Oriental Decor For Your Home

Japan Vintage Art Poster in interior

For centuries, Oriental decor has influenced Western decor. The Asian-inspired decor is basically based on Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese traditions. The Oriental decor is basically not confined to any one country or culture and spans centuries. The decor can highly be ornamented, with carved surfaces and bold color, or simple lines, free of ornamentation with soothing neutral tones. 

You can choose from the various elements when creating your own Oriental-inspired home interior. What important are the balance and clutter-free features of your home?

Characteristics of Oriental design style

The Oriental decor is broad in the sense that there are many countries with their own decor style. The decor evokes an image of serenity and calmness. The style greatly helps people who are in a fast-paced kind of lifestyle. The decor style can be successfully achieved by ushering in harmony and balance. Precision and clear thought allow you to do away with unwanted additions. 

The Oriental decor is greatly inspired by the colors of nature and often mimics scenic landscapes and colors to suit the interior. With these, it is recommended to keep the backdrop in neutral colors. The backdrop, as much as possible, must be soothing and offer a relaxed and laid-back ambiance. 

The decor is popular for having vibrant accent hues that stand out when placed in a calm and neutral setting. Combining a soft neutral backdrop with exquisite golden tones creates a majestic room. A hint of gold can create a trendy and fashionable statement as well.

Balance is an important element when you want to achieve the Oriental decor in your home. What you need is the right harmony of colors, textures, and elements. Natural stone decorations, wooden floors, bamboo blinds, and some organic textures will do the trick.

Water is another great way to create an Oriental atmosphere in your home. The sound of flowing water in your rooms, as well as the exterior, can create a welcoming and calming mood. A pond is one way to achieve this style, and this can be the focal point of your room.

Just like in any other interior style, lighting can greatly influence the overall appearance of your home. It adds to the visual and accentuates the theme. Examples are hanging paper lanterns, sculptural lighting installations, and a few candles. 

Organic and sustainable materials are highly recommended to achieve the Oriental style in your home. Smooth polished stones, sustainable bamboo blinds, intricately woven tatami mats, and potted plants and shrubs will bring nature into your home. 

Oriental decor in your rooms

Oriental-inspired rooms must be natural, serene, soothing, calm, and Zen. Many rooms, which are Oriental-inspired, bring the outdoors inside through the use of natural materials and the colors of nature. A minimalist approach is also one of the features of the design style. 

In order to achieve the Oriental decor in your room, certain things need to be considered, such as natural color palette, simplicity, bringing nature indoors, and the incorporation of nature-themed wall decor. 

Oriental decor in the backyard

The backyard is fun to design with Oriental decor. As long as you achieve and incorporate the elements for the design style, you will be able to achieve the desired output. Keep in mind that Oriental decor is also nature-inspired, incorporating the elements of nature such as water, earth, plants, and colors. A Japanese garden is one of the perfect examples of an Oriental-inspired backyard. The garden is composed of a koi pond, a Zen garden, bamboo, plants, shrubs, and others. Looking at this type of garden is truly calming, refreshing, and rejuvenating. You will love this kind of backyard and will surely enjoy staying and contemplating it. This is highly recommended for people who want to go home to a place where they could relax after a stressful day at work or school. 

Achieve That American Diner Look In Your Restaurant

The American diner may have that classic look and concept. However, when it comes to restaurants, retro does not always mean old. Many experts believe that the American diner look is more modern rather than classic. There are tons of ways how to decorate a restaurant. If you own one, then you would like to have the best for your business. Read on to learn more about American Diners and what are the things that need to be done to achieve the style. 

Go back in time

Before looking at the decorative elements you need, let’s look at the brief history of American diners. The concept of the diner began early in the 1900s. It was when Water Scott, a Rhode Island entrepreneur, repurposed a horse-pulled wagon into a car that served sandwiches, coffee, and pies. A rewarding business that was copied by others to produce lunch wagons or what we now know as diners. 

Over the years, the concept of diners changed. The look that we are familiar with is that of the 1950s diner. The appearance likewise changed along with the suburbs, with the use of stainless steel exteriors, large windows, and wall decor. Twenty years later, more diners sprouted in different areas and were built with a retro look. It can be considered that diners are part of American culture and have been adopted by many countries, even in the Philippines


In a diner, it is common to see bright and flashy walls with large mirrored sections. There is also a mix of colors, especially bright colors and mirrored wall areas. The wallpaper design can be considered to be retro with wood paneling.


Create a checkered tile floor as this is what a retro diner has. Some restaurants use retro linoleum since there are a lot of design options other than wood or concrete flooring. What makes linoleum a great option, the maintenance is low, and cleaning it would not be a problem.

Lighting and accessories

Establishments using neon lights can now be seen in many areas. Whether they use the light in signages or as wall decors, neon lights can create a bright and gaudy restaurant appearance. In addition to these, 50s wall art is used. This includes road signs, framed posters of the 50s celebrities, number plates, and vinyl records. 

Actually, you do not have to limit yourselves with these suggestions. There are other decors that depict the 50s that you may want to add to your restaurant to achieve the American diner appearance. If you still have ample space, you can display retro motorcycles, gears, and other accessories. 

Look for inspiration

We will agree with you when you say that achieving the American diner-style may be difficult by reading this article alone. You can go around NCR for more inspiration and ideas. For instance, try to visit malls where there is a branch of TGIF as their restaurants have a good retro interior. You can likewise visit Filling Station, in Burgos St. Makati City. The place is packed with customers and the overall design is exemplary.

A Green Home To Sustain The Environment

Art Wall 191

We all know the problem we are facing these days when it comes to the environment. Global warming still poses to be the biggest threat to the planet and this can be blamed on the hundreds of years of exploiting natural resources and the rampant use of fossil fuels. We are now experiencing the effects of our negligence. What more will happen in the years to come. Environmental conditions will continue to deteriorate. We will still experience hotter summers, stronger typhoons, floods, and others. Unless we do something now and contribute to the improvement of our planet. 

We may think that as individuals, there is nothing we can do to change this situation. Even a small contribution can give a big impact on the environment. For instance, segregation of your waste and turning off the lights when not in use can help in sustaining our environment. There are more ways that you can do to save the planet. 

Replace your bulbs with LED lights

Changing your regular light bulbs with LED lights can make a big difference. LED bulbs are more cost-efficient than regular ones. They consume less electricity but emit the same or even better lumens. 

Don’t forget to add a recycling bin and compost bin

Recycling bins are very helpful when you are segregating glass bottles, jars, bottles, and other rubbish. Compost bins, on the other hand, are helpful in discarding leftovers. It can also give you free fertilizer for your garden. You can improvise your own compost bin if you want to save money or buy commercially available compost bins. These are designed to keep your backyard tidy and odor-free.

Herbs and spices in your garden

Plant your own herbs and spices and you will receive many benefits from them. These plants do not take much space and can be done in small pots. Do this on the patio or even provide a small spot in your home. These can even be used for your favorite dishes

Decorate your home with indoor plants

Indoor plants are not only effective in improving air quality. They can also make your home look vibrant and refreshing. Just don’t forget to give them what they need, such as sunlight and water. 

Use attractive and functional window treatments

Curtains and blinds are commonly used as insulators. As such, room temperature can be regulated without the use of air conditioners, thus saving electricity. These can also be used to add style to your home. 

Use homemade natural cleaning products

Natural cleaning products are effective as those that are bought in groceries. Moreover, they do not contain any harmful chemicals which is important especially if you have kids at home. You can make your own cleaning agents by using vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice. If you’re not sure how to use them, there are a lot of videos on YouTube that can help you.

DIY instead of buying new items

Why buy new items when you can create your own. DIY items can unleash your creativity. The good thing about this project is that you can do this with your family for a productive weekend. You can recycle old items in your home and use them to create new products. For sure, your kids will have a great time doing this project with you. 

Seascape or Mountainscape – Your Choice

Limestone and Crystal Seas poster

If you are planning for a getaway this summer, then there may be a lot on your list. You do not even have to leave the country for the vacation you deserve. Throughout the year, we have been hectic with our schedules. From the deadlines that we need to beat at work, to the errands we have to accomplish at home. Our plates may sometimes be overflowing with things to do that we tend to forget to take a break to destress and recharge ourselves. 

In the Philippines, there are a lot of travel destinations that can meet our needs. You can choose from a wide range of places. Depending on your budget and availability, there is always the right vacation spot for you. For many of us, there are only two types of places to go. It’s either the mountains for some adventure camping or the beach for a cool and refreshing break. Whatever the choice is, the goal is to go on a furlough. 

Going on mountain climbing is not for the faint of heart. Depending on the mountain that you would like to try, it takes a lot more than just the desire and love for nature. We know that getting close to nature is one of the keys to rejuvenating. However, you also need the strength and stamina to move up and reach the summit. If you have done this trip when you were at the right age, then you must have remembered the very first time you tried this activity.

Starting from the foot of the mountain, you will see yourself about to take on some of nature’s challenges. You will walk for some kilometers with gears that weigh almost the same as you. This is why it is highly recommended to pack lightly. Take only the things that you need. The most important stuff to have are water and food. Believe us when we say that you will need them a lot on this trip. 

Traversing the hiking path is fun and exciting. You will have the opportunity to breathe pure and clean air along with the sight of luscious greens. Walking up the path will also give you the chance to meet other hikers. This trip will also make you feel how to be on top of the clouds and see the world from another angle. 

Seeing the mountains and being part of it is a new kind of adventure. The fun and excitement are at a different levels. The adrenaline rush is unexplainable. Some of the best mountains to climb in the Philippines are Mt. Halcon, Mt. Pinatubo, Mt. Pulag, and Mt. Apo. 

On the other hand, if mountain climbing is not your thing, then you may choose to go to the seas and beaches. Having 7,100 islands, the country is filled with beach resorts and diving sites. The sophisticated details, such as underwater rivers and cave formations add an element of exotic adventure to your vacation. The dry season or summer is considered to be the best time to visit these paradises. Therefore, start planning your vacation between November to April. 

All beaches in the country are captivating. Along with breezes and soft sand, they have something remarkable to offer that cannot be seen in other countries. They are simply stunning and you can feast your eyes on caves, corals, and marine life. 

So, choosing between the two may be difficult at times. Why suffer when you can have both of the best worlds. With the different modes of transportation we have, reaching your chosen destinations will not be a problem. Only by going to these places, you will truly say that the Philippines is rich in beautiful places and biodiversity.

Bring The Ambiance Of The Sea To Your Home

Seaside Flowers poster

The sea is one of the popular images in books and movies. It is also a great idea to give any living space the ambiance of the sea. As such, your home will have a beach-like atmosphere that is perfect for the summer. In addition to the ambiance, you can use beach posters to personalize your rooms. Experts believe that the decors that you display in your home are reflections of who and what you are. Moreover, the sea has many meanings that have been recorded throughout the years. Read on to learn more about the sea and why it is great to have that beach ambiance in your home. 

The symbolism of the sea

For many centuries, images of the sea can be found in different forms. These include literature, art, poetry, film, theater, and music. Artists have different interpretations of the sea or ocean. Some may see it as a hostile environment because of the various creatures living in them. Different countries have their respective mythology about popular sea creatures. Examples are the Kraken in Norse mythology and you have probably seen this creature in some popular Hollywood films. 

Dreams about seas are associated with the emotional state of mind. Going to the beach is fun and exciting, and this is one of the most awaited activities when summertime begins. Beaches in dreams represent you being sporty and energetic. It may also mean that you want to experience a new adventure and leave the dull and boring life.

Beach posters for a refreshing vibe

Over the years, posters have been used by homeowners and designers as wall coverings. These wall decors hide any imperfections of the walls. In addition to covering the flaws, posters add value and beauty to any living space.  

These days, many poster companies create prints with fun and exciting designs. The poster designs help in achieving the interior style that you want for your homes. Interestingly, some of the favorites are images of beaches, seas, or oceans. These designs come in different themes and styles that are perfect to be matched with any interior design style. 

Displaying beach-themed posters is just like creating a paradise in your home. Imagine yourself having a vacation at one of the beach resorts in your country. Though the display of beach-themed posters may not be the real deal, you will be creating wall art that will serve as an inspiration to others. 

A touch of nature through the use of posters is also a great idea to make any living space look and feel more inviting and relaxing. Wall art that depicts the sea can be an impressive view while reading or studying in your bedroom. They may also help you concentrate while doing your nightly yoga or meditation.  

Final thoughts


Beach-themed posters are some of the best decor items that you can add to your walls. They have a natural beauty that can help you achieve a paradise-looking room interior. You can also add matching decor elements such as water, stones, and sand. The incorporation of tropical plants can also enhance the beach wall art making it the focal point of your home. 

Swim Away! Swim Away!

Sky meets sea poster

As we feel the heat this summer we go our ways to make our bodies cool. Any ideas on your mind? For most of us, the most popular way is to go swimming. This is not the time to be hydrophobic as going for a swim will beat the heat that we are experiencing these days. Seems like every year, the temperature rises and there are many factors to blame. Global warming is surely hitting the planet. 

Since the lowering of alert levels in NCR and others, many people have gone to tourist destinations around the country. Where else will they go, but in beaches, private resorts, pool areas, and others? However, there are those who prefer to stay home and relax. This is when having a good relaxing home environment comes in.

Just by checking out some web pages, you will be bombarded with thousands of venues to spend the summer. You can go to some of the favorite beaches and resorts in the country. Batangas, for one, is packed with resorts that sometimes you will be overwhelmed with the numbers. Laguna is also a haven for resorts and private pools for rent. However, if you want to see and experience white sand beaches, then go further south in Boracay and Palawan. As internationally renowned islands in the Philippines, these travel destinations have received thousands of international and local guests. 

If you have already chosen your vacation spot, then what’s next on the menu? Of course, activities that can be done with your family or friends. The first thing that will pop out of your mind is water activities. As a come-on to potential customers, many resorts include different water activities in the package they are offering. 

Water activities never go out of trend, especially during the summers. Swimming for one has a lot of benefits to the body. To be honest, this is not an easy sport, and for many individuals, it takes them months or even years before they learn the basic strokes. Swimming is not for everybody. Some may even prefer to stay on the shores and make sandcastles. 

Heard of banana boats? Funny as they may sound but, yeah, they are air-filled and banana-shaped water vessels. Then after the ride with the banana boat, level it up with a jetski ride. Personally, these jet-powered rides are not recommended since the force they emit can destroy and kill corals and other water organisms. 

Yes, swimming and other water activities are fun and exciting. However, just keep in mind that we are just borrowing the sea for recreational activities and the flora and fauna need to be preserved. After all, we are the stewards of nature. This may sound like being an environmentalist but nothing is wrong with giving a few reminders before immersing yourself in non-stop water action. 

Maximize your stay in beach resorts and take a peek at the under-the-sea community. There you will be able to appreciate what nature has in store for us. Snorkeling is good enough to see the corals and schools of fish. 

Staying at home and enjoying the comfort of your bed and backyard is not bad at all. All you need to do is create an ambiance that is comfortable and relaxing. Personalize your walls with adornments and trendy art. These will help in turning your home into a vacation spot.

Vacation Mode Is On!

Hammock at beach photography poster

It’s summertime again and we know that there is a lot on your plate. By now, you may be thinking of the best getaway with your friends or family. Although many kids still have school these days because of the change in the school calendar, it is still a tradition to spend some fun adventures during this season. If up to this day you are still wondering what to do, then do some research first. 

The internet is a great source of information and you can check various websites first for some interesting ideas. Some of the top ideas to do for summer are often times listed by bloggers and even in various articles. 

Doing some water activities never goes out of trend and there are different ways to enjoy the warmth of the water. Are you ready for some vitamin “sea”? Many resorts have already opened their doors to travelers. With the number of COVID 19 cases decreasing and the lowering of alert levels, we may be able to enjoy going to the beach again. Imagine all the memorable activities that can be done with the fam!

The Philippines is packed with wonderful beaches and some of them are recognized internationally. Boracay is one of the popular places to visit and is known for its infamous white sand beaches. If you want to be different, then the country has other amazing travel destinations, like Palawan, Bolinao, and Bohol

Of course, some of these vacation ideas may be costly, but sometimes it is worth spending for a fun and memorable escapade. If money is an issue, no need to worry as there are other remarkable ways to spend the summer and still have limitless fun and excitement. There are still many resorts in the country that are far more affordable. 

Want to go nature tripping? We have tons of sites to choose from and are likewise affordable. Mountain climbing may be challenging yet once you have reached the summit, the feeling is surreal! Take your selfies and be proud of your achievement. 

If you do not want to go far and you live in the metro or in the suburban areas, then there are parks and museums in many cities and municipalities that you can visit anytime. Manila, for instance, is a historical city with old places worth visiting. Many of these tourists spots were built centuries ago. That is why you will have a crash course in history while strolling around the city. 

While others love the outdoors, there are those who enjoy the indoors for various reasons. Probably, for some, this is not the time yet to immerse themselves in crowded areas. Or simply, they do not like the outdoors. As such, you can still bring nature to your home with some decors. Indoor plants are best to give your room a touch of nature. Plants also evoke positive effects on health. They are also good for the sense of vision as natural colors can be refreshing and rejuvenating. 

If you are afraid that plants will just die in your arms, then add wall decors, such as personalized framed posters. Posters have thousands of designs and will surely add life to your walls. A decorated home is also a great place to enjoy the summer while binge-watching K-dramas or movies. 

Now that you have these ideas, there are no more excuses not to enjoy summer with your family and friends. Make this year’s summer more memorable than the other summer vacations.

El Nido poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

El nido poster

El Nido is a paradise in the island of Palawan. A favorite vacation spot to relax. The place is known for white-sand beaches, coral reefs, and greenery. El Nido is also famous for its clear and fish-filled waters. Create your own getaway with a trendy poster that features one of the popular landmarks of the Philippines. A cool and refreshing site that will make your rooms relaxing and rejuvenating.

Beach sea poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Beach sea poster

Water is natural solvent and it can also cleanse and purify. It also nourishes the earth to satisfy the body and other organisms. A poster print of the beach is one of the impressive arts to display to create a lively yet rejuvenating room atmosphere. A poster print that is cool and refreshing to the sense of vision will likewise create a calming and relaxing mood to the mind.

Palm leaves on beach poster with Black Frame Nordic Interior Wall Decor

Palm leaves on beach poster

Water is natural solvent and it can also cleanse and purify. It also nourishes the earth to satisfy the body and other organisms. A poster print of the beach is one of the impressive arts to display to create a lively yet rejuvenating room atmosphere. A poster print that is cool and refreshing to the sense of vision will likewise create a calming and relaxing mood to the mind.