrival of our little bundle of joy. Before that time comes, we need to do a lot of preparations, like preparing the nursery. The nursery can be considered their haven, as this is a room that they will cherish while growing up. 

Preparing the room also includes adding decorations. From choosing the right color to the wall design, we tend to add things that our kids would appreciate. You can easily add accessories to make the room look more fun. Examples are mirrors, trendy posters with frames, and hanging shelves. 

  • Gray is a color that inspires contemplation. However, be careful when using it, as it may also evoke a gloomy feeling. Gray is known to promote thought and emotion, as well as sadness and loneliness. It is recommended to add posters with bright colors to overcome the sadness that the color may cause.
  • Brown is an earth color and one of the best choices for the walls of the nursery. Dark chocolate brown, beige, or tan are recommended. Never use something in the middle. 
  • Orange – this color is considered to be comforting, and the darker shade can create a cozy atmosphere. If you want the room to appear modern, it is advised to use bright orange. You can also hang nature-inspired posters with white backgrounds.
  • Yellow is the sun color, but never use a too bright shade as it will agitate your child. The subtle shade of yellow can promote concentration and emotional thoughts. Hang posters with white-colored frames so that they can neutralize the effects of yellow. 
  • Green – the color can promote a learning environment and calm the mind and body. 
  • Blue is known for having different shades. Like green, blue has a calming effect. However, when combined with a shade of gray, it may promote sadness. It is recommended to use bright blue in the nursery, not navy or dark blue. 
  • White – when used in the nursery, the color is considered to be pleasant and cherubic. Using all-white to decorate the nursery is discouraged not to make the room look plain and simple. Add other colors to have an accent and to evoke emotion and openness. 

Final thoughts

Decorating the nursery is one of the fun and exciting ways to prepare your home for the arrival of your little bundle of joy. Remember that the room is not only good while your baby is young. It can also be useful while they are growing up. It cannot only be used as a sleeping area but can also be a room for learning and playing.

Make the room versatile with the decors that you add. You can choose from the trendy and affordable poster collection of artdesign to easily and instantly beautify the nursery’s walls. Many of these posters can also be used to educate your children, such as animal prints, botanical and floral prints, landscapes, and sceneries.

Wall Decor For Teens – Make Them Count

Tiger front view animal poster in interior

Parents often describe their teens’ bedrooms as battlegrounds. Clothes are everywhere, books are on the floor, drawers are open, and colognes and other personal care products are not in their proper places. Think of them as toddlers in disguise. The room looks like the place where the Hiroshima bomb was dropped. 

The teenage years are considered to be an awkward stage. Experts believe teens are preoccupied and probably confused about what they want. The room reflects who and what your children are. Their room may be considered a sanctuary where they can freely do what they want—of course, not absolute freedom, as there are still house rules that they have to follow. 

Their bedroom is a place where they can relax and study. As parents, we can assist and guide them in their endeavors and problems. We can show and make them feel their importance and tell them the changes happening to their body and surroundings. Try to engage them in different activities, such as interior decorating projects. Decorating their rooms can be a great start to let them decide what’s best for them. This would also be a great way to spend quality time with them.

Wall decorating tips that your teens would love

Decorating your teenagers’ room is fun and exciting as there are many possibilities to make it look wonderful. Here are a few tips that you can follow to make the project successful:

  1. Think about the colors and lighting, as these will give their rooms life. This can be done once the style of the room has been finalized. Before buying the paint or any wall covering, it is recommended to use extra-large paint swatches. This is to avoid any mistakes and waste of money. Moreover, the room’s lighting can also illuminate or highlight the appearance of the wall. The use of pin lights or cafe lights is recommended, as well as the use of dimmer switches.
  2. Wallpaper is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to cover the walls. There are many designs to choose from, and these can give your child’s room a statement that they will love. 
  3. Allow your teens to choose the photos that they want to be displayed. These can be photos of your family, friends, or others. The photos may be framed or taped in a trendy fashion. 
  4. Display trendy posters as various poster designs can be added to the walls of their rooms. You and your teens may choose from different themes to help set the right ambiance. Depending on the design of the print, they can also add color and life to the room. 
  5. Install shelves to display their toys, action figures, books, and other collections. Neutral-colored shelves are highly recommended, as they blend easily into any wall color. 
  6. Wall decals are widely available and can even be purchased online. The good thing about these wall decors is that they are easy to install and are not sticky compared to regular stickers. As such, the paint on the wall will not be damaged.

Final Thoughts

Home decorating projects are not just about beautifying your homes. It is also about spending quality time with the family. Getting your kids involved in the planning up to the actual project is a great way to help them with their creativity and resourcefulness. 

Dark Wall Decorating Ideas

Sunburst on pine tree forest poster in interior

Dark walls are sophisticated and elegant. Decorating them may be quite challenging, but with a few tricks, you can create a fun and exciting room. Read on for more inspiration on decorating dark walls and making the interior look more compelling.  

Decorating the interior with dark walls

It is common to see walls painted with bright colors or with. These colors reflect natural light, making the room appear larger. This is also true with dark-colored walls; however, instead of reflecting light, dark colors absorb light. It is also recommended to have decor displayed to make the interior look more refined and luxurious. Here are some tips on how to decorate your interior when you have dark-colored walls. 

  • Plants and other greens—Studies have shown that plants, trees, and other natural elements can help create a calm and peaceful ambiance. Dark-colored walls tend to recede to the background, making the plants the focal point of the room. In addition to these, plants have several benefits for health and the environment. 
  • Sculptural elements are among the popular trends these days. Examples are the curve of the sofa, flower vases, pots, jars, and the edge of the doorway. The colors of these elements should also contrast the dark walls so they are conspicuous in your rooms. 
  • Large painting – the display of a large painting on a dark-colored wall is all you need to add drama and sophistication to your interior. This will likewise be the focal point of your room or space. It is also recommended that the painting has a large white mat and a slim frame to contrast the dark walls. 
  • Trendy posters—Poster prints in light and vibrant colors are great for dark-colored walls. Arrange them to create a wall gallery that will impress your family and friends. Framed posters are even more impressive, as the frame and neutral colors can be wonderful accents on the wall.
  • White and other bright colors—Adding decorative items and furniture in white and bright colors can create a dramatic effect on the room interior. White linen, bedding, curtains, and blinds work best on dark-colored walls. 

Poster prints for dark-colored walls

The display of posters is one of the easiest and fastest ways to add drama to your walls. Especially when displayed on dark-colored walls, the trendy posters will be the star of your home. Poster prints that feature plants and flowers can give the impression of having a mini forest when displayed on dark-colored walls. 

Abstract art is also best for dark-colored walls. It becomes more evident and visually appealing, making it the focal point of the room. It also makes the room look more sophisticated and elegant. Along with light-colored furniture pieces, trendy posters can be decor elements that will complete the overall appearance of your home. 

Playroom Wall Decor Ideas For A Perfect Theme

If you have kids at home, the playroom is one of the most fun and exciting rooms. This is where you get the chance to have quality time with your little ones through play and learning. Kids need to have a sanctuary where they can play and do whatever they want. 

Decorating the playroom is also an enjoyable experience for both parents and their kids. Parents may involve their children in the decorating project, from the planning stage to the actual doing of the project itself. Parents want the best for their kids, which is also true with the appearance of the playroom. 

The ideal wall appearance for the playroom

Kids are visual learners. Their brains are stimulated when they see pictures and associate them with other things. This is why playschools and preschools use flashcards, posters, and other visual aids to help students learn. Alphabets and numbers are usually seen in prints and displayed on the walls of the classrooms. 

Learning begins at home, so parents always find time to teach their children something. Examples are values, singing, dancing, the alphabet, numbers, and others. For these reasons, parents decorate the playroom with learning materials like educational and academic posters, nature-themed prints, and many others. 

Wall decor ideas for the playroom

Not all homes have a playroom. Many small houses or spaces do not have any provision for playrooms. Designers and homeowners improvise to make their homes special by converting a particular room into a playroom. Sometimes, space is provided in the living room as a playroom. 

The first thing that comes to mind when decorating the playroom is the walls. Planning for the wall design is probably the most crucial part of the project. It is recommended that the kids get involved in deciding on the theme and decorative items to be added. 

There are many things to consider during the planning stage. Talk to your child so that you will have a bird’ s-eye view of what they want for the playroom. It is also possible that you may not agree with your children; however, it is important to compromise with them so that the project will be a success.

Here are some ideas and inspirations that you can use for the wall decorating project:

  • Wall stickers and draw-on frames—these decorative items would fill up any blank spaces on the wall. Many designs are available, and most of them are sold as DIY kits. Draw-on frames will help you and your kids use your imagination and creativity with special markers.
  • Posters—These wall decors are easy to use and cost-efficient. Many designs, such as nature-inspired, animal, alphabet, and numbers, are available that will fit the playroom. In addition to decor elements, posters can be used as learning materials. 
  • Wall gallery—You can create a wall gallery by properly arranging photos of your family, friends, and kids’ activities. Trendy kid-themed posters can also be used to create a compelling wall gallery. It is also highly recommended that you frame them for a more attractive look.

Whatever wall decor you want for the playroom, acknowledging what your children want is the most important thing. This is to customize the playroom according to your children’s personality.

Wall Decorating Ideas For The Bathroom

Multi color lady art print poster

The bathroom is used for personal hygiene activities. This is also the room in your home where you can relax and enjoy your “me time.” If you think bathrooms are just simple rooms, you will be surprised that they also have a colorful history.

Bathrooms can be traced back to 3000 BC when most wealthy families considered bathing a social event rather than a personal hygiene activity. This practice, however, declined during the 16th and 18th centuries. As such, many individuals opted to have private space in their homes. 

Wall art in the bathroom? Why not!

Decorating the bathroom is similar to adding decors to your bedroom or living room. The bathroom is likewise important when it comes to interior decorating. Even if the room is small, adding decorative elements can give a big change.

Here are some ideas on how to make the bathroom look more interesting and compelling:

  • Add colors—Most bathroom walls are covered with neutral colors. Adding colors can make the room look more unique and personalized. For example, multi-colored tiles will make the walls look charming. Combinations of pink and white or purple and white will make the bathroom look elegant and sophisticated. 
  • Pure white—this color can make the bathroom look classic and timeless. White is also a symbol of purity and cleanliness. This color will blend well with the white ceiling and let natural light into the room. 
  • Mirrors—Adding a stylish mirror can bring life to neutral colors. You can reuse old mirrors for a trendy appearance. 
  • Graphic walls—Posters and various wall coverings can make the bathroom look more fun and exciting. The market offers a wide range of designs that best suit the room. Examples are animal prints, nature-inspired, abstract, and black-and-white themes.
  • Mix and match—give your bathroom a funky look with wall coverings designed with different patterns. You can add this on one side of the wall and tiles on the remaining sides. As such, you will add unique and interesting effects to the bathroom. 

These days, many choices are available to decorate any room’s walls. Adding wall art in the bathroom will create a comfortable and relaxing atmosphere. Wall art can also have the best visual impact and satisfy anyone. It is also recommended to upgrade the appearance of the wall with various hardware such as towel bars, drawer pulls, toilet paper holders, and others. 

Trendy and affordable art for a lovely bathroom interior

Decorating the bathroom can be as easy as possible. Poster prints are now available to give the room an easy makeover. A wide range of designs will blend well with any design style in your home. Minimalist-themed poster art, for example, can create an airy and comfortable bathroom interior. These can also help you relax and enjoy your stay in the room. In addition, poster prints are more affordable than any other wall decor available in the market.

Living Room Wall Decorating Ideas

White lilies poster in interior

The living room can have different uses. It can be used as a relaxation area, a sitting area, or a casual living space. It is a comfortable space where you can relax and be comfortable with your family and friends. By decorating the walls, you can create a living room that is more fun and exciting. Here, we will give you some ideas and inspiration on how to transform any dull and boring wall into something fun and vibrant.

Tips to decorate the living room walls

In many homes, the living room is the first room seen after the main entrance. It is considered to be the common area where you can receive guests and bond with your family and friends. It is also a room for relaxing and just enjoying some “me time.” Therefore, it is ideal to ensure that the room has a welcoming and inviting vibe.

There are different ways to create a wonderful living room. By designing or decorating the walls, you can easily achieve the appearance you have been looking for. Wall design may have different appearances, and you can use different materials to make the wall attractive. 

Here are simple tips that you can employ in decorating the walls of the living room:

  • Wall gallery: Framed photographs in different sizes can be combined to create an impressive wall gallery. This wall art can evoke a sense of nostalgia, especially when photos of your family and friends are featured.
  • Wall murals—Installing murals is one innovative way of decorating the walls. There is no need to worry about painting the walls, as these wall coverings can do the job easily. They come in various designs, such as images of nature, scenes, art, and graffiti. 
  • Favorite collection—Many of us have our interests. Collecting various items that spark our interests is one of the hobbies loved by many individuals. Many items can be collected and considered to be valuable. Examples are action figures, toys, travel posters, baseball caps, and old coins. Pick a spot in the room where you can display them with the help of installed shelves. The items can be arranged in such a way that they will draw the attention of the audience.
  • Poster art—Displaying posters is one of the easiest and most cost-efficient ways to decorate the walls. Poster prints come in a wide range of designs and can create a vibrant living room. Framed posters are even more fantastic, as the color and appearance of the frames can add beauty to the prints. 
  • Mirrors are often used in the living room or any room to give the impression of a larger room. They also reflect natural light into the living room for a brighter and warmer atmosphere. Mirrors framed with driftwood can evoke a log cabin experience. 

Final thoughts

Decorating the walls of the living room is one of the best makeovers that you can give your home. Discussed are easy-to-follow tips and inspirations for a more appealing room. The goal is to create a living room that will be enjoyed by your family and friends.